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Last active February 22, 2025 09:39
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  • Save antifuchs/10138c4d838a63c0a05e725ccd7bccdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save antifuchs/10138c4d838a63c0a05e725ccd7bccdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A nix module that arranges the macOS dock the way you want it. Note: It won't allow you to manually re-arrange the items on it; the dock gets reset everytime you log in.
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.local.dock;
stdenv = pkgs.stdenv;
options = {
local.dock.enable = mkOption {
description = "Enable dock";
default = stdenv.isDarwin;
example = false;
local.dock.entries = mkOption
description = "Entries on the Dock";
type = with types; listOf (submodule {
options = {
path = lib.mkOption { type = str; };
section = lib.mkOption {
type = str;
default = "apps";
options = lib.mkOption {
type = str;
default = "";
readOnly = true;
config =
mkIf (cfg.enable)
dockutil = (import ./dockutil.nix);
du = "env PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 ${dockutil}/bin/dockutil";
normalize = path: if hasSuffix ".app" path then path + "/" else path;
entryURI = path: "file://" + (builtins.replaceStrings
# TODO: This is entirely too naive and works only with the bundles that I have seen on my system so far:
[" " "!" "\"" "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "(" ")"]
["%20" "%21" "%22" "%23" "%24" "%25" "%26" "%27" "%28" "%29"]
(normalize path)
wantURIs = concatMapStrings
(entry: "${entryURI entry.path}\n")
createEntries = concatMapStrings
(entry: "${du} --no-restart --add '${entry.path}' --section ${entry.section} ${entry.options}\n")
system.activationScripts.postUserActivation.text = ''
echo >&2 "Setting up persistent dock items..."
haveURIs="$(${du} --list | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cut -f2)"
if ! diff -wu <(echo -n "$haveURIs") <(echo -n '${wantURIs}') >&2 ; then
echo >&2 "Resetting Dock."
${du} --no-restart --remove all
killall Dock
echo >&2 "Dock is how we want it."
with (import <nixpkgs> { });
derivation {
name = "dockutil-2.0.5";
builder = "${bash}/bin/bash";
args = [
${unzip}/bin/unzip $src
${coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p $out/bin
${coreutils}/bin/mv dockutil-2.0.5/scripts/dockutil $out/bin/dockutil
src = fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "0b18awdaimf3gc4dhxx6lpivvx4li7j8kci648ssz39fwmbknlam";
system = builtins.currentSystem;
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
local.dock.entries = [
{ path = "${pkgs.emacs}/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/Applications/Google"; }
{ path = "/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/System/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/System/Applications/"; }
{ path = "/System/Applications/"; }
# Folders:
path = "/Users/asf/Downloads/";
section = "others";
options = "--sort dateadded --view grid --display folder";
path = "/Users/asf/Mess/Mess/";
section = "others";
options = "--sort name --view grid --display folder";
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Swoorup commented Sep 14, 2024

Thought someone might find this useful. The package on nix channel, takes quite a long time to build, so instead I use the one from homebrew.

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

# Original source:

  cfg = config.module.dock;
  normalize = path: if lib.hasSuffix ".app" path then path + "/" else path;
  entryURI = path:
    "file://" + (builtins.replaceStrings
      [ " " "!" ''"'' "#" "$" "%" "&" "'" "(" ")" ]
      [ "%20" "%21" "%22" "%23" "%24" "%25" "%26" "%27" "%28" "%29" ]
      (normalize path));
  wantURIs = lib.concatMapStrings (entry: ''
    ${entryURI entry.path}
  '') cfg.entries;

  brewPrefix = config.homebrew.brewPrefix;

  createEntries = lib.concatMapStrings (entry: ''
    ${brewPrefix}/dockutil --no-restart --add '${entry.path}' --section ${entry.section} ${entry.options}
  '') cfg.entries;
  config = lib.mkMerge [
    (lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
      assertions = [{
        assertion = config.module.programs.homebrew.enable;
        message = "homebrew must be enabled to use the dock module";

    (lib.mkIf (cfg.enable && config.module.programs.homebrew.enable) {
      homebrew.brews = ["dockutil"];

      system.activationScripts.postUserActivation.text = ''
        echo >&2 "Setting up the Dock..."
        haveURIs="$(${brewPrefix}/dockutil --list | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cut -f2)"
        if ! diff -wu <(echo -n "$haveURIs") <(echo -n '${wantURIs}') >&2 ; then
          echo >&2 "Resetting Dock."
          ${brewPrefix}/dockutil --no-restart --remove all
          killall Dock
          echo >&2 "Dock setup complete."

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elbelga commented Oct 10, 2024

I have modified dock.nix to add spacers and folders

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

# Original source:

with lib;
  cfg = config.local.dock;
  inherit (pkgs) stdenv dockutil;
  options = {
    local.dock.enable = mkOption {
      description = "Enable dock";
      default = stdenv.isDarwin;
      example = false;

    local.dock.entries = mkOption
        description = "Entries on the Dock";
        type = with types; listOf (submodule {
          options = {
            type = lib.mkOption { 
              type = str;
              default = "app";
            path = lib.mkOption { 
              type = str;
              default = "";
            view = lib.mkOption {
              type = str;
              default = "auto";
            display = lib.mkOption {
              type = str;
              default = "folder";
            section = lib.mkOption {
              type = str;
              default = "apps";
            options = lib.mkOption {
              type = str;
              default = "";
        readOnly = true;

  config =
    mkIf cfg.enable
          normalize = path: if hasSuffix ".app" path then path + "/" else path;
          entryURI = path: "file://" + (builtins.replaceStrings
            [" "   "!"   "\""  "#"   "$"   "%"   "&"   "'"   "("   ")"]
            ["%20" "%21" "%22" "%23" "%24" "%25" "%26" "%27" "%28" "%29"]
            (normalize path)
          wantURIs = concatMapStrings
            (entry: "${entryURI entry.path}\n")
          createEntries = concatMapStrings
              if hasSuffix "spacer" entry.type then 
                "${dockutil}/bin/dockutil --no-restart --add '' --type ${entry.type} --section ${entry.section}\n"
              else if entry.type == "folder" then
                "${dockutil}/bin/dockutil --no-restart --add '${entry.path}' --view ${entry.view} --display ${entry.display}\n"
                "${dockutil}/bin/dockutil --no-restart --add '${entry.path}' --section ${entry.section} ${entry.options}\n"
            ) cfg.entries;
          system.activationScripts.postUserActivation.text = ''
            echo >&2 "Setting up the Dock..."
            haveURIs="$(${dockutil}/bin/dockutil --list | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cut -f2)"
            if ! diff -wu <(echo -n "$haveURIs") <(echo -n '${wantURIs}') >&2 ; then
              echo >&2 "Resetting Dock."
              ${dockutil}/bin/dockutil --no-restart --remove all
              killall Dock
              echo >&2 "Dock setup complete."

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