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Forked from garbados/argh.txt
Last active February 25, 2025 19:38
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Save antler5/4ef675d79f8684950dd7572ccd18b9ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ guix shell guile-next guile-hoot guile-goblins --pure
hint: Consider passing the `--check' option once to make sure your shell does not clobber environment variables.
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
1.1 MB will be downloaded
guile-goblins-0.15.0 1.1MiB 664KiB/s 00:02 ▕██████████████████▏ 100.0%
The following derivation will be built:
building CA certificate bundle...
listing Emacs sub-directories...
building fonts directory...
building directory of Info manuals...
building profile with 3 packages...
/home/garbados/.oh-my-zsh/ command not found: mkdir
/home/garbados/.oh-my-zsh/tools/ command not found: git
/home/garbados/.oh-my-zsh/ command not found: rm
nvm:7: command not found: tr
nvm:7: command not found: tr
omz_urlencode:18: command not found: iconv
Error converting string from ANSI_X3.4-1968 to UTF-8
$ bash
$ guix shell --pure guile-next guile-hoot guile-goblins
/home/garbados/.oh-my-zsh/ command not found: mkdir
/home/garbados/.oh-my-zsh/tools/ command not found: git
/home/garbados/.oh-my-zsh/ command not found: rm
nvm:7: command not found: tr
nvm:7: command not found: tr
omz_urlencode:18: command not found: iconv
Error converting string from ANSI_X3.4-1968 to UTF-8
$ guix shell --pure bash guile-next guile-hoot guile-goblins -- bash --noprofile --norc
bash-5.1$ guild compile-wasm -o js/goblins.wasm js/goblins.scm
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1762:12 12 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In unknown file:
11 (apply-smob/0 #<thunk 750bb49c52a0>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
731:2 10 (call-with-prompt _ _ #<procedure default-prompt-handle?>)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
619:8 9 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 750bb49c9c80>)))
In /gnu/store/cb25kfzqr5ms3nmz3v7ahzgwdp1cjci1-profile/bin/guild:
72:17 8 (main _)
In scripts/compile-wasm.scm:
373:22 7 (compile-wasm . _)
In ice-9/ports.scm:
451:17 6 (call-with-input-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _ # _)
In hoot/compile.scm:
344:18 5 (_ _)
245:4 4 (compile _ #:imports _ #:import-abi? _ #:export-abi? _ # ?)
214:5 3 (scheme->sealed-tree-il _ #:imports _ #:import-abi? _ # ?)
In hoot/library-group.scm:
701:19 2 (link-library-group _ #:load-library _ #:features _ # _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
267:13 1 (for-each #<procedure link-import! (iset)> _)
In hoot/library-group.scm:
696:16 0 (link-import! _)
hoot/library-group.scm:696:16: In procedure link-import!:
module not found (goblins)
bash-5.1$ guild compile-wasm -L . -o js/goblins.wasm js/goblins.scm
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1762:12 16 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In unknown file:
15 (apply-smob/0 #<thunk 7f3deafab2a0>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
731:2 14 (call-with-prompt _ _ #<procedure default-prompt-handle?>)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
619:8 13 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7f3deafafc80>)))
In /gnu/store/hagyncrpinjjc1rkdqzk7m7ngkgqwwm6-profile/bin/guild:
72:17 12 (main _)
In scripts/compile-wasm.scm:
373:22 11 (compile-wasm . _)
In ice-9/ports.scm:
451:17 10 (call-with-input-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _ # _)
In hoot/compile.scm:
344:18 9 (_ _)
245:4 8 (compile _ #:imports _ #:import-abi? _ #:export-abi? _ # ?)
214:5 7 (scheme->sealed-tree-il _ #:imports _ #:import-abi? _ # ?)
In hoot/library-group.scm:
701:19 6 (link-library-group _ #:load-library _ #:features _ # _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
267:13 5 (for-each #<procedure link-import! (iset)> _)
In hoot/library-group.scm:
683:6 4 (link-library! #<<library> src: #("hoot/library-group.s?>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
267:13 3 (for-each #<procedure link-import! (iset)> _)
In hoot/library-group.scm:
683:6 2 (link-library! #<<library> src: #("goblins/core.scm" 17?>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
267:13 1 (for-each #<procedure link-import! (iset)> _)
In hoot/library-group.scm:
696:16 0 (link-import! _)
hoot/library-group.scm:696:16: In procedure link-import!:
module not found (ice-9 vlist)
bash-5.1$ guild compile-wasm -L $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/share/guile/site/3.0 -o js/goblins.wasm js/goblins.scm
ice-9/psyntax.scm:2663:4: In procedure syntax-violation:
Syntax error:
/gnu/store/rd9amv1vp76z2y00v29y5dlgg53x2yqz-guile-hoot-0.6.0/share/guile/site/3.0/hoot/primitives.scm:441:17: define-module: library-group only supports modules with #:declarative? #t in form (define-module (hoot primitives) #:pure #:use-module (hoot frontend) #:use-module ((guile) #:select (canonicalize-path search-path define-syntax-rule syntax-case syntax quasisyntax unsyntax unsyntax-splicing syntax->datum datum->syntax identifier? generate-temporaries free-identifier=? bound-identifier=? with-syntax identifier-syntax make-variable-transformer syntax-violation procedure-property lambda* case-lambda* define* call-with-prompt abort-to-prompt ash logand logior logxor lognot logtest logbit? keyword? bitvector? cons* fluid? fluid-ref fluid-set! with-fluid* with-dynamic-state make-variable variable-ref variable-set! keyword->symbol symbol->keyword exact->inexact error raise-exception eval-when make-struct/simple struct? struct-vtable struct-ref struct-set! gensym string-utf8-length make-record-type record-type-parents struct-vtable? vtable-index-printer make-fluid make-parameter parameter? parameter-fluid parameter-converter hashq hashv hash make-regexp regexp? regexp-exec string-copy pk resolve-module variable-bound? macro? module-for-each module-uses)) #:use-module ((system syntax internal) #:select (syntax-local-binding make-syntax syntax? syntax-expression syntax-wrap syntax-module syntax-sourcev)) #:use-module ((system base target) #:select (target-runtime)) #:use-module ((ice-9 ports) #:select (the-eof-object %make-void-port)) #:use-module ((ice-9 atomic) #:select (make-atomic-box atomic-box-ref atomic-box-set! atomic-box-swap! atomic-box-compare-and-swap!)) #:use-module ((ice-9 regex) #:select (regexp-match? match:string match:start match:end match:count match:substring)) #:use-module ((rnrs bytevectors) #:select (make-bytevector bytevector? bytevector-copy! bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref bytevector-u8-set! bytevector-s8-ref bytevector-s8-set! bytevector-u16-native-ref bytevector-u16-native-set! bytevector-s16-native-ref bytevector-s16-native-set! bytevector-u32-native-ref bytevector-u32-native-set! bytevector-s32-native-ref bytevector-s32-native-set! bytevector-u64-native-ref bytevector-u64-native-set! bytevector-s64-native-ref bytevector-s64-native-set! bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! string->utf8 utf8->string)) #:use-module ((scheme base) #:select (_ ... => else lambda define let let* letrec letrec* or and begin if cond case when unless do set! quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing include include-ci define-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax syntax-rules syntax-error guard dynamic-wind values call-with-values apply pair? cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr! null? append * + - / < <= = > >= abs floor ceiling number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact-integer? exact? inexact? quotient remainder modulo char->integer integer->char char? eof-object? eq? eqv? string? string-length string-ref string->list symbol? symbol->string string->symbol vector? make-vector vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! procedure?)) #:use-module ((scheme case-lambda) #:select (case-lambda)) #:use-module ((scheme inexact) #:select (inexact sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt)) #:re-export (_ ... => else lambda case-lambda define let let* letrec letrec* or and begin if cond case when unless do set! quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing include include-ci define-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax syntax-rules syntax-error define-syntax-rule syntax-case syntax quasisyntax unsyntax unsyntax-splicing (syntax->datum . %syntax->datum) (datum->syntax . %datum->syntax) identifier? generate-temporaries free-identifier=? bound-identifier=? with-syntax identifier-syntax make-variable-transformer syntax-local-binding syntax-violation procedure-property target-runtime gensym lambda* case-lambda* define* (make-record-type . guile:make-record-type) (record-type-parents . guile:record-type-parents) (vtable-index-printer . guile:vtable-index-printer) (struct-vtable? . guile:struct-vtable?) (make-fluid . guile:make-fluid) (fluid? . guile:fluid?) (make-parameter . guile:make-parameter) (parameter? . guile:parameter?) (parameter-fluid . guile:parameter-fluid) (parameter-converter . guile:parameter-converter) (%make-void-port . guile:make-void-port) (hashq . guile:hashq) (hashv . guile:hashv) (hash . guile:hash) (make-bytevector . guile:make-bytevector) (bytevector-copy! . guile:bytevector-copy!) (string->list . guile:string->list) (string-copy . guile:string-copy) (syntax? . guile:syntax?) (make-syntax . guile:make-syntax) (syntax-expression . guile:syntax-expression) (syntax-wrap . guile:syntax-wrap) (syntax-module . guile:syntax-module) (syntax-sourcev . guile:syntax-sourcev) (make-regexp . guile:make-regexp) (regexp? . guile:regexp?) (regexp-exec . guile:regexp-exec) (regexp-match? . guile:regexp-match?) (match:string . guile:match:string) (match:start . guile:match:start) (match:end . guile:match:end) (match:count . guile:match:count) (match:substring . guile:match:substring) (pk . guile:pk) (dynamic-wind . %dynamic-wind) (values . %values) (call-with-values . %call-with-values) apply (pair? . %pair?) (cons . %cons) (car . %car) (cdr . %cdr) (set-car! . %set-car!) (set-cdr! . %set-cdr!) (null? . %null?) (append . %append) (bytevector-length . %bytevector-length) (bytevector-u8-ref . %bytevector-u8-ref) (bytevector-u8-set! . %bytevector-u8-set!) (bytevector? . %bytevector?) (string->utf8 . %string->utf8) (utf8->string . %utf8->string) (string-utf8-length . %string-utf8-length) (* . %*) (+ . %+) (- . %-) (/ . %/) (< . %<) (<= . %<=) (= . %=) (> . %>) (>= . %>=) (abs . %abs) (floor . %floor) (ceiling . %ceiling) (number? . %number?) (complex? . %complex?) (real? . %real?) (rational? . %rational?) (integer? . %integer?) (exact-integer? . %exact-integer?) (exact? . %exact?) (inexact? . %inexact?) (inexact . %inexact) (quotient . %quotient) (remainder . %remainder) (modulo . %modulo) (sin . %sin) (cos . %cos) (tan . %tan) (asin . %asin) (acos . %acos) (atan . %atan) (sqrt . %sqrt) (char->integer . %char->integer) (integer->char . %integer->char) (char? . %char?) (eof-object? . %eof-object?) (eq? . %eq?) (eqv? . %eqv?) (string? . %string?) (string-length . %string-length) (string-ref . %string-ref) (symbol? . %symbol?) (symbol->string . %symbol->string) (string->symbol . %string->symbol) (symbol->keyword . %symbol->keyword) (keyword->symbol . %keyword->symbol) (vector? . %vector?) (make-vector . %make-vector) (vector . %vector) (vector-length . %vector-length) (vector-ref . %vector-ref) (vector-set! . %vector-set!) (error . %error) (raise-exception . %raise-exception) (procedure? . %procedure?) (call-with-prompt . %call-with-prompt) (abort-to-prompt . %abort-to-prompt) (ash . %ash) (logand . %logand) (logior . %logior) (logxor . %logxor) (lognot . %lognot) (logtest . %logtest) (logbit? . %logbit?) (keyword? . %keyword?) (bitvector? . %bitvector?) (cons* . %cons*) (fluid-ref . %fluid-ref) (fluid-set! . %fluid-set!) (with-fluid* . %with-fluid*) (with-dynamic-state . %with-dynamic-state) (make-atomic-box . %make-atomic-box) (atomic-box-ref . %atomic-box-ref) (atomic-box-set! . %atomic-box-set!) (atomic-box-swap! . %atomic-box-swap!) (atomic-box-compare-and-swap! . %atomic-box-compare-and-swap!) (bytevector-s8-ref . %bytevector-s8-ref) (bytevector-s8-set! . %bytevector-s8-set!) (bytevector-u16-native-ref . %bytevector-u16-native-ref) (bytevector-u16-native-set! . %bytevector-u16-native-set!) (bytevector-s16-native-ref . %bytevector-s16-native-ref) (bytevector-s16-native-set! . %bytevector-s16-native-set!) (bytevector-u32-native-ref . %bytevector-u32-native-ref) (bytevector-u32-native-set! . %bytevector-u32-native-set!) (bytevector-s32-native-ref . %bytevector-s32-native-ref) (bytevector-s32-native-set! . %bytevector-s32-native-set!) (bytevector-u64-native-ref . %bytevector-u64-native-ref) (bytevector-u64-native-set! . %bytevector-u64-native-set!) (bytevector-s64-native-ref . %bytevector-s64-native-ref) (bytevector-s64-native-set! . %bytevector-s64-native-set!) (bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref . %bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref) (bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! . %bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!) (bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref . %bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref) (bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! . %bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!) (the-eof-object . %the-eof-object) (make-variable . %make-box) (variable-ref . %box-ref) (variable-set! . %box-set!) (make-struct/simple . %make-struct) (struct? . %struct?) (struct-vtable . %struct-vtable) (struct-ref . %struct-ref) (struct-set! . %struct-set!)) #:export (%inline-wasm %wasm-import include-from-path (syntax-module-bindings . guile:syntax-module-bindings)) #:declarative? #f)
bash-5.1$ guix shell --pure -m manifest.scm -- bash -c './ && ./configure && make'
# Works
bash-5.1$ guix shell --pure -m manifest.scm -- bash -c './ && ./configure && make js/goblins.wasm'
autoreconf: Entering directory `.'
autoreconf: not using Gettext
autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4
aclocal: warning: couldn't open directory 'm4': No such file or directory
autoreconf: tracing
autoreconf: not using Libtool
autoreconf: running: /gnu/store/yx5k2gnkwpfaw3wc64f8b9bak9wd5cgr-autoconf-2.69/bin/autoconf --force
autoreconf: not using Autoheader
autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing warning: user target 'dvi' defined here ...
automake: ... overrides Automake target 'dvi' defined here consider using dvi-local instead of dvi
autoreconf: Leaving directory `.'
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes
checking for pkg-config... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
configure: checking for guile 3.0
configure: found guile 3.0
checking for guile-3.0... no
checking for guile3.0... no
checking for guile-3... no
checking for guile3... no
checking for guile... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/guile
checking for Guile version >= 3.0... 3.0.9
checking for guild... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/guild
checking for guile-config... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/guile-config
checking for Guile site directory... /gnu/store/ylwk2vn18dkzkj0nxq2h4vjzhz17bm7c-guile-3.0.9/share/guile/site/3.0
checking for Guile site-ccache directory using pkgconfig... /gnu/store/ylwk2vn18dkzkj0nxq2h4vjzhz17bm7c-guile-3.0.9/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache
checking for Guile extensions directory... /gnu/store/ylwk2vn18dkzkj0nxq2h4vjzhz17bm7c-guile-3.0.9/lib/guile/3.0/extensions
checking for Guile module source directory... /gnu/store/ylwk2vn18dkzkj0nxq2h4vjzhz17bm7c-guile-3.0.9/share/guile/3.0
checking if (fibers) is available... yes
checking if (gnutls) is available... yes
checking if (web socket server) is available... yes
checking for Hoot reflect.js directory...
configure: WARNING: Hoot reflect.js directory not found
checking for Hoot reflect.wasm directory...
configure: WARNING: Hoot reflect.wasm directory not found
checking for dot... /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/dot
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating goblins/config.scm
config.status: creating pre-inst-env
/gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/guild compile-wasm -L "/gnu/store/ylwk2vn18dkzkj0nxq2h4vjzhz17bm7c-guile-3.0.9/share/guile/3.0" -L "/tmp/guile-goblins" -o "js/goblins.wasm" "js/goblins.scm"
guild: unknown script "compile-wasm"
Try `guild help' for more information.
make: *** [Makefile:1603: js/goblins.wasm] Error 1
bash-5.1$ guix shell --pure -m manifest.scm guile-hoot -- bash -c './ && ./configure && make js/goblins.wasm'
WARNING: Use of `load' in declarative module (scripts compile-wasm). Add #:declarative? #f to your define-module invocation.
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
1752:10 10 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In unknown file:
9 (apply-smob/0 #<thunk 7f048c2e9300>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
724:2 8 (call-with-prompt _ _ #<procedure default-prompt-handle?>)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
619:8 7 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7f048c2ecc80>)))
In /gnu/store/rqz53l3v094w6r9wa22m6xzs9dbyd5jk-profile/bin/guild:
72:17 6 (main _)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
619:8 5 (_ #(#(#(#(#(#<directory (scripts compile-?> ?)) ?) ?) ?))
293:34 4 (_ #(#(#(#(#(#<directory (scripts compile-?> ?)) ?) ?) ?))
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
152:2 3 (with-fluid* _ _ _)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
182:19 2 (proc #(#(#<directory (scripts compile-wasm) 7f0489?> ?)))
142:16 1 (compile-top-call #<directory (scripts compile-wasm) 7?> ?)
In unknown file:
0 (%resolve-variable (7 . compile-file) #<directory (scri?>)
ERROR: In procedure %resolve-variable:
Unbound variable: compile-file
make: *** [Makefile:1603: js/goblins.wasm] Error 1
bash-5.2$ guix shell --pure -m manifest.scm guile-hoot -- bash -c './ && ./configure && GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 make js'
/gnu/store/b17nnfwyj8kc6xvl77m2s373xal0gzwk-profile/bin/guild compile-wasm -L "/gnu/store/ylwk2vn18dkzkj0nxq2h4vjzhz17bm7c-guile-3.0.9/share/guile/3.0" -L "/tmp/guile-goblins" -o "js/goblins.wasm" "js/goblins.scm"
;;; WARNING: loading compiled file /gnu/store/b17nnfwyj8kc6xvl77m2s373xal0gzwk-profile/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/scripts/compile-wasm.go failed:
;;; In procedure load-thunk-from-memory: incompatible bytecode version
;;; WARNING: loading compiled file /gnu/store/b17nnfwyj8kc6xvl77m2s373xal0gzwk-profile/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/hoot/config.go failed:
;;; In procedure load-thunk-from-memory: incompatible bytecode version
;;; WARNING: loading compiled file /gnu/store/b17nnfwyj8kc6xvl77m2s373xal0gzwk-profile/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/hoot/compile.go failed:
;;; In procedure load-thunk-from-memory: incompatible bytecode version
;;; WARNING: loading compiled file /gnu/store/b17nnfwyj8kc6xvl77m2s373xal0gzwk-profile/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/hoot/library-group.go failed:
;;; In procedure load-thunk-from-memory: incompatible bytecode version
;;; WARNING: loading compiled file /gnu/store/b17nnfwyj8kc6xvl77m2s373xal0gzwk-profile/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/hoot/inline-wasm.go failed:
;;; In procedure load-thunk-from-memory: incompatible bytecode version
In ice-9/threads.scm:
390:8 19 (_ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
3253:13 18 (_)
In ice-9/threads.scm:
390:8 17 (_ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
3544:20 16 (_)
2836:4 15 (save-module-excursion #<procedure 7fadfa06e480 at ice-?>)
3564:26 14 (_)
In unknown file:
13 (primitive-load-path "hoot/inline-wasm" #<procedure 7fa?>)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
721:20 12 (primitive-eval (define-module (hoot inline-wasm) # # ?))
In ice-9/psyntax.scm:
1229:36 11 (expand-top-sequence (#<syntax:inline-wasm.scm:22:0 (?>) ?)
1221:19 10 (parse _ (("placeholder" placeholder)) ((top) #(# # ?)) ?)
259:10 9 (parse _ (("placeholder" placeholder)) (()) _ c&e (eval) ?)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
293:34 8 (_ #<module (#{ g43}#) 7fadfa07ad20>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
3411:4 7 (define-module* _ #:filename _ #:pure _ #:version _ # _ ?)
3424:24 6 (_)
222:29 5 (map1 (((ice-9 match)) ((language tree-il #) # (#)) # ?))
222:29 4 (map1 (((language tree-il primitives) #:select (#)) # ?))
222:17 3 (map1 (((language tree-il effects) #:select (#)) (# ?) ?))
3354:12 2 (resolve-interface (language tree-il effects) #:select _ ?)
260:13 1 (for-each #<procedure 7fadfa015780 at ice-9/boot-9.scm?> ?)
3361:19 0 (_ _)
ice-9/boot-9.scm:3361:19: In procedure resolve-interface: no binding `add-primcall-effect-analyzer!' in module (language tree-il effects)
make: *** [Makefile:1603: js/goblins.wasm] Error 1
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