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Last active May 15, 2024 03:37
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;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 antlers <[email protected]>
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
;; As with my other keyboard Gists, here's a snapshot of my Taipo config as
;; I transition from copying upstream to tweaking for myself (ie. it's as
;; close to upstream as it'll ever be).
;; The Scheme code used to generate these bindings can be found in my
;; kanata-config repo at commit 'cdad9bcb3' (once published).
tar (chord taipo R)
tas (chord taipo S)
tan (chord taipo N)
tai (chord taipo I)
taa (chord taipo A)
tao (chord taipo O)
tat (chord taipo T)
tae (chord taipo E)
ta1 (chord taipo TB1)
ta2 (chord taipo TB2)
tmr (chord taipo-meta R)
tms (chord taipo-meta S)
tmn (chord taipo-meta N)
tmi (chord taipo-meta I)
tma (chord taipo-meta A)
tmo (chord taipo-meta O)
tmt (chord taipo-meta T)
tme (chord taipo-meta E)
tm1 (chord taipo TB1)
tm2 (chord taipo TB2))
layer-toggle-taipo (layer-while-held taipo)
layer-toggle-taipo-meta (layer-while-held taipo-meta)
taipo (on-press toggle-virtualkey layer-toggle-taipo)
taipo-meta (on-press toggle-virtualkey layer-toggle-taipo-meta)
(deflayer taipo
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ @tar @tas @tan @tai _ _ _ @tai @tan @tas @tar _ _
_ @taa @tao @tat @tae _ _ _ @tae @tat @tao @taa _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ @ta1 @ta2 @ta1 _ _ _
(deflayer taipo-meta
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ @tmr @tms @tmn @tmi _ _ _ @tmi @tmn @tms @tmr _ _
_ @tma @tmo @tmt @tme _ _ _ @tme @tmt @tmo @tma _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ @tm1 @tm2 @tm1 _ _ _
;; macro'd
(defchords taipo 5000
;; (R S N I A O T E TB1 TB2)
(R S N I A O T E ) @taipo-meta
(A) a
(A TB1) S-a
(A TB2) S-,
(R S) b
(R S TB1) S-b
(R S TB2) 9
(O E) c
(O E TB1) S-c
(O E TB2) 1
(A E) d
(A E TB1) S-d
(A E TB2) S-2
(E) e
(E TB1) S-e
(E TB2) S-9
(S I) f
(S I TB1) S-f
(S I TB2) 6
(R I) g
(R I TB1) S-g
(R I TB2) S-3
(T E) h
(T E TB1) S-h
(T E TB2) 0
(I) i
(I TB1) S-i
(I TB2) S-0
(N A) j
(N A TB1) S-j
(N A TB2) =
(I O) k
(I O TB1) S-k
(I O TB2) +
(A O) l
(A O TB1) S-l
(A O TB2) 4
(R E) m
(R E TB1) S-m
(R E TB2) S-4
(N) n
(N TB1) S-n
(N TB2) S-[
(O) o
(O TB1) S-o
(O TB2) {
(S N) p
(S N TB1) S-p
(S N TB2) 7
(A T) q
(A T TB1) S-q
(A T TB2) 3
(R) r
(R TB1) S-r
(R TB2) S-.
(S) s
(S TB1) S-s
(S TB2) S-]
(T) t
(T TB1) S-t
(T TB2) [
(O T) u
(O T TB1) S-u
(O T TB2) 2
(S E) v
(S E TB1) S-v
(S E TB2) S-8
(I A) w
(I A TB1) S-w
(I A TB2) S-7
(R T) x
(R T TB1) S-x
(R T TB2) S-6
(N I) y
(N I TB1) S-y
(N I TB2) 5
(R N) z
(R N TB1) S-z
(R N TB2) 8
(S T) /
(S T TB1) \
(S T TB2) S-\
(N O) -
(N O TB1) S--
(N O TB2) S-5
(R O) S-;
(R O TB1) ;
(R O TB2) _
(I T) S-/
(I T TB1) S-1
(I T TB2) _
(N E) ,
(N E TB1) .
(N E TB2) S-grv
(S A) '
(S A TB1) S-'
(S A TB2) grv
(R A ) (one-shot 2000 lmet)
( I E ) (one-shot 2000 lsft)
( S O ) (one-shot 2000 lalt)
( N T ) (one-shot 2000 lctl)
( S N I ) tab
( O T E ) ret
;; GIST NOTE: Detritus.
(defchords taipo-meta 5000
(R S N I A O T E) @taipo-meta
;; ( S E Y) spc
;; (A R T ) caps ;; should technically be shift lock, probably need to use fake keys for that
;; (A R ) bspc
;; ( R T ) del
;; ( S E ) C-c
;; ( E Y) C-v
;; (A ) home
;; ( R ) up
;; ( T ) end
;; ( S ) left
;; ( E ) down
;; ( Y) rght
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