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Created April 8, 2018 07:26
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module eigensolvers
using Base.Test
using PyPlot
# A,B and P must implement *
# A must be hermitian, A implemented as a function (not a matrix)
# B and P must be HDP
Id(x) = x
function eig_pcg(A,x0;B=Id,P=Id,tol=1e-16,maxiter=400,do_cg=true)
#pre-allocate big arrays
X = zeros(eltype(x0),size(x0)[1],3)
AX = zeros(eltype(x0),size(x0)[1],3)
BX = zeros(eltype(x0),size(x0)[1],3)
# ensure normalization of x0
Bx0 = B(x0)
x = (1 / sqrt(real(dot(x0,Bx0))))*x0
Ax = A(x)
Bx = Bx0 / sqrt(real(dot(x0,Bx0)))
@test isapprox(dot(x,Bx),1)
lambda = 0
x_prev = zeros(x0)
Ax_prev = zeros(x0)
Bx_prev = zeros(x0)
res_history = zeros(maxiter)
for i=1:maxiter
lambda_prev = lambda
# build new (preconditioned) residual and convergence test
lambda = dot(x,Ax) / dot(x,Bx)
@test abs(imag(lambda)) < 1e-9
lambda = real(lambda)
resid = Ax - lambda*Bx
println("iter $i, λ = $lambda, res = $(norm(resid))")
res_history[i] = norm(resid)
if norm(resid) < sqrt(tol) || abs(lambda - lambda_prev) < tol
return x,lambda, res_history[1:i]
# P_resid = P(resid)
# AP_resid = A(P_resid)
# BP_resid = B(P_resid)
nsub = (do_cg && (i > 1)) ? 3 : 2
# build subspace
X[:,1] = x
AX[:,1]= Ax
BX[:,1]= Bx
X[:,2] = P(resid)
AX[:,2] = A(X[:,2])
BX[:,2] = B(X[:,2])
if nsub == 3
X[:,3] .= x.-x_prev
AX[:,3] .= Ax.-Ax_prev
BX[:,3] .= Bx-Bx_prev
# bookkeeping previous x
x_prev = x
Ax_prev = Ax
Bx_prev = Bx
# rotate into new x
@views begin
c = rayleigh_ritz(X[:,1:nsub],AX[:,1:nsub],BX[:,1:nsub])
x = X[:,1:nsub]*c
Ax = AX[:,1:nsub]*c
Bx = BX[:,1:nsub]*c
@test isapprox(dot(x,Bx),1)
return x,lambda, res_history
# Returns a column vector c such that X c is B-normalized and achieves the minimum of the Rayleigh quotient in the subspace spanned by X
function rayleigh_ritz(X, AX, BX)
hamiltonian = X'*AX
overlap = X'*BX
@test isapprox(hamiltonian,hamiltonian',atol=1e-9)
@test isapprox(overlap, overlap',atol=1e-9)
hamiltonian = (hamiltonian + hamiltonian')/2
overlap = (overlap + overlap')/2
# ## Simpler and faster code, but fails if overlap is badly conditioned
# D,V = eig(hamiltonian,overlap)
# c = V[:,1]
#TOFIX this is still not good enough, and accuracy saturates at 1e-7...
#A x = lambda B x. Assume B = V S V^* = (V S^1/2) (V S^1/2)^*, then the problem is equivalent to S^-1/2 V^* A V S^-1/2 y = lambda y, with y = S^1/2 V^* x. Here we also allow dropping columns of B in case of ill-conditioning
S,V = eig(overlap)
n = count(x -> (x < 1e-16),S)
V = V[:,n+1:end]
S = diagm(S[n+1:end]) # could be optimized
ham_reduced = S^(-1/2)*V'*hamiltonian*V*S^(-1/2)
ham_reduced = (ham_reduced + ham_reduced')/2
D,U = eig(ham_reduced)
c = U[:,1]
@test isapprox(norm(c),1)
c = V*(S^(-1/2)*c)
@test isapprox(dot(c,overlap*c),1)
c = c / sqrt(real(dot(c,overlap*c))) # ensure normalization, normally not needed if eigensolver recognizes ham and ovl are hermitian
return c
function test_pcg()
n = 500
A = randn(n,n) + im*randn(n,n)
A = (A+A')/2 # force hermitian
B = randn(n,n) + im*randn(n,n)
B = (B'*B) + I # force HDP
x0 = ones(Complex128,n)
x,lambda, res_history = eig_pcg(x->A*x,x0,B=(x->B*x), maxiter=100)
lambda_iter, x_iter, nconv, niter, nmult, resid = eigs(A,B;which=:SR,v0=x0,maxiter=100)
@test isapprox(lambda_iter[1],eig(A,B)[1][1], rtol=1e-6)
@test isapprox(lambda,eig(A,B)[1][1],rtol=1e-6)
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