This gist contains a Docker Compose file that sets up a Puppet infrastructure with Puppet Server, PuppetDB, PostgreSQL, and Puppetboard services.
The services are linked together through environment variables, and a health check is implemented to ensure that the infrastructure is running smoothly.
- The Puppetboard service is available on http://localhost:80, providing a web interface for Puppet management and monitoring.
- The Puppet Server can be accessed via :8140 port, serving as the central control point for Puppet agents.
- Additionally, we can also find the information provided by PuppetDB at http://localhost:8080.
To use this gist, follow these steps:
Download the Docker Compose file.
Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the Docker Compose file is located.
Run the following command to start the Puppet infrastructure:
docker-compose up -d
This command will create three volumes to store the data for Puppet DB, PostgreSQL, and Puppet Server. The volumes will be initialized in the working directory.
Additionally, the ./puppetserver/code directory is used to store the Puppet manifests. You can place your Puppet code in this directory.