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Last active February 18, 2021 19:57
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Feedback for a code snippet
// This is feedback and refactoring of a code snippet. You can see the original in feedback.png
public class Feedback_EN : MonoBehaviour
// Whenever we define a variable it allocates some memory and deallocates it back once we are done with the
// variable. This is called garbage collection, and a relatively slow process. Of course, a single ray won't
// affect the performance. In fact, it is called "micro-optimization." But why not do it if we can
private Ray _ray;
// Similarly, we don't need to redefine Raycast hit in each frame
private RaycastHit _hit;
// Camera.main was a very expensive process. It was optimized recently, but I didn't check the
// performance in the newer versions. Still, I don't think it will hurt to store it in a variable
private Camera _cam;
// Usually, when we perform a raycast we do it against a specific set of objects. In this case, it looks like
// it should be something like "Ground." So the mask can be set only to the "Ground" layer, or just ignore
// some irrelevant layers. This is a private field because no one outside this script should care about it.
// But since we want to set it in the Inspector window, we should expose it. [SerializeField] attribute does exactly that.
[SerializeField] private LayerMask mask;
// Raycast is a relatively expansive operation. So we want to optimize it as much as we can. Setting maximum
// length is one of those optimizations. Unless we want to shoot a ray to infinity, we always should specify
// its length.
[SerializeField] private float rayLength = 10;
// We want to check whether or not the agent is this close to its destination. The "Sqr" at the end indicates
// that it is a square of the actual value. This is another optimization, and I will talk about it later
[SerializeField] private float arriveDistanceSqr = 0.01f;
// I assume that the agent was set somewhere in the original script.
[SerializeField] private Agent agent;
private void Awake()
_cam = Camera.main;
// In the original snippet, the variable names were in Turkish. It is a very bad idea to use any language except
// English in the code. At some point, you might want to ask something online. People will have a very hard time
// understanding your code. Or you may hire or collaborate with someone who doesn't speak your language. Then
// you will have a problem and many hours of lost productivity. So I have translated names to English.
private void Update()
// Checking for mouse input is much cheaper than raycasting. And obviously, we want to do stuff only when we
// click somewhere. So checking for the mouse button first makes more sense.
_ray = _cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if(Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hit, rayLength, mask))
// Checking or searching for game objects by name is a very very bad idea. String operations are
// relatively expansive, we can make a mistake when writing it in code. And if the name of the object
// changes, we will have to search through all of the code-base to find where we used it. But if you
// really need to use a string at least do what I did here. For the full explanation check out my blog
// over here:
// Now you can't make a spelling mistake, and if you need to change it you will need to do it from a single place.
if( == Constants.Strings.floor)
agent.destination = _hit.point;
// In the original script agent.destination was compared to _hit.point. It doesn't make any sense, because we just
// assigned agent.destination to _hit.point. So the values obviously will be the same. I assume the purpose was to
// check whether or not the agent reached its destination. So we need to compare agent.destination with its current
// position. We could use the == operator, but it is a bad idea. Float calculations are not super precise. Even if
// you see 0 in the inspector, and debug log prints out the value of 0.0, it actually could be 0.0000001 or something.
// Which is obviously not 0. So it is a good idea to use Mathf.Approximately(a, b) when we compare two floats. The
// same thing applies to Vector3 since it is only a set of three floats. However, we won't be checking for the exact
// values, because it is unlikely that all three floats will be exactly what we want them to be. Instead, we will
// check the proximity or distance between two points. If it is smaller than a certain value, we can assume that the
// agent has arrived at its destination.
// We could have used Vector3.Distance, or Vector3.Magnitude over here (they mean the same thing). However,
// calculating a distance between two points, or a length of a vector requires taking a square root at one point.
// Taking a square root is an expansive operation. But when we use Vector3.DistanceSqr we skip the square root part
// and get the squared distance as a result. Unless we want to know the exact distance we should always avoid
// calculating the magnitude of a vector.
if(Vector3.DistanceSqr(agent.destination, agent.transform.position) <= arriveDistanceSqr)
// Bu geribildirimi gist'e ekli olan feedback.png dosyasindaki kod parcasina verdim
public class Feedback_TR : MonoBehaviour
// Herhangi bir degiskeni tanimladigin zaman ram'de buna yer ayriliyor, isin bitince de o yer
// ram'e geri veriliyor. Buna garbage collection deniyor, ve agir bir islem. Tabi tek bir ray
// performansi etkilemeyecektir, ve bu bir "mikro optimizasyon" ama firsatin varsa neden yapmayasin
private Ray _ray;
// Benzer sekilde RaycastHit'i de her frame'de tanimlamamiza gerek yok
private RaycastHit _hit;
// Camera.main islemi son zamanlarda optimize edilmis olsa da hala biraz pahali olabilir. Son
// surumlerdeki performans farkina bakmadim, ama bir kere atayip hep onu kullanmakta fayda var.
private Camera _cam;
// Raycast islemini yaparken genelde spesifik objelere karsi yapiyorsun. Senin durumunda karakterin
// yuruyebilecegi alanlar bunlar. Cok buyuk ihtimalle o alanlar spesifik bir layer altinda toplanilabilir.
// Bu degiskene private dememin bu script disinda kimsenin ilgilenmiyor olmasi. Ancak bu degiskeni
// Inspector penceresinden atayabilmek istiyoruz, o yuzden basina [SerializeField] yazdim.
[SerializeField] private LayerMask mask;
// Raycast gorece pahali bir islem. O yuzden mumkun oldugu kadar optimize etmekte fayda var. Yukaridaki
// LayerMask ve buradaki ray uzunlugu bu optimizasyonun bir parcasi. Muhtemelen sonsuzdaki bir obje ile
// Ilgilenmiyorsun. O yuzden ray'in uzunlugunu belirlemekte fayda var.
[SerializeField] private float rayLength = 10;
// agent objesinin gitmeye calistigi yere varip varmadigini kontrol ederken istedigimiz noktaya bu kadar
// yaklasti mi diye bakacagiz. Sonundaki "Sqr" asil mesafenin karesi oldugunu anlatiyor. Bu da ileride
// deginecegim bir optimizasyon.
[SerializeField] private float arriveDistanceSqr = 0.01f;
// Navmesh agent'i bir yerlerde bir sekilde tanimladigini varsayiyorum.
[SerializeField] private Agent agent;
private void Awake()
_cam = Camera.main;
// Turkce degisken ve metod isimleri kullanmak kotu bir pratik. Yarin obur gun
// bir problem ile kod parcasini internete atarsan ne yazdigini kimse anlamayacak.
// O yuzden her seyi Ingilizce yazacagim
private void Update()
// Yaptigin uc if karsilastirmasi icinde en ucuzu Input.GetMouseButton(0)
// O yuzden ilk once onu yapman daha mantikli.
_ray = _cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if(Physics.Raycast(_ray, out _hit, rayLength, mask))
// Bir seyleri isimleri ile aramak cok cok kotu bir fikir. hem strin islemleri gorece pahali
// hem stringi yanlis yazma ihtimalin var, hem de sahnedeki objenin ismi her zaman degisebilir.
// Isim degisirse kodun her satirini tek tek incelemen gerekecek, ben bunu nerede kullandim diye.
// Burada kullandigim yontemi su blog yazimda anlattim:
// Bu yontem sayesinde ismi yanlis yazma ihtimalin ortadan kalkiyor, ve string'i degistirmen gerekirse
// sadece tek bir yerden degistiriyorsun.
if( == Constants.Strings.floor)
agent.destination = _hit.point;
// Attigin script'te agent.destination ile _hit.point'i karsilastiriyordun. Bu cok anlamsiz bir karsilastirma,
// cunku zaten yukarida _hit.point'i agent.destination'a atamistin. Yani "Floor" objesine tikladigin anda bu
// agent.destination == _hit.point karsilastirmasi her zaman dogru donecektir. Oyle tahmin ediyorum ki sen
// bu objenin (ya da agent'in oldugu objenin) gitmeye calistigi noktaya varip varmadigini anlamaya calisiyorsun.
// Bunun icin agetn'in pozisyonunu kontrol etmen lazim. Pozisyonu kontrol ederken "==" kullanmak cok mantikli degil.
// Float ile yapilan islemler bizim goremedigimiz cok cok ufak hatalar ile sonuclanabilir. Mesela inspector ve
// Debug.Log ile baktigimizda 0 gibi gorunen rakam aslinda 0.000001 olabilir. Bu nedenle iki float arasindaki farka
// bakip maksimum kabul edilebilir hata ile karsilastirmaliyiz. Pozisyon Vector3 olarak tutuluyor, ki o da uc tane
// float'tan olusuyor. O yuzden iki nokta arasindaki uzakligi olcmek daha mantikli.
// Burada Vector3.Distance(agent.destination, agent.transform.position) kontrolu de yapabilirdik. O zaman
// arriveDistanceSqr (yani istedigimiz noktaya olan uzakligin karesi) yerine, direk arriveDistance (yani istedigimiz
// noktaya olan uazkligi) kullanabilirdik. Peki bunu neden yapmadik? Cunku iki nokta arasindaki mesafe hesabi yapilirken
// en son kare kok alinir. Kare kok almak oldukca agir bir islem. DistanceSqr metodu kare koku almadan islemi bitiriyor
// ve elimizde istedigimiz mesafenin karesi kaliyor. Ki bu da bircok durumda kullanilabilecek bir sonuc.
if(Vector3.DistanceSqr(agent.destination, agent.transform.position) <= arriveDistanceSqr)
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