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Created December 10, 2020 22:52
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Deno Tests
import { assertEquals, superoak, bcrypt } from "../deps.js";
import { getNumberOfWeek } from "../utils/dates.js";
import { isHashSameWith, isUserExist } from "../utils/validation-rules.js";
import { getUser } from "../services/userService.js";
import { executeQuery } from "../database/database.js";
import app from "../app.js";
name: "Should GET request to / return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /api/summary return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/api/summary").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /api/summary/:year/:month/:day return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/api/summary/2020/12/12").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /api/summary/:year/:month/:day return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/api/summary/1988/12/12").expect(200).expect({
message: {
average_generic_mood: null,
average_sleep_duration: null,
average_sleep_quality: null,
average_sports_time: null,
average_studies_time: null,
average_eating_quality: null,
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /auth/login return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/auth/login").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /auth/registration return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/auth/registration").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /auth/summary return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/auth/logout").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /route/not/found return status code 404",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/route/not/found").expect(404);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should POST request to /auth/login send invalid email and empty password and return validation messages",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
.expect(/password is invalid/)
.expect(/Email is invalid or doesn't exist/);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should POST request to /auth/login send valid email and password and return message with non-existent user",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
.send("[email protected]&password=blabla")
.expect(/Email is invalid or doesn't exist/);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should POST request to /auth/registration send invalid email and empty password and return validation messages",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
.expect(/password is invalid/)
.expect(/Email is invalid or user already exists!/);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /behavior/reporting return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/behavior/reporting").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /behavior/reporting/morning return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/behavior/reporting/morning").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /behavior/reporting/evening return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/behavior/reporting/evening").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should GET request to /behavior/summary return status code 200",
fn: async () => {
const testClient = await superoak(app);
await testClient.get("/behavior/summary").expect(200);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should return number of week from full date",
fn: async () => {
const date = new Date("2020/12/12");
const numberOfWeek = getNumberOfWeek(date);
assertEquals(numberOfWeek, 50);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should return valid user by email",
fn: async () => {
const email = "[email protected]";
const user = await getUser(email)
assertEquals(, email);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should not return user by email if not exist",
fn: async () => {
const email = `alohomora${Math.random()}`;
const user = await getUser(email)
assertEquals(user, null);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should return object if isUserExist function match invalid case",
fn: async () => {
const email = `alohomora${Math.random()}`;
const returnedValue = await isUserExist(email)
assertEquals(returnedValue, {
implicit: false,
params: {
value: email,
rule: "isUserExist",
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
name: "Should return metadata object on executeQuery function call with valid query param",
fn: async () => {
const returnedValue = await executeQuery("SELECT 'Hello World';")
assertEquals(returnedValue.rowCount, 1);
assertEquals(returnedValue.command, "SELECT");
assertEquals(returnedValue.rows,[["Hello World"]]);
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false
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