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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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import os, re
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger, PdfFileReader
pages = ['ADS786x',
for i in pages:
os.system ('wget '+gitprint_url+i+'\?download')
os.system ('mv '+i+'?download'+' '+i+'.pdf')
# Need to create a sequence of pages to arrange them in one single PDF
# Sequence is :
# Installing-PyBBIO
# Using PyBBIO
# API Documentation
# Anything that's there in API Documentation
sequence = ['Installing-PyBBIO',
# Get the API Documentation markdown for parsing
os.system ('wget')
# Parse and get the sequence of all pages that are linked from here.
# This is (probably) the only page where new links will be added
pattern = re.compile('.*?\[(.*?)\]')
with open('') as f:
for line in f:
t = pattern.match(line)
if t:
#print line.split('wiki/')[1].split(')')[0]
sequence.append (line.split('wiki/')[1].split(')')[0])
#print sequence
merger = PdfFileMerger()
for filename in sequence:
merger.append(PdfFileReader(file(filename+'.pdf', 'rb')))
for i in pages:
os.system ('rm '+i+'.pdf')
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