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Created September 19, 2016 23:21
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Find longest palindrome formed by removing or shuffling chars from string
// Find longest palindrome formed by removing or shuffling chars from string
// Given a string, find the longest palindrome that can be constructed by removing or shuffling characters from the string.
// Return only one palindrome if there are multiple palindrome strings of longest length.
// Examples:
// Input: abc
// Output: a OR b OR c
// Input: aabbcc
// Output: abccba OR baccab OR cbaabc OR
// any other palindromic string of length 6.
// Input: abbaccd
// Output: abcdcba OR ...
// Input: aba
// Output: aba
///// I will parse the string and count the number of occurances of each characters in the strings
//// Rules for a string to be a pallindrome:
//// At most only one character can occur odd number of times
//// All other characters must occur even number of times
//// if 2 characters occur at odd number of times then one of them must drop 1 character to make one of it even
//// create a pallindrome with the set of characters
function parseAndDropChars(str) {
var charDict = {};
for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) {
if ( charDict[str[i]] === undefined) {
charDict[str[i]] =1;
else {
var cur_cnt = charDict[str[i]];
charDict[str[i]] = cur_cnt + 1;
var odd_cnt=0;
for(var ch in charDict) {
if(charDict[ch] % 2 != 0) {
if(odd_cnt > 0)
charDict[ch] = charDict[ch] - 1;
for(var ch in charDict) {
if(charDict[ch] == 0)
delete charDict[ch];
return charDict;
function createPallindrome(charDict) {
var halfpalli="";
var pivot="";
for(var ch in charDict) {
if(charDict[ch] % 2 == 0) {
var cl = charDict[ch];
for(var i=0;i<cl/2;i++) {
halfpalli = halfpalli + ch;
else {
if(charDict[ch] == 1) {
pivot= ch;
else {
var cl = charDict[ch];
for(var i=0;i<cl/2;i++) {
halfpalli = halfpalli + ch;
pivot = ch;
return halfpalli + pivot + halfpalli.split('').reverse().join('');;
function solution(str) {
return createPallindrome(parseAndDropChars(str));
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