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hs_id hs_path hs_created_at hs_name Name description icon
6062060458 2018-08-13 21:09:53 Action Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases.
6061195538 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Adventure Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales.
6062060459 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Animated Widely credited for the revival of feature-length animated filmmaking within contemporary Hollywood, computer-animated films are today produced within a variety of national contexts and traditions.
6062060460 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Comedy Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter.
6062060461 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Crime Crime films are developed around the sinister actions of criminals, particularly bankrobbers, underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operate outside the law.
6062060462 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Drama Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters and life situations involving intense character development and interaction.
6062060463 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Fantasy Fantasy films are about magic or supernatural forces, rather than technology (as science fiction) if it happens to take place in a modern or future era.
6062060464 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Horror Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, while captivating and entertaining the viewer.
6062060465 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Mystery Mystery films revolve around the solution of a problem or a crime, focusing on the efforts of the detective or private investigator to solve the mysterious circumstances.
6062060466 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Sci-Fi Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative - complete with fantastic places, futuristic technology, and extraordinary monsters.
6062060467 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Thriller Thriller film, also known as suspense film or suspense thriller, is a broad film genre that involves excitement and suspense in the audience.
6062060468 2018-08-13 21:09:54 Western Westerns are the major defining genre of the American film industry - a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American frontier.
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hs_id hs_path hs_created_at hs_name title description image year review
6059563650 raiders-of-the-lost-ark 2018-08-13 14:23:58 Raiders of the Lost Ark Raiders of the Lost Ark <p>In 1936, archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones is hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the Covenant before Adolf Hitler&#x27;s Nazis can obtain its awesome powers.</p> 1981 <p>Steven Spielberg&#x27;s <em>Raiders of the Lost Ark</em> plays like an anthology of the best parts from all the Saturday matinee serials ever made. It takes place in Africa, Nepal, Egypt, at sea and in a secret submarine base. It contains trucks, bulldozers, tanks, motorcycles, ships, subs, Pan Am Clippers, and a Nazi flying wing. It has snakes, spiders, booby traps and explosives. The hero is trapped in a snake pit, and the heroine finds herself assaulted by mummies. The weapons range from revolvers and machineguns to machetes and whips. And there is the supernatural, too, as the Ark of the Covenant triggers an eerie heavenly fire that bolts through the bodies of the Nazis.</p>
6059713056 the-other-guys 2018-08-13 14:24:30 The Other Guys The Other Guys <p>Two mismatched New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step up like the city&#x27;s top cops, whom they idolize, only things don&#x27;t quite go as planned.</p> 2010 <p>This is a buddy-cop movie that makes for a few laughs and provides enough entertainment with its high-profile cast credits. Ferrell and Wahlberg make a fine pair simply because they play opposites. While Ferrell is the amiable accountant in the police department and has no problems spending hours on his desk, Wahlberg is the cocky types, desperate for some real drama in the streets. More importantly, Ferrell seems to have an irresistible appeal when it comes to the fairer sex, despite his dormant mojo. Not only does he have a wife (Eva Mendes) that drives men crazy, he seems to be still wanted by his ex-girl friend (Natalie Zea). Needless to say, Wahlberg can hardly understand why and where his buddy&#x27;s sexual magnetism lies?<br/></p><p>Light and breezy, The Other Guys is your usual cop house comedy which runs through a familiar track where fifteen minutes of fame do come, but only when our common man types have been truly tried and tested.</p>
6059713838 jurassic-park 2018-08-13 14:25:09 Jurassic Park Jurassic Park <p>During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok.</p> 1993 <p>This film boasts Academy Award-winning special effects, lots of frightful moments, and some good laughs. Director Steven Spielberg and his effects team deliver some stunningly realistic dinosaurs. Gone are the days of stop-motion lizards and jerking beasts of vastly varying sizes, replaced by animatronics and digital effects. The movie also has a superb soundscape; hear it with a top-notch sound system to get all the thrills. Of course, actually seeing the monster isn&#x27;t always the best thing. In <em><a href="">Jaws</a></em>, Spielberg&#x27;s early masterpiece, the audience didn&#x27;t get to see the shark until well into the movie -- and the suspense was excruciating. That kind of storytelling elegance is missing here. And for all its technical achievements, a lack of character development weakens this thriller. Spielberg occasionally sacrifices three-dimensional characters and real human drama to the thrill of the effects.</p><p></p><p><em>Jurassic Park</em>&#x27;s terrifying realism is something to take seriously. In theaters, both children and adults have turned away from the screen, particularly during the young-children-in-peril sections. Viewed at home/on a smaller screen, the movie&#x27;s effects are somewhat less fearful. Still, sensitive younger kids may want to avoid this one, and parents may want to watch ahead of time and gauge their children&#x27;s response. It&#x27;s worth noting that amid all the thrills, the movie has some very funny touches. The animated film detailing the genetic engineering of the dinosaurs resembles an elementary school educational movie from the &#x27;70s. Even funnier: &quot;Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear&quot; glimpsed in a side mirror as a huge T. Rex chases a fleeing vehicle.</p>
6059566237 star-wars-a-new-hope 2018-08-13 14:25:41 Star Wars: A New Hope Star Wars: A New Hope <p>Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a Wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire&#x27;s world-destroying battle station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader.</p> 1977 <p>This is one of those films that has become sewn into the very fabric of our popular culture. And yet, every day new kids are born who have never seen it. Watched through the lens of a young child, some of the scarier moments of the film suddenly become more striking. Darth Vader is one of the great film villains for a reason -- he&#x27;s a frightening figure who engages in some very real moments of violence. With the continued prominence of the <em>Star Wars</em> story through animated series, video games, and toys, it may be tempting to introduce the films to children when they are too young to handle these more intense moments.</p><p></p><p>But if kids are old enough or mature enough to handle these moments, then it&#x27;s likely that <em>Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope </em>will blow their little minds. It remains an enduring classic for the same reasons it made such an explosive impression way back in 1977. It&#x27;s full of pulse-pounding action lifted straight from the classic 1930s film serials, it&#x27;s got humor and character to spare, and the story guides you effortlessly into a completely original universe full of strange creatures and amazing sights. It&#x27;s easy to be cynical about <em>Star Wars</em> given the billions of dollars it&#x27;s earned selling everything from DVDs to toothbrushes, but returning to the original film with fresh eyes will remind you just how remarkable <em>Star Wars</em> was -- and continues to be.</p>
6059567532 predator 2018-08-13 14:26:22 Predator Predator <p>A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior.</p> 1987 <p>With its stilted dialogue and hammy acting, the film has the look of an expensive production but the feel of a B movie, delivering the sort of undemanding monster mayhem Arnie&#x27;s fans have come to expect.</p>
6062064249 blazing-saddles 2018-08-13 21:13:32 Blazing Saddles Blazing Saddles <p>In order to ruin a western town, a corrupt politician appoints a black Sheriff, who promptly becomes his most formidable adversary.</p> 1974 <p>It&#x27;s a crazed grabbag of a movie that does everything to keep us laughing except hit us over the head with a rubber chicken.</p>
6061199680 chinatown 2018-08-13 21:14:51 Chinatown Chinatown <p>A private detective hired to expose an adulterer finds himself caught up in a web of deceit, corruption, and murder.</p> 1974 <p>I knew <em>Chinatown</em> was hailed as the paragon of a film noir, and that&#x27;s why I finally got down to watching it. However, despite having known about the movie for quite a while, I wasn&#x27;t really prepared for just how dark it could be. The movie starts slowly, with a private detective taking on what looks like a routine case. But soon he finds himself enmeshed in a web of conspiracy, murder, lies and deceit. The plot is like a perfect machine that relentlessly moves towards a final resolution that is truly epic and truly soul-wrenching.<br/></p><p>In a recent New York Times piece, they called <em>Chinatown</em> &quot;a meditation on evil&quot;, which is spot-on. Set in 1937, this movie is just all-round perfect, first and foremost how everything is connected within the grand structure of the movie, that is rich in themes (water, evil, trust, guilt, greed) and even richer in suspense, as the audience—just like our protagonist—tries to find out what is happening. The story is &quot;complex&quot; for sure, but it&#x27;s not &quot;complicated&quot;. Everything makes sense in the end and the complexity pays off big time.<br/></p><p>Besides the impeccable screenplay, everything else about this movie is perfect as well. Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway carry the movie with sophistication and dignity. Dunaway&#x27;s stunning performance in particular fills every scene with an aura of mystery as you are trying to find out what her motives are. The set pieces are beautiful, the score is compelling; and camera-work and editing could not be any better. There is a reason this one is called a classic! So, if you&#x27;re ready to delve deep into a richly layered exploration of the dark side of humanity—enjoy the ride. But don&#x27;t expect to come back unscathed.</p>
6062067059 beverly-hills-cop 2018-08-13 21:15:35 Beverly Hills Cop Beverly Hills Cop <p>A freewheeling Detroit cop pursuing a murder investigation finds himself dealing with the very different culture of Beverly Hills.</p> 1984 <p><em>Beverly Hills Cop</em> was a big hit in the 1980&#x27;s. The film was loved by many action fans, as well as comedy fans and movie buffs at the time. It is still being admired by many people as one of the funniest cop movies ever made.<br/></p><p>The thing I love about this movie is that Eddie Murphy was perfectly cast as the Axel Foley character. Originally, Sylvester Stallone was considered for the role. Thankfully he wasn&#x27;t! Eddie Murphy was perfect for the role, because he can be a clever cop, and can at the same time be very funny! Another great thing about <em>Beverly Hills Cop</em> is its smashing soundtrack. There are some great hit songs from the 1980&#x27;s featured in the soundtrack, as well as an excellent musical score which can be heard throughout the movie (to me, the musical score is the <em>Beverly Hills Cop</em> &quot;theme song&quot;).</p>
6061200589 the-invitation 2018-08-13 21:16:04 The Invitation The Invitation <p>While attending a dinner party at his former home, a man thinks his ex-wife and her new husband have sinister intentions for their guests.</p> 2015 <p>This is the kind of film that invites much thought during and afterward. The story leads you to constantly question what is really happening at any given moment, and whenever you are certain that you know exactly what is going to happen, something new appears to make you question that. There is a powerful and intense atmosphere of dread and stress throughout, all building to a terrifying conclusion, but I was taken unawares by how emotional the whole thing would be. This is a very poignant film. The characters seem real, and the performances are excellent, especially from the lead, Logan Marshall-Green. This film casts a very potent spell and I can say that days later I am still thinking about it. I can&#x27;t think of anything quite like it. It certainly made me frightened to visit California.</p>
6062067701 the-exorcist 2018-08-13 21:16:22 The Exorcist The Exorcist <p>When a teenage girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two priests to save her daughter.</p> 1973 <p>Two terrible sequels and one irrelevant remake were never replaced with the original, the 1973 version of <em>The Exorcist</em>; and no other version will never be any more. Written for the screen and produced by William Peter Blatty, both <em>The Exorcist</em> movie and the novel are incident driven basis of the actual happenings from 1949.<br/></p><p>Looking at the most remarkable movies of 1973, there are 3 other important ones that the history of cinema will remember: </p><ul><li>A slow and touching movie from Ingmar Bergman titled <em>Cries and Whispers</em></li><li>Bernardo Bertolucci&#x27;s depressive movie, a study of love, <em>Last Tango in Paris</em></li><li>A crime story with Redford and Newman, <em>The Sting</em></li></ul><p>Among all and all the other movies that are produced in this year, <em>The Exorcist</em> stands one step further than the rest for its uniqueness on genre renewal. It&#x27;s not the first movie that features the Demon in its content, yet in <em>The Exorcist </em>the Demon is introduced in the human level. The idea of being possessed by a spirit is used for the first time ever on the silver-screen. Horror genre featuring spirits didn&#x27;t need to refer to Crime any more like it used to be in Hitchcock ages. Thus crime became a separate genre, and mostly acted conjointly with thrillers from now on.<br/></p><p>This uniqueness profits from its sound mixing, great lighting techniques and of course a perfect screenplay. Director William Friedkin was lucky to find his producer Blatty, being also the novel-writer and the idea creator. The plot and the story development goes very smoothly: From Father Merrin&#x27;s encountering with the Demon Pazuzu in Iraq; to Ellen Burstyn looking for the cure for her daughter&#x27;s disease, going for visits to every type of doctor... From the noises in the attic, to Regan&#x27;s peeing on the rug... From decoding the Demon&#x27;s speech of speaking English in reverse, to the arriving of Merrin... Both the editing and directing gave high qualities to this film.<br/></p><p>The 25th Anniversary edition DVD is in my movie collections. It&#x27;s a must to have for horror fans. Either you have this version of DVD or the year 2000 version; you should check out the special features that reveals the real-life 1949 incident, the missing and the deleted scenes including the Spider-walk scene, sound mixing and sound effects tests show how they created the demon&#x27;s voice and the BBC documentary: The Fear of God, all in the special features.</p>
6061201137 dr-no 2018-08-13 21:16:38 Dr. No Dr. No <p>A resourceful British government agent seeks answers in a case involving the disappearance of a colleague and the disruption of the American space program.</p> 1962 <p>I recently embarked on a mission of my own. To watch all the Bond films in order. Believe me, it&#x27;s not as easy as it sounds. Finding all of them is nearly impossible. Blockbuster&#x27;s weak collection hardly does any justice, so I ended up buying most of my favorites. <br/></p><p>I&#x27;m sorry to say, but to me Sean Connery is the only Bond. With the single exception being Craig in <em>Casino Royale</em>. When I was growing up, I did enjoy Moore&#x27;s villains, but now his portrayal seems almost goofy. Moore was just an old guy in a tight suit. <br/></p><p>Connery seems to be the only actor that understands who or what Bond is. He is a well-paid assassin. But he is not simply a murderer. Not afraid to close fist punch a woman in the face or hold the door open for her. Later actors too often forgot that Bond is supposed to be graceful yet brutish. Approachable yet cold hearted. <br/></p><p>&quot;I admire your courage, Miss...? Sylvia Trench: I admire your luck, Mr...? Bond. James Bond.&quot; This could well be my favorite line in cinema history. Not the often lame interpretations, but during the opening scene at the card table. It still gives me chills.<br/></p><p>I just wish they would get back to the basics. How many explosions and car chases does a person need to see? I thought he was a spy, they went and turned him into Rambo.</p>
6061201348 lion-king 2018-08-13 21:17:06 Lion King Lion King <p>A Lion cub crown prince is tricked by a treacherous uncle into thinking he caused his father&#x27;s death and flees into exile in despair, only to learn in adulthood his identity and his responsibilities.</p> 1994 <p>&quot;The best movie I ever watched in any form or any in language&quot;.<br/></p><p>No, I am not exaggerating! It is the best movie ever, whether in human form or in animated. I can&#x27;t find a single flaw in <em>The Lion King </em>(1994). Someone could argue that the story is not original, Disney just twisted it. Someone could also argue that i didn&#x27;t watch that much of movies to judge &quot;The Best Ever&quot; but as I said, this the best movie I ever saw. The story is nice and free flowing and without any unnecessary bumpers. One can not recognized the voices behind the characters, because the characters are so prominent. Music! Let me say I am not very fond of English pop songs, but I could hum almost most of the songs of this movie, so I would say, music is that nice. Animation is superb, landscapes are eye catching, dialogues are sharp and comedy is at its best. What more might I say?<br/></p><p>Beside everything, you can say how crazy I am about this movie by my name. <br/></p><p>Enjoy the movie, don&#x27;t leave the seat. Hakuna Matata!</p>
6062068834 terminator-2-judgment-day 2018-08-13 21:17:23 Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terminator 2: Judgment Day <p>A cyborg, identical to the one who failed to kill Sarah Connor, must now protect her teenage son, John Connor, from a more advanced and powerful cyborg.</p> 1991 <p>A Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) was sent from the future to kill the unborn son of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) in the original. Now, that Terminator has been sent back again but with a different assignment: Protect John Connor. John Connor (Edward Furlong) is now about 10 years of age and must evade a new Terminator sent to kill him;The T-1000 (Robert Patrick). Sarah, John, and The Terminator journey together on their quest to stop Judgement Day, with a trailing, shape-shifting Terminator trailing from behind.<br/></p><p>This is the greatest of the Terminator trilogy. I have watched three times in the past year and have not found anything that Cameron could have improved on. The move is a masterpiece in every aspect of film. Schwarzenegger&#x27;s acting might not be incredible but this is the perfect role for him. He isn&#x27;t supposed to show emotion or feelings. He is a machine. I hate almost every one of his movies besides this trilogy because he is a horrible actor but he works perfectly into this role.<br/></p><p>The special effects are incredible beyond belief. The shape-shifting T-1000 is some of the greatest animation I have witnessed in cinema history. It absolutely blew my mind when I first experienced this visual extravaganza. The animation looked so real (remembering this was a good ten years ago). The movie included fast-paced action along with some clever sci-fi drama/horror. The idea of a vast army of machines taking over the world after sending off warheads to every major city should be scary enough. But the T-1000 has very little lines and is just creepy enough to make twitch when you see him.<br/></p><p>Sci-fi movies can rarely be made in such way that can be looked at as works of art. This is one of the few exceptions. The prediction of judgment day with Hamilton watching a playground full of kids be burnt to the ground is an absolute brilliant portrayal of Armageddon. The theme that men will destroy themselves is also shown throughout the movie also and is even said by The Terminator&quot; It&#x27;s in your nature to destroy yourselves&quot;. This brings the movie to a whole new level of sci-fi.<br/></p><p>Overall, Termiantor II: Judgement Day is an absolute must see classic. If you have not seen it, buy it! Because once you have seen it, you will want to do so anyways. It is fast paced and highly enjoyable for just about every audience.<br/></p><p>I highly recommend this movie.</p>
6061201958 robocop 2018-08-13 21:17:51 RoboCop RoboCop <p>In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.</p> 1987 <p>In a futurist Detroit, crime is high and the police are run by a massive private company, keener to reduce running costs than reduce crime. When their new police robot ED209 develops a glitch, they turn to a prototype that blends human tissue with high-tech circuitry. Meanwhile Police officer Murphy and his partner Lewis are out gunned by criminals leaving Murphy mortally wounded. OCP take Murphy&#x27;s body and use it to make Robocop. However Robocop is so successful that he is targeted by criminal Boddicker. Boddicker turns to his shadowy partners in crime, while Robocop struggles to deal with human memories and a programming system that seems designed to control him and keep him in the dark.<br/></p><p>Verhoeven&#x27;s first US film was to set the mould for how the rest of his career would pan out - extreme violence and very little idea of restraint. However this is one of his best films and has much in common with one of his other best (Starship Troopers) - ultra-violence, funny black humour, great action and tonnes of satirical digs at modern life. Here the plot revolves around the creation of Robocop and his fight against crime that goes right to the top. This is complimented by the sub-plot of him trying to rediscover his human side. This is full of great action scenes and eccentric villains.<br/></p><p>The black comedy is funny, although sometimes you feel bad laughing at so much violence, but the sideswipes are the best. Verhoeven takes digs at TV with his advert filled news broadcasts, at privatisation by showing the crumbling police stations and the huge corporate towers and at heroism by showing Robocop creating just as much mayhem and destruction as the criminals he pursues. His strength however is the action scenes and the sense of tension he creates - I&#x27;ll don&#x27;t think anyone can forget the sheer terror of ED209&#x27;s &#x60;glitch&#x27;.<br/></p><p>Weller is good - cast because of his strong jaw and ability to project emotion through a suit of armour - and he does manage to bring out the human side. Allen is good but a but dry. The real support comes from the eccentric, and well known villains and corporate bosses. Ronny Cox, Smith, Ray Wise, Perry, O&#x27;Herlihy and Miguel Ferrer are all great in various capacities. Criminal or greedy corporate leader - it&#x27;s hard to tell which is which at times.<br/></p><p>A classic bit of sci-fi. Verhoeven has sadly not had a moment as fine as this since and has recently had problems being excessive in Hollywood - the land of excess! This is a landmark film that may not be to everyone&#x27;s taste.</p>
6061202146 finding-nemo 2018-08-13 21:18:08 Finding Nemo Finding Nemo <p>After his son is captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, a timid clownfish sets out on a journey to bring him home.</p> 2003 <p>Has there ever been a better-looking feature-length animated film than <em>Finding Nemo</em>? We doubt it. With its shimmering underwater landscapes - be they in the vast immensity of a limitless ocean or the cramped confines of a dentist office aquarium - the film sports a look unlike anything we have ever seen before. The fish tank setting, in particular, is a veritable wonderland of eye-popping, many-hued visual splendor.<br/></p><p>Although the script by Andrew Stanton doesn&#x27;t scale the comedic heights of, say, <em>Aladdin</em>, <em>Shrek</em> or <em>Toy Story 2</em>, it still sparkles with enough wit and inventiveness to entrance youngsters and beguile the grownups who will be joining them in their viewing. I hasten to point out that the screenplay is blessedly free of all the double entendres and off-color humor that have blighted so much alleged &#x27;kiddie&#x27; fare in recent years. This is a film on e can watch with one&#x27;s children and grandchildren and not once have to blush or turn away in embarrassment while doing so. Creators of children&#x27;s films please take note (and take note, too, of its phenomenal box office take).<br/></p><p>Like many tales designed for the junior set (<em>Dumbo</em>, <em>Bambi</em> etc.), <em>Finding Nemo</em> taps into the fear all children have of being separated from their parents - and the concomitant fear all parents have of being separated from their children. It is upon this common ground that members of both generations will meet in their emotional response to this film. In this case, it is little Nemo, an adorable clownfish, who is plucked out of the ocean and plunked down into the saltwater aquarium of a dentist in Sydney, Australia. The subject of the film&#x27;s title is Marlin, Nemo&#x27;s overprotective, worrywart dad who swims his way towards the continent to find and rescue his little tyke. Along the way, this Nervous Nellie parent learns a little something about giving his son the freedom a boy needs to grow up and become a man, and Nemo, himself, learns a thing or two about just what kind of a fish his dad really is.<br/></p><p>Albert Brooks and Ellen DeGeneres are brilliant as Marlin and Dory, respectively, the latter a befuddled, daffy and utterly good-natured fish who helps Marlin in his epic quest not only for his lost son but his own definition of filial love. Those familiar with these two fine comedic talents in their live-action performances will actually be able to see many of their distinctive inflections and facial expressions reflected in the animated characters they are portraying.<br/></p><p>As directed by Stanton and Lee Unkrich, and executed by an army of wonder-working animators and technicians, <em>Finding Nemo </em>takes PIXAR technology to its ultimate, final level of perfection - till the studio&#x27;s next release, that is.</p>
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