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Created June 1, 2018 04:47
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ASP.NET Boilerplate entity not found exception
using System;
namespace Abp.AppFactory
public class AbpEntityNotFoundException : Exception
private string field;
private string value;
private string entityType;
public override string Message
if (field == null && value == null)
return $"Entity '{entityType}' not found";
else if (field == null)
return $"Entity '{entityType}' with Id '{value}' not found";
return $"Entity '{entityType}' with '{field}' = '{value}' not found";
public AbpEntityNotFoundException(Type entityType)
this.entityType = entityType.Name;
public AbpEntityNotFoundException(Type entityType, long id)
this.entityType = entityType.Name;
this.value = id.ToString();
public AbpEntityNotFoundException(Type entityType, string propertyName, string value)
this.entityType = entityType.Name;
this.field = propertyName;
this.value = value;
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