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Created October 7, 2021 10:02
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Query taginfo for barrier access values unknown to ORS
# retrieve all possible node access values which come up at least 10 times
url <- ""
key <- "access"
res <- fromJSON(sprintf(url, key))
df <- res[["data"]]
# filter out combined and rare values
values <- df$value[df$count >= 10]
values <- values[!grepl(";", values)]
# filter out values already taken into account by the car flag encoder
restricted_values <- c("agricultural", "forestry", "no", "restricted", "delivery", "military", "emergency", "private")
intended_values <- c("yes", "destination", "permissive")
known_values <- c(restricted_values, intended_values)
unknown_values <- values[-which(values %in% known_values)]
# query for nodes tagged as barrier which have an access value not known to ORS
other_key <- "barrier"
url <- ""
potential_barriers <- c("gate", "lift_gate", "kissing_gate", "swing_gate", "cattle_grid", "chain")
default_access_barriers <- sapply(unknown_values, function(value) {
res2 <- try(fromJSON(sprintf(url, key, value, other_key)), silent = TRUE)
if ( inherits(res2, "try-error") ) {
} else {
df <- res2$data
indices <- which(df$other_value %in% c("", potential_barriers))
default_access_barriers <- default_access_barriers[which(default_access_barriers > 0)]
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