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Last active June 15, 2020 12:03
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Shiny app for comparing ORS cycling weighting alternatives
library(lubridate) #convert seconds to hh:mm
# Precomputed random routes in Bayern
lapply(res, function(routes) {
sapply(routes, function(x) x$features[[1]]$properties$summary$distance/1000)
}) %>% data.frame -> distance
lapply(res, function(routes) {
sapply(routes, function(x) {
td <- seconds_to_period(x$features[[1]]$properties$summary$duration)
sprintf('%dh %02dm', hour(td), minute(td))
}) %>% data.frame -> duration
lapply(res, function(routes) {
sapply(routes, function(x) x$features[[1]]$properties$ascent)
}) %>% data.frame -> ascent
lapply(res, function(routes) {
lapply(routes, function(x) {
x = x$features[[1]]$properties$extras$suitability$summary
values = sapply(x, `[[`, "value")
amount = sapply(x, `[[`, "amount")
v = rep(0, 8)
v[values-2] <- amount
}) -> suitability
lapply(suitability, function(routes) {
sapply(routes, function(v) {
sum(0:7 * v/100)
}) %>% data.frame -> suitability_index
ui <- bootstrapPage(
tags$style(type = "text/css", "
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#controls {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10, id="controls",
#h3("Cycling Weightings"),
"Route ID:",
min = 1,
max = 100,
value = 1),
plotOutput("suitability", height = "200px")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
id <- reactive(input$route)
output$google <- renderUI({ #renderText({
coordinates <- res$fastest[[id()]]$metadata$query$coordinates
lon1 = coordinates[1, 1]
lat1 = coordinates[1, 2]
lon2 = coordinates[2, 1]
lat2 = coordinates[2, 2]
url <- sprintf(",%.6f&destination=%.6f,%.6f&travelmode=bicycling", lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
tagList(a("Google Maps", href=url, target="_blank"))
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
i <- id()
leaflet() %>%
addTiles(group = "OpenStreetMap") %>%
addTiles("https://dev.{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", group ="CyclOSM" ) %>%
addTiles("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=13efc496ac0b486ea05691c820824f5f", group ="OpenCycleMap") %>%
addGeoJSON(res$fastest[i], fill=FALSE, color = c("#000"), group = "current fastest") %>%
addGeoJSON(res$recommended[i], fill=FALSE, color = c("#f00"), group = "current recommended") %>%
addGeoJSON(res$new[i], fill=FALSE, color = c("#0f0"), group = "new") %>%
addGeoJSON(res$reduced[i], fill=FALSE, color = c("#f80"), group = "reduced") %>%
addGeoJSON(res$scaled[i], fill=FALSE, color = c("#f08"), group = "scaled") %>%
baseGroups = c("OpenStreetMap", "CyclOSM", "OpenCycleMap"),
overlayGroups = c("current fastest", "current recommended", "reduced", "scaled", "new"),
position = "bottomleft"
) %>%
output$summary <- renderTable({
t(rbind("distance" = distance[id(),], "duration" = duration[id(),]))
}, striped = TRUE, spacing = "xs", rownames = TRUE)
output$suitability <- renderPlot({
i <- id()
x <- 1:8-0.5
par(mar=c(2,4,0,0), bg = NA)
plot(x, suitability$recommended[[i]], ylim = c(0, 90), col = "red", type = "S", ylab = "amount [%]")
points(x, suitability$new[[i]], col = "green", type = "S")
points(x, suitability$fastest[[i]], type = "S")
abline(v=4, lty=2)
}, bg = NA)
output$characteristics <- renderTable({
weightings = c("fastest", "recommended", "new")
t(rbind("ascent" = ascent[id(), weightings], "suitability" = suitability_index[id(), weightings]))
}, striped = TRUE, spacing = "xs", rownames = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui, server)
options(openrouteservice.url = "http://localhost:8082/ors")
profile = "cycling-regular"
n = 100
rep = 1
### generate n random coordinates and convert them to start/endpoints
coordinates_file = "coordinates_bayern-cycling.rda"
if (file.exists(coordinates_file)) {
} else {
x = readLines("~/Data/polygons/bayern.geojson")
bbox = geo_bbox(x)
poly = st_read(paste(x, collapse = ""))
pts = vector(mode = "list", 2*n)
i = 0;
while (i < 2*n) {
coords = c(runif(1, bbox[1], bbox[3]), runif(1, bbox[2], bbox[4]))
if (st_within(st_point(coords), poly, sparse=FALSE))
if ( !inherits(try(ors_directions(list(coords, coords), profile=profile), silent=TRUE), "try-error") )
pts[[(i = i+1)]] <- coords
skeleton <- rep(list(list(c(0, 0), c(0,0))), n)
coordinates <- relist(unlist(pts), skeleton)
save(coordinates, file = coordinates_file)
profile_args = list(profile = profile, format = 'geojson', instructions = FALSE, elevation = TRUE, extra_info = "suitability")
profile_args = list(
fastest = c(profile_args, preference = "fastest"),
recommended = c(profile_args, preference = "recommended"),
reduced = c(profile_args, preference = "recommendedr"),
scaled = c(profile_args, preference = "recommendeds"),
new = c(profile_args, preference = "recommendednew")
res = lapply(names(profile_args), function(name) {
lapply(1:n, function(id) {
cat(" \r", name, id)
label = sprintf("[BENCHMARK] %s; %d", name, id)
cl =, coordinates[id], profile_args[[name]], id = label))
res = try(eval(cl), silent = TRUE)
if ( inherits(res, "try-error") ) {
attr(res, "condition")$message
} else {
cl$id = NULL
query_times = replicate(rep-1, attr(eval(cl), "query_time"))
attr(res, "query_time") = c(attr(res, "query_time"), query_times)
names(res) <- names(profile_args)
save(res, file = "routes.rda", compress = "xz")
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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