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Last active July 24, 2024 03:35
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Filter D&D Beypnd by Owned Sources
// ==UserScript==
// @name D&D Beyond Source Filter
// @namespace
// @version 2024-07-23
// @description Filter D&D Beypnd by owned sources
// @author aolkin@
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// @run-at context-menu
// ==/UserScript==
async function getOwnedSources() {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const response = await fetch("");
const html = parser.parseFromString(await response.text(), "text/html");
const rows = html.querySelectorAll(".listing-rpguser-license-map tbody tr");
return Array.from(rows).map(row => row.getElementsByTagName("td")[3].innerText.trim());
async function filterLibrary(sources) {
const sourceOptions = document.getElementById("form-field-filter-source").querySelectorAll("option");
const sourceMap = Object.fromEntries(Array.from(sourceOptions).map(option => [option.innerText.trim(), option.value]));
const sourceIds = new Set(sources.filter(name => name in sourceMap).map(name => sourceMap[name]));
console.log(sourceMap, sources, sourceIds);
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
for (var source of sourceIds) {
params.append("filter-source", source);
} = "?" + params.toString();
function filterEncounterBuilder(sources) {
const sourceOptions = document.getElementsByClassName("qa-monster-filters_source")[0]
for (var option of sourceOptions) {
const label = option.querySelector(".input-checkbox__text").innerHTML;
const input = option.querySelector(".qa-input-checkbox_input");
if (input.checked !== sources.includes(label)) {;
// console.log(label, input.checked, sources.includes(label));
(async function() {
'use strict';
const sources = await getOwnedSources();
if (document.location.pathname.includes("encounter-builder")) {
await filterEncounterBuilder(sources);
} else {
await filterLibrary(sources);
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