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Allison Parrish aparrish

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aparrish / tenprint.inchl
Last active February 17, 2025 18:36
working on a little programming language for the gameboy. this is an early code example (very much subject to change etc etc)
[ 10 print implementation in an experimental stack-based language for
the gameboy ]
!section tenprint rom0
!staticvar @seed wram0
$ab &seed put
jp &tenprint
aparrish / gb_midi_hz.txt
Created January 8, 2025 20:13
midi notes and closest corresponding tones that the game boy can generate, along with the difference in frequency between the midi note and the actual game boy frequency. more or less the same thing as but in a friendlier format. more info and math on pandocs
midi name gb gbhex gbfreq diff
0 C-0 0 0x000 64.00 55.82
1 C#0 0 0x000 64.00 55.34
2 D-0 0 0x000 64.00 54.82
3 D#0 0 0x000 64.00 54.28
4 E-0 0 0x000 64.00 53.70
5 F-0 0 0x000 64.00 53.09
6 F#0 0 0x000 64.00 52.44
7 G-0 0 0x000 64.00 51.75
8 G#0 0 0x000 64.00 51.02
aparrish / some-poetry-generators.ipynb
Last active September 8, 2024 05:29
this is my assignment, hooray!
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aparrish / generating-rhyming-couplets.ipynb
Created April 21, 2023 23:46
how to generate rhyming couplets with pronouncing and markovify
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aparrish / chatbot.ipynb
Last active October 29, 2021 22:46
Semantic similarity chatbot (take 2).
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aparrish / trigrams-that-occur-only-twice.txt
Created February 19, 2021 22:41
trigrams that occur only twice in the cmu pronouncing dictionary word list, along with the words that contain them (where edit distance between words is greater than 3)
'ex: l'expansion, l'express
'fa: o'fallon, o'farrell
'go: b'gosh, o'gorman
'la: o'lague, o'laughlin
'ri: b'rith, o'riley
-ac: non-academic, x-acto
-au: non-automotive, port-au-prince
-dr: alcohol-drenched, drip-dry
-ed: cutting-edge, well-educated
-em: non-emergency, pre-emptive
aparrish / moby-dick-minimalist-synonym.txt
Last active November 4, 2021 13:53
Moby Dick with every word replaced at random by another word that occurred in the same 1-word context window. More information:
by Herman Melville