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Created April 15, 2018 17:49
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Tips and tricks for more formatting options in GitHub Markdown

Advanced Formatting in GitHub Markdown

GitHub Flavored Markdown lets you create useful documents in GitHub and GitHub Enterprise using .md files. Like other varieties of markdown, GitHub Markdown tries to be as readable as possible in its raw form, resulting in an intentionally limited set of formatting options. However, these options can feel restrictive when dealing with complex content.

Although GitHub Markdown strips out most HTML tags, here are a few tricks that can give you more flexibility when formatting your documents. These advanced formatting options can make your documents more useable, but they come at the expense of plain text readability, so use with caution.

Check out this excellent cheatsheet for an overview of standard formatting in GitHub Markdown.


To left align and resize an image:


<img align="left" width="200" src="">

To right align and resize an image:


<img align="right" width="200" src="">

To center and resize an image:


<p align="center">
  <img width="300" src="">


To create a dropdown containing text:

Example This is a dropdown with text!


This is a dropdown with text!

To create a dropdown containing a list:

  • This dropdown contains
  • a list!


<ul><li>This dropdown contains</li>
<li>a list!</li></ul>

To create a dropdown containing an image:



<img src="" width="500">

To create a dropdown containing code:

This dropdown contains
a code block!


<pre>$ This dropdown contains<br>a code block!</pre>


To create a single button:

Click here


|[Click here](|

To create a row of buttons:

Click here Or here Or here


|[Click here](|[Or here](|[Or here](|

Anchor links

To link to a heading:

This is an example of an anchor link to a heading.


This is an example of an [anchor link](#anchor-links) to a heading.

To create an anchor anywhere on the page, use:

<a name="your-anchor-name">

To reference it:

This is an example of an anchor link anywhere on the page.


See [creating an anchor link anywhere](#manual-anchor).

Horizontal line

To create a horizontal line:



Extra space

To add extra space, use one or more:



GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec -
Advanced Markdown with David Wells -
Markdown Cheatsheet PDF -

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ihorvyshniakov commented Dec 22, 2024

@apaskulin How to combine dropdown with table?
I've already figured out 😋

<details open>
  <summary>Table header</summary>
| Library name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `bootstrap` | UI |
| `wow.js` | Animations |
| `izotope` | Filter & sorting |

Table header
Library name Description
bootstrap UI
wow.js Animations
izotope Filter & sorting

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