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Last active July 30, 2019 16:55
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import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
// Kotlin 1.2.0 (probably 1.6.0 will work as well)
// This process encodes each path step as:
// altitude :: distance from end of path :: delta altitude to end of path :: processed state :: winning direction
// We never process a node more than once, it is calculated from that point down to the bottom of its
// possible paths, and records the values upwards from the end as it exits recursion.
// Therefore if we intersect with a node that is aready solved, we just inherit its values and
// use those to calculate the current node. If we encounter a node that is pending, we bounce off.
// Although technically we could never encounter a pending node in a depth first search since it would
// be our own path and we cannot go back uphill to those nodes.
// The sample encoded would look something like:
// 4:1:2:T 8:4:7:T 7:1:4:T 3:0:0:T
// 2:0:0:T 5:3:4:T 9:4:8:T 3:0:0:T
// 6:3:5:T 3:2:2:T 2:1:1:T 5:2:4:T
// 4:0:0:T 4:3:3:T 1:0:0:T 6:3:5:T
// TIME complexity is O(n*m)
// SPACE complexity is O(n*m)
// space could be reduced to using an 2D array of longs with encoding as:
// 11 bits altitude
// 32 bits distance to end
// 11 bits drop to end
// 2 bits processed
// 8 bits delta (not required, just makes collection of path faster)
// ---
// 64 bits
// this would improve data locality and performance as well.
// and also by reducing the object allocations for tracking points (MapPoint could be primitive y,x)
typealias Mountain = Array<Array<PathStep>>
data class MapDelta(val y: Int, val x: Int)
data class MapPoint(val y: Int, val x: Int) {
fun apply(delta: MapDelta): MapPoint = MapPoint(y + delta.y, x + delta.x)
val ALLOWED_SKI_TURNS = arrayOf(MapDelta(-1, 0), MapDelta(0, -1), MapDelta(+1, 0), MapDelta(0, +1))
// extension functions to make other code more readable
inline operator fun Mountain.contains(point: MapPoint) = point.y in this.indices && point.x in this[0].indices
inline operator fun Mountain.get(point: MapPoint) = this[point.y][point.x]
// encoding of our map
enum class StepState { untouched, pending, solved }
data class PathStep(val altitude: Short,
var distanceToEnd: Int = 0,
var dropToEnd: Short = 0,
var state: StepState = StepState.untouched,
var nextStep: PathStep? = null) {
val pathLength: Int get() = distanceToEnd + 1
inline fun isBestedBy(other: PathStep): Boolean {
val stepsWithNeighbor = other.distanceToEnd + 1
val dropWithNeighbor = (altitude - other.altitude + other.dropToEnd).toShort()
return ((distanceToEnd == stepsWithNeighbor && dropWithNeighbor > dropToEnd)
|| distanceToEnd < stepsWithNeighbor)
data class SkiSlope(val startAltitude: Short, val endAltitude: Short, val path: List<Short>) {
val altitudeDelta: Short = (startAltitude - endAltitude).toShort()
val pathLength: Int = path.size
fun findLongestSkiSlope(mapGrid: Mountain): SkiSlope {
fun visitMapPoint(currentPoint: MapPoint, currentStep: PathStep): PathStep? {
if (currentStep.state == StepState.solved) return currentStep
assert (currentStep.state != StepState.pending) {
"we should never be able to reach a pending node, that would mean skiing uphill"
currentStep.state = StepState.pending
everyTurn@ for (delta in ALLOWED_SKI_TURNS) {
val nextPoint = currentPoint.apply(delta)
if (nextPoint !in mapGrid) continue@everyTurn
val nextStep = mapGrid[nextPoint]
if (currentStep.altitude <= nextStep.altitude) continue@everyTurn
visitMapPoint(nextPoint, nextStep)?.also { validStep ->
if (currentStep.isBestedBy(validStep)) {
currentStep.distanceToEnd = validStep.distanceToEnd + 1
currentStep.dropToEnd = (currentStep.altitude - validStep.altitude + validStep.dropToEnd).toShort()
currentStep.nextStep = validStep
currentStep.state = StepState.solved
return currentStep
fun visitMapPoint(currentPoint: MapPoint): PathStep? {
if (currentPoint !in mapGrid) return null
return visitMapPoint(currentPoint, mapGrid[currentPoint])
fun calculateAllPathsAndFindBestStart(): PathStep {
var topOfTheSlope: PathStep = mapGrid[0][0]
mapGrid.indices.forEach { py ->
mapGrid[py] { px -> MapPoint(py, px) }.forEach { point ->
visitMapPoint(point)?.also { currentStep ->
if (topOfTheSlope.isBestedBy(currentStep)) {
topOfTheSlope = currentStep
return topOfTheSlope
// process the mountain in an optimal manner
val topOfTheSlope = calculateAllPathsAndFindBestStart()
// traverse the best path to generate results
val finalSkiPath = generateSequence(topOfTheSlope) { it.nextStep }
.map { it.altitude }.toList()
val result = SkiSlope(finalSkiPath.first(), finalSkiPath.last(), finalSkiPath)
// assert known values to check our code
assert(topOfTheSlope.altitude == result.startAltitude) { "Mismatch altitude" }
assert(topOfTheSlope.pathLength == result.pathLength) { "Mismatch path length" }
assert(topOfTheSlope.dropToEnd == result.altitudeDelta) { "Mismatch altitude delta" }
return result
fun parseMountain(data: InputStream): Mountain {
// TODO: assumes input data is well formatted
return BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(data)).use { stream ->
val (_, height) = stream.readLine().split(' ').map(String::toInt)
Array(height) {
stream.readLine().split(' ').map(String::toShort).map { PathStep(it) }.toTypedArray()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun runTestOnData(data: InputStream, title: String) {
println("Running test '${title}':")
val smallTime = measureTimeMillis {
val results = findLongestSkiSlope(parseMountain(data))
println("Starting Altitude: ${results.startAltitude}")
println("Path length: ${results.pathLength}")
println("Altitude Delta: ${results.altitudeDelta}")
println("ran in ${smallTime}ms")
val smallTest = """
4 4
4 8 7 3
2 5 9 3
6 3 2 5
4 4 1 6
runTestOnData(smallTest.toByteArray().inputStream(), "Small 4x4 sample data")
val inputFile = File(args[0])
if (!inputFile.exists()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Input file $inputFile does not exist!")
runTestOnData(inputFile.inputStream(), inputFile.toString())
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