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Created April 7, 2017 10:59
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0.61.0 to 0.59.2 diff
--- C:\Users\anton\Desktop\pokemon-datamining\metadata-reversal\0592.txt
+++ C:\Users\anton\Desktop\pokemon-datamining\metadata-reversal\0610.txt
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@
-.5PKCS 7 DataContent TypeMessage DigestSigning Time3desSubject Alternative NameNetscape Cert Typemd5sha1Scan method must be implemented in derived classeshowtoo many matches'Current' called before 'MoveNext()'MatchCollection in invalid state'Current' called after 'MoveNext()' returned falseinputstartatreplacement('', [])Iscan only truncate the stackUnexpected end of pattern
+.5PKCS 7 DataContent TypeMessage DigestSigning Time3desSubject Alternative NameNetscape Cert Typemd5sha1Scan method must be implemented in derived classeshowtoo many matches'Current' called before 'MoveNext()'MatchCollection in invalid state'Current' called after 'MoveNext()' returned falseinputstartatevaluatorreplacement('', [])Iscan only truncate the stackUnexpected end of pattern
.invalid stateToo many | in (?()|)
.Bad quantifier
.Too many )'s
@@ -2527,16 +2527,7 @@
.EditorGUIUtility:RenderGameViewCameras (at(wrapper managed-to-native)(wrapper delegate-invoke)at <0x00000> <unknown method>at [0x in <filename unknown>:0 in (at DebugUnityEngineLoggerDebugLogHandlerAssertUnityEngine
.AssertionsprintMonoBehaviourA Unity Runtime error occurred!functionPassed argument 'args[0]' is of the wrong type
. Type:{0} Expected:{1}Passed argument 'args' is invalid size
-. Expected size is 1Invalid Vector2 index!({0:F1}, {1:F1})Invalid Vector4 index!Null{0}Plugin API failed with Starting DispatcherProcessing Event - Event not foundStopping DispatcherProcessEventsGetIapStateGetPurchaseResultRefreshSkusAndBalancesGetSkusAndBalancesInitializePurchaseItemIapApiClearCacheGetViewSetViewGetPositionGetWorldLocationSubscribeLayerGetCurrentLocationUpdateTilesS2CacheUpdateVisibleCellsS2CacheSetCellDataMapApijava
-.UnityUtilinitNianticPluginSetExecutionModeSetUserAgentGetDeviceCountryCodeGetDeviceTimezoneOnPauseOnResumeOnStartOnStopOnUpdateOnNativeEventPluginApiRPC error ({0}): Unexpected partial results from RPC: Cannot call Send with no requests!Invalid RPC Id
-. The plugin may be malfunctioning
-.Ignored RPC response
-. rpcId not found: Future isn't readyFuture can only be set onceSetServerResetAuthTokenRefreshAuthTokenClearAuthTokenOnly one google token can be fetched at a timeGetGoogleTokenRefreshGoogleTokenClearGoogleTokenSendServerApiInvalid position[Latitude: {0}, Longitude: {1}][VectorD3: X={0:f1}, Y={1:f1}, Z={2:f1}]Promise
+. Expected size is 1Invalid Vector2 index!({0:F1}, {1:F1})Invalid Vector4 index!Null{0}[Latitude: {0}, Longitude: {1}][VectorD3: X={0:f1}, Y={1:f1}, Z={2:f1}]Promise
.Then threw an exceptionPromise
.Finally threw an exceptionPromise
.Error threw an exceptiononErroronCompleteonFinallyPromise<T>
@@ -2547,7 +2538,17 @@
.When threw an exceptionPromise<T, U>
.Then threw an exceptionPromise<T, U>
.Finally threw an exceptionPromise<T, U>
+.Error threw an exceptionEntity was not found, skip
+.Game entity doesn't existPlugin API failed with Starting DispatcherProcessing Event - Event not foundStopping DispatcherProcessEventsGetIapStateGetPurchaseResultRefreshSkusAndBalancesGetSkusAndBalancesInitializePurchaseItemIapApiClearCacheGetViewSetViewGetPositionGetWorldLocationSubscribeLayerGetCurrentLocationUpdateTilesS2CacheUpdateVisibleCellsS2CacheSetCellDataMapApijava
+.UnityUtilinitNianticPluginSetExecutionModeSetUserAgentGetDeviceCountryCodeGetDeviceTimezoneOnPauseOnResumeOnStartOnStopOnUpdateOnNativeEventPluginApiRPC error ({0}): Unexpected partial results from RPC: Cannot call Send with no requests!Invalid RPC Id
+. The plugin may be malfunctioning
+.Ignored RPC response
+. rpcId not found: Future isn't readyFuture can only be set onceSetServerResetAuthTokenRefreshAuthTokenClearAuthTokenOnly one google token can be fetched at a timeGetGoogleTokenRefreshGoogleTokenClearGoogleTokenSendServerApiInvalid positionend-of-filePAROPENPARCLOSEANDORNOTTRUEFALSEPARENTCHILDEQLTGTPLUSMINUSMULDIVMODDOTCOMMAISINNOT_INLIKENOT_LIKECOUNTSUMAVGMAXMINSTDEVVARIIFSUBSTRINGISNULLLENTRIMCONVERTStringLiteralNumberLiteralDateLiteralIdentifierFunctionNameUMINUSMONO_DEBUG_SQLEXPRESSIONSExpression '{0}' is invalid
.[illegal][unknown]syntax errorirrecoverable syntax errorirrecoverable syntax error at end-of-file$accept : ExprExpr : BoolExprExpr : ArithExprBoolExpr : PAROPEN BoolExpr PARCLOSEBoolExpr : BoolExpr AND BoolExprBoolExpr : BoolExpr OR BoolExprBoolExpr : NOT BoolExprBoolExpr : PredicatePredicate : CompPredicatePredicate : IsPredicatePredicate : LikePredicatePredicate : InPredicateCompPredicate : ArithExpr CompOp ArithExprCompOp : EQCompOp : NECompOp : LTCompOp : GTCompOp : LECompOp : GELE : LT EQNE : LT GTGE : GT EQArithExpr : PAROPEN ArithExpr PARCLOSEArithExpr : ArithExpr MUL ArithExprArithExpr : ArithExpr DIV ArithExprArithExpr : ArithExpr MOD ArithExprArithExpr : ArithExpr PLUS ArithExprArithExpr : ArithExpr MINUS ArithExprArithExpr : MINUS ArithExprArithExpr : FunctionArithExpr : ValueValue : LiteralValueValue : SingleColumnValueLiteralValue : StringLiteralLiteralValue : NumberLiteralLiteralValue : DateLiteralLiteralValue : BoolLiteralBoolLiteral : TRUEBoolLiteral : FALSESingleColumnValue : LocalColumnValueSingleColumnValue : ParentColumnValueMultiColumnValue : LocalColumnValueMultiColumnValue : ChildColumnValueLocalColumnValue : ColumnNameParentColumnValue : PARENT DOT ColumnNameParentColumnValue : PARENT PAROPEN RelationName PARCLOSE DOT ColumnNameChildColumnValue : CHILD DOT ColumnNameChildColumnValue : CHILD PAROPEN RelationName PARCLOSE DOT ColumnNameColumnName : IdentifierColumnName : ColumnName DOT IdentifierRelationName : IdentifierFunction : CalcFunctionFunction : AggFunctionFunction : StringFunctionAggFunction : AggFunctionName PAROPEN MultiColumnValue PARCLOSEAggFunctionName : COUNTAggFunctionName : SUMAggFunctionName : AVGAggFunctionName : MAXAggFunctionName : MINAggFunctionName : STDEVAggFunctionName : VARStringExpr : PAROPEN StringExpr PARCLOSEStringExpr : SingleColumnValueStringExpr : StringLiteralStringExpr : StringFunctionStringFunction : TRIM PAROPEN StringExpr PARCLOSEStringFunction : SUBSTRING PAROPEN StringExpr COMMA ArithExpr COMMA ArithExpr PARCLOSEStringFunction : StringExpr PLUS StringExprCalcFunction : IIF PAROPEN Expr COMMA Expr COMMA Expr PARCLOSECalcFunction : ISNULL PAROPEN Expr COMMA Expr PARCLOSECalcFunction : LEN PAROPEN Expr PARCLOSECalcFunction : CONVERT PAROPEN Expr COMMA TypeSpecifier PARCLOSETypeSpecifier : StringLiteralTypeSpecifier : IdentifierIsPredicate : ArithExpr IS NULLIsPredicate : ArithExpr IS NOT NULLLikePredicate : StringExpr LIKE StringExprLikePredicate : StringExpr NOT_LIKE StringExprInPredicate : ArithExpr IN InPredicateValueInPredicate : ArithExpr NOT_IN InPredicateValueInPredicateValue : PAROPEN InValueList PARCLOSEInValueList : LiteralValueInValueList : InValueList COMMA LiteralValuepush
.value lex
@@ -3239,24 +3240,35 @@
.Type {0} is not a collection
.Type {0} is not a dictionary
.MemberInfo must be of type FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, EventInfo or MethodInfopropertyMemberInfo '{0}' has index parametersMemberInfo '{0}' is not of type FieldInfo or PropertyInfoMemberInfo '{0}' must be of type FieldInfo or PropertyInfovalueSelector'{0}' cannot be empty
-.googleCan't call Start in this stateUnhandled event: {0}1
+.This should only run on Android!scheduler cannot be nullsender ID cannot be nullnotificationManager is null!getRegistrationTokenPromise never completed; dispose calleddeleteRegistrationTokenPromise never completed; dispose calledNotificationReceived still has listenerscom
+.NotificationManagergetInstancenotificationRegisterGmsIdFailed to create notification managerAndroidJavaException thrown; notificationUnregisterGmsIdgoogleCan't call Start in this stateUnhandled event: {0}1
-.10-90c0f53loaderbundleNameassetNameAttempt to load bundle {0} failed immediately
+.17a-2bef4a7loaderbundleNameassetNameAttempt to load bundle {0} failed immediately
.Failed to load bundle {0}: {1}Can't initialize an AssetBundleHandle multiple times
.Cannot request assets from an uninitialized bundle handle
.Cannot request assets from a disposed bundle handle
.No valid component found for asset {0}bundleUnable to load asset {0} from bundle {1}Completed AssetRequest was garbage collected without being released
-. Memory leak?Cannot complete a completed AssetRequest
+. Memory leak?{0} Request created at:
+.{1}Cannot complete a completed AssetRequest
.Cannot error out a completed AssetRequest
-.Error while attempting to install Factory, {0} does not inherit from InstalledPrefabFactoryPrefabDependency[RefType={0}, BindingTypes={1}]InstalledPrefab reference {0}
+.Cannot load a resource from an empty path
+.Cannot request assets from an uninitialized resource handle
+.Error loading resource {0}Disposing handle for resource {0} while an async load request is pending
+. This resource will remain loaded until its next unload request
+.Cannot request resources from a disposed Resource handle
+.Attempt to load resource {0} failed
+.Unable to load resource {0}Exception attempting to load assembly {0}: {1}Error while attempting to install Factory, {0} does not inherit from InstalledPrefabFactoryPrefabDependency[RefType={0}, BindingTypes={1}]InstalledPrefab reference {0}
.{1} is nullInstallPrefab is only supported on MonoBehaviour fields
.Invalid Substate{0} transitioned to child state {1}{0} collapsed itself{0} replaced itself with {1}{0} cleared child state{0}: GuiController canvases are managed automatically and should not have a sorting order set manually
.{0}: GuiController canvases are managed automatically and should not have a sorting layer set manually
.{0}: GuiController canvases are managed automatically and should not have a camera set manually
-.Gui already dismissedCannot call Play() on running transition {0}initKeycom
+.Gui already dismissedCannot call Play() on running transition {0}initKeyandroid
@@ -3265,10 +3277,10 @@
.No vertex exists at this index
.Failed to relink halfedges around vertex #{0} during creation of face #{1}t should be in the range (0
.0, 0
-.5)Center vertex must not be on a boundaryVertex in 1-ring is 2-valentcontrolPointsA Bezier requires at least 2 controlPointscopyCurveGeneratedMeshObjects require a custom GetHashCodeOnly Closed Splines can be TriangulatedshapepathSegments must be at least 1shapeSegments must be at least 2maxConcurrentTasksCannot run new task when already at the maximum concurrent tasks
+.5)Center vertex must not be on a boundaryVertex in 1-ring is 2-valentcontrolPointsA Bezier requires at least 2 controlPointscopyCurveGeneratedMeshObjects require a custom GetHashCodeOnly Closed Splines can be TriangulatedshapepathSegments must be at least 1shapeSegments must be at least 2Unable to find field with name {0} in GetPrivateFieldValueInvalid type passed into GetPrivateFieldValueUnable to find field with name {0} in SetPrivateFieldValuemaxConcurrentTasksCannot run new task when already at the maximum concurrent tasks
.Cannot pop task when no tasks are running
.Coroutine threw {0}
-.{1}Assets/Plugins/ZeppelinrunOnUiThreadgetWindowgetDecorViewsetSystemUiVisibilitysetFlagssetStatusBarColorsetNavigationBarColorBuilt-in distortion correction disabled
+.{1}Assets/Plugins/NianticLib/ZeppelinrunOnUiThreadgetWindowgetDecorViewsetSystemUiVisibilitysetFlagssetStatusBarColorsetNavigationBarColorBuilt-in distortion correction disabled
. Causes: [Built-in UI layer disabled
. Causes: [Cardboard SDK object should be a singleton
.EndOfFrameMatrix / vector dimension mismatchOnly 2 coefficients supported
@@ -3347,7 +3359,16 @@
-.UnitySessionCallbackssetShouldSynchronizeManagedVariablesonApplicationPausedonApplicationResumedNo UpsightManager Component on GameObjectUpsightManager{}[],:"[UpsightPurchase] productIdentifier: {0}, quantity: {1}, billboardScope: {2}productIdentifierquantitysignatureDatabillboardScope[UpsightReward] productIdentifier: {0}, quantity: {1}, signatureData: {2}, billboardScope: {3}_Blend_RampTex_MaskTex_RampOffset_MaskOffValue_MaskOnValue_Wipe_Feather_EdgeThresholdMin_EdgeThreshold_EdgeSharpness_OffsetScale_BlurRadius_Offsets_Threshhold_Saturation_StretchWidth_Intensity_ColorBuffercolorAcolorBcolorCcolorDoffsets_thresholdtintColorstretchWidththresholduseSrcAlphaAsMaskvignetteIntensity_Parameter_Bloom_InvViewProj_PrevViewProj_ToPrevViewProjCombined_StereoToPrevViewProjCombined0_StereoToPrevViewProjCombined1_MaxVelocity_MaxRadiusOrKInPaper_MinVelocity_VelocityScale_Jitter_NoiseTex_VelTex_NeighbourMaxTex_TileTexDebug_BlurDirectionPacked_DisplayVelocityScale_SoftZDistance_MotionBlurTmpCam_RgbTex_ZCurve_RgbDepthTexselColortargetColorThe given 2D texture cannot be used as a 3D LUT
+.UnitySessionCallbackssetShouldSynchronizeManagedVariablesonApplicationPausedonApplicationResumedNo UpsightManager Component on GameObjectUpsightManager{}[],:"[UpsightPurchase] productIdentifier: {0}, quantity: {1}, billboardScope: {2}productIdentifierquantitysignatureDatabillboardScope[UpsightReward] productIdentifier: {0}, quantity: {1}, signatureData: {2}, billboardScope: {3}GetPgpStateScanning already startedStartScanningScanning is not startedStopScanningGetScannedResultsInternalStartSessionStopSessionUpdateNotificationsPgpApiThere can only be 1 PgpPluginpgpplugincom
+.Plugin_Blend_RampTex_MaskTex_RampOffset_MaskOffValue_MaskOnValue_Wipe_Feather_EdgeThresholdMin_EdgeThreshold_EdgeSharpness_OffsetScale_BlurRadius_Offsets_Threshhold_Saturation_StretchWidth_Intensity_ColorBuffercolorAcolorBcolorCcolorDoffsets_thresholdtintColorstretchWidththresholduseSrcAlphaAsMaskvignetteIntensity_Parameter_Bloom_InvViewProj_PrevViewProj_ToPrevViewProjCombined_StereoToPrevViewProjCombined0_StereoToPrevViewProjCombined1_MaxVelocity_MaxRadiusOrKInPaper_MinVelocity_VelocityScale_Jitter_NoiseTex_VelTex_NeighbourMaxTex_TileTexDebug_BlurDirectionPacked_DisplayVelocityScale_SoftZDistance_MotionBlurTmpCam_RgbTex_ZCurve_RgbDepthTexselColortargetColorThe given 2D texture cannot be used as a 3D LUT
.Couldn't color correct with 3D LUT texture
. Image Effect will be disabled
._Scale_Offset_ClutTex_MainTexBlurredintensity_AdaptTex_CurTex_AdaptParams_HrDepthTex_LrDepthTex_FgOverlap_CurveParams_BlurredColor_SpawnHeuristic_BokehParams_FgCocMaskpointBuffer_Screen_LowRez_ForegroundBlurExtrude_InvRenderTargetSize_TapLow_TapMedium_TapLowBackground_TapLowForeground_TapHigh_Source_ArScale_Sensitivity_BgFade_SampleDistance_BgColor_Exponent_Threshold_FrustumCornersWS_CameraWS_HeightParams_DistanceParams_SceneFogParams_SceneFogMode_RotationMatrix_CenterRadius_Angle_AccumOrigNoise & Grain effect failing as noise texture is not assigned
@@ -3363,7 +3384,7 @@
._UV_Transform_Overlay_ProjInfoLeft_ProjInfoRight_ProjInfo_ProjectionInv_Rand_Radius_Radius2_BlurFilterDistance_Axis_AOTex_RandomTexture_FarCorner_NoiseScale_Params_TexelOffsetScale_SSAO_BlurRadius4_SunPosition_SunThreshold_Skybox_SunColor_BlurSize_BlurArea_Blurred_RangeScale_Curve_ExposureAdjustment_AdaptionSpeed_HdrParams_SmallTexNo valid adaptive tonemapper type found!_Blur_VignetteTex_ChromaticAberration_AxialAberration_BlurDistance_LuminanceLocation permissions: {0}HealthKit permissions: {0}Porygon API {0} failed with status {1}privacy_policy_update_noticegeneral_okprivacy_policy_buttonprivacy_policy_urlCloudStoreBundleLoaderPFAi$;]G7Rg>kz4wjavax
@@ -3378,9 +3399,9 @@
.Failed to download bundle {0}Asset {0} broken, wrong CRCFailed to download {0}
.URL {1}
.Error: {2}Unable to decrypt stream for bundle {0}Failed to load asset bundle from byte array
-.Pokemon Bundle CachePokemon Icon CacheBundle {0} does not exist in asset digest
+.Attempted to load model for invalid Pokemon ID {0}Bundle {0} does not exist in asset digest
. Falling back to default form{0:0000}pm{0:0000}_{1:00}pokemon_icon_{0:000}_{0:00}_shinyNo form settings found for Pokemon {0}Failed to load Pokemon sprite {0}: {1}Unable to find shiny icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}Unable to find costume icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}Unable to find form icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}Ran out of Pokemon sprite fallbacks
+.Attempted to load sprite for invalid Pokemon ID {0}pm{0:0000}pm{0:0000}_{1:00}pokemon_icon_{0:000}_{0:00}_shinyNo form settings found for Pokemon {0}Pokemon Icon CachePokemon Model CacheFailed to load Pokemon sprite {0}: {1}Unable to find shiny icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}Unable to find costume icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}Unable to find form icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}Ran out of Pokemon sprite fallbacks
.android{0}/{1}/{2}Unable to load asset bundle {0} from corresponding file in ResourcesNo corresponding file in Resources for asset bundle: {0}{0} was already queued before calling PlayMusic
. Consider using PlayQueuedMusic next time
.PAUSEPLAYe12a216a-121e-11e6-a148-3e1d05defe78b7cde183-53c5-416e-9814-43d911e70b7f60b01025-c1ea-422c-9b0e-d70bf489de7fUnsupported cached token provider
@@ -3455,7 +3476,7 @@
.RequestClothingBundle Failed with status: {0}AVATAR_STYLE_UNLOCKEDusage
.purchase_errorItem {0} can not be added to group, icon {1} differs from group icon {2}Item {0} can not be added to group, group {1} differs from existing group {2}item_iconownedlockedsalecoinselectednameplateitem_priceCould not find group "{0}"in avatar items listAvatar item is purchasable, unowned, but not IAP item: {0}color_iconequippeditem_nameAttempted to focus on color choice {0}, but it was not found in the swatch data
-.avatar_{0}group_skinMapBootLoading SceneInvalid auth state: {0}err_get_digest<!> Failed to boot step<i> GetRemoteConfigVersions {0}s<!> Failed to get remote config versionsGetRemoteConfigVersions RPC failedI18n CacheProblem downloading language bundle: {0}, attempting english versionProblem downloading english backup bundle: {0}, attempting legacy-naming versiongeneralpokemonitemsmovesconversationsuser_tasksFormat exception for key <{0}>:
+.avatar_{0}group_skinMapBootLoading SceneInvalid auth state: {0}err_get_digest<!> Failed to boot step<i> GetRemoteConfigVersions {0}s<!> Failed to get remote config versionsGetRemoteConfigVersions RPC failedI18n CacheProblem downloading language bundle: {0}, attempting english versionProblem downloading english backup bundle: {0}, attempting legacy-naming versionFormat exception for key <{0}>:
.{1}_title_value_format_name_descpokemon_name_D4pokemon_desc_pokemon_category_move_name_move_desc_avatar_Failed to read header from TSV file for {0}, {1}
.The first column must be "Key" {0}, {1}
.The table {0} must contain English
@@ -3465,7 +3486,7 @@
.""settings_are_you_sure_support_promptgoogle_auth_failedAuthentication failed state: {0}ptc_auth_failed[a-zA-ZĂ€-Ăż\d_+]No PTC login URLs found for language {0}, defaulting to English
.80a6f7e6-1a8d-442e-bd95-74c795242b3fClearing cached age gate submission
.m_backpack_default_2m_gloves_default_2m_hat_default_5m_shirt_default_2Bm_shoes_default_2m_socks_default_3f_belt_default_4f_hat_default_A_5f_pants_default_4f_shirt_default_5f_shoes_default_1Character CameraHidden/MaskedGrayscaleonboard_change_nameonboard_caught_pokemononboard_name_registeredvisit_a_pokestoponboard_name_not_availableonboard_name_not_validonboard_name_ownedonboard_name_cannot_changeonboard_name_failonboard_are_you_sure_decline_tosUnhandled language ({0}), showing English text source
-.Text line longer than maximum supported charactersonboard_welcome_screenFadeInFadeOutError capturing pokemon {0}first_time_encounter[Onboarding] Respawning because player walked away from the starter pokemon {0} time(s)Zeppelin {0}OnboardingCompleted without being in the WorldMapStateauthentication_retry_promptauthentication_failed_try_againauthentication_failed_sign_outapp_exit_confirmation_messageauthentication_revoked_errorMapPokemon was destroyed during the Approach animation, bailing out_MainTex_Matrixar_encounter_no_gyro_errCaptureCamerastatusmap_pokemon_typepokemon_idcpweightheightballtypehitcurvemiss_percentaction
+.Text line longer than maximum supported charactersonboard_welcome_screenFadeInFadeOutError capturing pokemon {0}first_time_encounter[Onboarding] Respawning because player walked away from the starter pokemon {0} time(s)Zeppelin {0}OnboardingCompleted without being in the WorldMapStateauthentication_retry_promptauthentication_failed_try_againauthentication_failed_sign_outapp_exit_confirmation_messageauthentication_revoked_error_MainTex_Matrixar_encounter_no_gyro_errCaptureCamerastatusmap_pokemon_typepokemon_idcpweightheightballtypehitcurvemiss_percentaction
.catch_pokemonseq_transform_fastencounter_pokemon_was_caughtBerryFX/{0}_fxHave yet to implement movement type, defaulting to jump/mnt/sdcard/Pictures/PokemonGO/IMG_{0:yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmssff}
.pngDirectory not found: {0}CloseClosedBerryBonusPulsegeneral_xpencounter_score_total_expencounter_score_curveballencounter_score_excellent_throwencounter_score_great_throwencounter_score_nice_throwencounter_score_first_catchencounter_score_one_shotencounter_score_milestoneencounter_score_new_pokemonencounter_score_pokemon_caughtencounter_score_catch_streakNo localization string for activity: Unknown ball type: MonsterballOriginSpawnIsDraggingFlyDropNumShakesBreakoutMonsterball/OriginNo capture probability to set reticle with
.VisibleActivateencounter_wild_pokemon_appearedencounter_caught_metamonencounter_gotchaencounter_pokemon_broke_freeencounter_pokemon_ran_awayencounter_excellent_throwencounter_great_throwencounter_nice_throw<b>{0}</b>encounter_item_pokeballsencounter_item_berriesencounter_out_of_berriesencounter_berry_already_usedAn item selection GUI is already open
@@ -3491,7 +3512,7 @@
.Squish {0} for {1}Spin {0} for {1}, but spinning is not implemented
._EnvironmentColorIgnoring new BattleLog as battle has already completed with status {0}Changing active Pokemon to {0}Action start: {0}, Attacker: {1}, Type: {2}, ActivePokemonId: {3}, Duration: {4}Error returned sending AttackGymCallback
.Received AttackGymOutProto for mismatched battleId
-.Error starting battle: {0}Attempting to add health delta at {0}, but canonical health was set at {1}Attempting to add energy delta at {0}, but canonical energy was set at {1}Attempting to set health at {0}, but canonical health was set at {1}Attempting to set energy at {0}, but canonical energy was set at {1}{0}/{1}not_very_effectivesuper_effectiveattack_dodgeseq_introseq_faintseq_returnseq_dingseq_outrocompleteui-syncbattle_special_toastSeq: {0}, name: {1}, stage: {2}Seq defaultatk-moveVFX: {0}, mod: {1}, actor: {2}, action: {3}Seq: Invalid wait time: '{0}'AttackDamageSounds/JawHeadWaistpokeball_exitSeq: {0}, name: {1}Ending battle with status: {0}Error starting initial battle: {0}Error starting successive battle: {0}ToastFadeInOutLetterboxReticleOnDodgebattle_round_victoryShowUsernamestraining_round_numberbattle_round_numberF0battle_surrender_confirmationNot executing Highlight Fx because attackAffector not FOUND {0}gym_results_pokemon_defeatedgym_results_xp_awarded+#;-#;0gym_results_victorygym_results_defeatgym_results_timed_out{0} / {1}LevelUpLevelDownteam_name_team0PlayNo picture found for Gym {0}
+.Error starting battle: {0}Attempting to add health delta at {0}, but canonical health was set at {1}Attempting to add energy delta at {0}, but canonical energy was set at {1}Attempting to set health at {0}, but canonical health was set at {1}Attempting to set energy at {0}, but canonical energy was set at {1}{0}/{1}not_very_effectivesuper_effectiveattack_dodgepokeball_exitseq_introseq_faintseq_returnseq_dingseq_outrocompleteui-syncbattle_special_toastSeq: {0}, name: {1}, stage: {2}Seq defaultatk-moveVFX: {0}, mod: {1}, actor: {2}, action: {3}Seq: Invalid wait time: '{0}'AttackDamageSounds/{0}JawHeadWaistSeq: {0}, name: {1}Ending battle with status: {0}Error starting initial battle: {0}Error starting successive battle: {0}ToastFadeInOutLetterboxReticleOnDodgebattle_round_victoryShowUsernamestraining_round_numberbattle_round_numberF0battle_surrender_confirmationNot executing Highlight Fx because attackAffector not FOUND {0}gym_results_pokemon_defeatedgym_results_xp_awarded+#;-#;0gym_results_victorygym_results_defeatgym_results_timed_out{0} / {1}LevelUpLevelDownteam_name_team0PlayNo picture found for Gym {0}
. Lat: {1}, Long: {2}User failed to start a Gym Battle at {0}(no FortId)InstantChangeSwapLogoTierTransitionSpeedGymLevel[FirstLevel: {0}, LastLevel: {1}, GymPointsStart: {2}, GymPointsEnd: {3}, LevelNumber: {4}, TierNumber: {5}]common_emptyGym_cDiff_cAmbn_cRimt_cRimbTeaminRangegym_pointsgym_teamgym_inrangeusage
.click_gymClearing the map cell cache
@@ -3504,11 +3525,11 @@
.PokemonMissing field: WildPokemon
.PokemonDisplayMissing field: PokemonPokemon is not in rangeencounter_pokemon_not_in_rangeFailed to start encounter, inventory is full
.Encounter error
-.Encounter status: {0}wildSuccessfully encountering wild pokemon: {0}Failed to start encounter with WildMapPokemonHidden/DepthOnlyBuildingDepthOnly-CloneParkRoadRoad OutlineWaterTile_{0}Map tile is missing {0}NO BUILDER FOUND FOR LAYER: TimeOfDay/SkyNightTimeOfDay/Sky_StarsTimeOfDay/SkyClouds_NightTimeOfDay/SkyDayTimeOfDay/SkyClouds_Day_StarTexpokestop_disk_activate_error_already_has_diskpokestop_disk_error_out_of_rangepokestop_disk_activate_errorpokestop_disk_empty_titlepokestop_disk_empty_descusage
+.Encounter status: {0}wildSuccessfully encountering wild pokemon: {0}Failed to start encounter with WildMapPokemonHidden/DepthOnlyBuildingDepthOnly-CloneParkRoadRoad OutlineWaterTile_{0}Map tile is missing {0}NO BUILDER FOUND FOR LAYER: _StarTexpokestop_disk_activate_error_already_has_diskpokestop_disk_error_out_of_rangepokestop_disk_activate_errorpokestop_disk_empty_titlepokestop_disk_empty_descusage
.click_shopNo listeners subscribed to click
-.search_pokestopinventory_eggactiveisModdedExpireZoomedInUnexpected time of day settingMainAsset Browser disabled by build flagsAttempted to create an item that wasn't installed in the ItemsInstallererr_location_not_measuredUnexpected incense RPC response: {0}Not spawning incense encounter {0} as it has been blacklisted by the local client
+.search_pokestopactiveisModdedExpireZoomedInUnexpected time of day settingMainAsset Browser disabled by build flagsAttempted to create an item that wasn't installed in the ItemsInstallererr_location_not_measuredUnexpected incense RPC response: {0}Not spawning incense encounter {0} as it has been blacklisted by the local client
.Incense encounter returned different Pokemon than displayed on map: {0}Successfully encountering incense Pokemon: {0}Failed to start incense encounter, inventory is full
.Failed to encounter incense pokemon: {0}incenseFailed to start encounter with IncenseMapPokemonUnexpected Lucky Egg RPC response: {0}buff_already_applied{0}:{1:D2}Not spawning Troy disk encounter {0} as it has been blacklisted by the local client
.TroyDisk encounter returned different Pokemon than displayed on map: {0}Successfully encountering disk Pokemon: {0}Disk Pokemon is not in rangeFailed to start disk encounter, inventory is full
@@ -3516,16 +3537,7 @@
. wasn't an update
.{0} items in inventory delta: {1} -> {2}Unknown key in full inventory refresh
. Item might be new on the serverServer error: inventory item doesn't have a timestampItem's timestamp is older than latest inventory timestamp; ignoringUnknown key in inventory delta
-. Item might be new on the servercatch_a_pokemon_short_titlevisit_a_pokestop_short_titleGetPgpStateScanning already startedStartScanningScanning is not startedStopScanningGetScannedResultsInternalStartSessionStopSessionUpdateNotificationsPgpApiThere can only be 1 PgpPluginpgpplugincom
-.PluginGetCachedOrDownloadGameMasterClientTemplates RPC failedNo Head bone found to set collider radius
+. Item might be new on the servercatch_a_pokemon_short_titlevisit_a_pokestop_short_titleGetCachedOrDownloadGameMasterClientTemplates RPC failedNo Head bone found to set collider radius
.No Waist bone found to set collider radius
.No Waist bone found to set collider height
.Launch speed: <b>{0}</b> Input speed: <b>{1}</b> Perfect speed: <b>{2}</b>
@@ -3535,7 +3547,7 @@
.Animation: {2}SteveTheGymLoading
-.textField1textField2img1img2prog1bulbasaurvenusaurcharmandercharizardsquirtleblastoisepikachuraichucaterpiebutterfreeweedlebeedrillpidgeypidgeotrattataraticatespearowfearowekansarboksandshrewsandslashnidorannidoqueenclefairyclefablevulpixninetalesInstalling bindings
+.testtextField1textField2img1img2prog1bulbasaurvenusaurcharmandercharizardsquirtleblastoisepikachuraichucaterpiebutterfreeweedlebeedrillpidgeypidgeotrattataraticatespearowfearowekansarboksandshrewsandslashnidorannidoqueenclefairyclefablevulpixninetalesInstalling bindings
.Initializing plugin
@@ -3554,12 +3566,12 @@
.Error MessageOK or CANCEL what is it gonna be?!Test dialog with only 1 buttonGyroscope is not available
.Exception Thrown in Animation Func: {0}DeferredInvokeAttempting to play a NULL AudioSourceAttempting to play a NULL AudioClipOne Shot AudioThis button is missing an AudioClip
-.#}pokemon_info_candy_labelbuddy_total_walkedNewBuddyPreloadbuddy_chosenloadedConfirmBuddySwapCancelBuddySwapEarned candy from walking buddy: {0}, {1}buddy_walked_found_candyProblem with setting buddy: {0}MapCharacterst should be in the range [0, 1]ModelScale GMT missing for Pokemon {0}buturi01tokusyu01Can't play attack animation: Invalid Move ID {0}{0} Missing PokemonModel : {1}Prefab {0} has an inactive root object
+.#}pokemon_info_candy_labelbuddy_total_walkedNewBuddyPreloadbuddy_chosenloadedConfirmBuddySwapCancelBuddySwapEarned candy from walking buddy: {0}, {1}buddy_walked_found_candyProblem with setting buddy: {0}MapCharacterst should be in the range [0, 1]ModelScale GMT missing for Pokemon {0}Sounds/Characters/pv{0:000}buturi01tokusyu01Can't play attack animation: Invalid Move ID {0}{0} Missing PokemonModel : {1}Prefab {0} has an inactive root object
. Setting active to properly trigger Awake()
.waitB01Idle2TransitionUnable to parse AnimAttackEvent id for {0}Origin/WaistOrigin/Waist/HeadOrigin/Waist/Neck/HeadOrigin/Waist/Neck1/Neck2/Neck3/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Neck/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Neck1/Neck2/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Neck1/Neck2/Neck3/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck1/Neck2/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Spine4/Spine5/Spine6/Spine7/HeadOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Spine4/Spine5/Neck/Head/UpperBeak/TeethOrigin/Waist/RFeelerA/RFeelerB/RFeelerCOrigin/Waist/RHandOrigin/Waist/RArm/RForeArm/RHandOrigin/Waist/Spine/RArm/RForeArm/RHandOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/RArm/RForeArm/RHandOrigin/Waist/Spine/RShoulder/RArm/RForeArm/RHandOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/RShoulder/RArm/RForeArm/RHandOrigin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/RShoulder2/RArm2/RForeArm2/RHand2MainCameraFailed to find MainCamera to parent particle to
-.AttackEvent is deprecated and should be removed from animations on {0}Failed to find child {0}fx/{0}{1}_{0:0000}Load Prefab: failed to load {0}Failed to create particleCreateParticle: Failed to find MainCameraFailed to find child {0} for particle effect {1}Cannot create particle instance from null prefab
-._CharacterColorBRB_CHAR_FXHalo_SocketFace_SocketBody_SocketGround_SocketCenter_Socket{0} : Unable to set id for {1}_uv0_uv1_uv2#2271FFFF#E63838FF#FFE556FF#5F5F5FFFMouse XUnknown Item enum in inventory
+.AttackEvent is deprecated and should be removed from animations on {0}Failed to find child {0}fx/{0}{1}Failed to create particleCreateParticle: Failed to find MainCameraFailed to find child {0} for particle effect {1}Cannot create particle instance from null prefab
+._CharacterColorBRB_CHAR_FXHalo_SocketFace_SocketBody_SocketGround_SocketCenter_Socket{0} : Unable to set id for {1}jumplandisGroundattackeatreactID_uv0_uv1_uv2#2271FFFF#E63838FF#FFE556FF#5F5F5FFFMouse XUnknown Item enum in inventory
. This might be new on the serverError extracting key from game item
. The client doesn't know about an item type
.capacity must be positive
@@ -3567,15 +3579,19 @@
.Cannot peek when ListQueue is empty
.comparerQueue is emptyelement is outside of the bounds of the quadtreeThis platform doesn't have an app store urlerr_no_interneterr_gps_silenterr_update_nowerr_taking_you_to_app_storehttps://{0}/{1}Error retrieving version URL: {0}Error parsing version response: {0}EvolveNewSpeciesEggHatchInvisibledefender_bonus_nothing_deployeddefender_bonus_collect_now{0:c}Problem collecting daily defender bonus: {0}defender_bonus_header_instanceGlobalSettingsfx/{0}b37f5273-038e-470f-b69a-2327e1745861edd52c99-e7f7-4ca1-a721-8edd390393d93cce70b1-4257-4764-bb78-3c99716b2b3eError writing file to {0}
.{1}({0}, {1})({0}, {1}, {2})({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})Raycast firedRaycast hit something0
-.2Problem getting exact goal of {0} for badge type {1}, trying to get next highest tierNo goal higher than {0} for badge type {1}, getting closest lower tierPrefabs/Items/it{0:0000}Avatar Customization: Couldn't find proto for clothing id: {0}sequence_waitA01land01damageS01down01loop01GameMasterDataService update failed: {0}GameMasterData received null response from RPCServiceGameMasterData update failed: {0}Received new settings: {0}Failed to get settings from the server:
+.0Problem getting exact goal of {0} for badge type {1}, trying to get next highest tierNo goal higher than {0} for badge type {1}, getting closest lower tierAvatar Customization: Couldn't find proto for clothing id: {0}sequence_waitA01land01damageS01down01loop01GameMasterDataService update failed: {0}GameMasterData received null response from RPCServiceGameMasterData update failed: {0}Received new settings: {0}Failed to get settings from the server:
.{0}No player stats was found in the inventory
-.player_levelplayer_xpplayer_avatarError setting player team
+.player_levelplayer_xpplayer_avatarRequesting cached player proto before it has been set
+.Requesting cached player stats before it has been set
+.Error setting player team
.remote_config_cache/<i> RPC request CACHE {0}<i> RPC request NETWORK {0}Load remote config cache from disk: {0}Load remote config cache from network: {0}*
-.*<!> : no bytes to write{0:X16}_{1} : wrote synchronously : failed to write to diskCached asset digest empty
-.Invalid timestamp in returned asset digest
-.Cached GMTs empty
-.Received unset response status when getting GMTs<!> Failed to loadSent RPC({0}) {1}Recv RPC({0}) {1}RPC ({0}) {1} failed: {2}SeqInfo Load: failed to convert sequence Sounds/Characters/pv{0:000}Sending request to use item {0} on Pokemon {1}Cannot use potion on Pokemon at max stamina
+.*<!> : no bytes to write{0:X16}_{1} : wrote synchronously : failed to write to diskCached asset digest invalid
+. Try again?Cached asset digest empty
+. Try again?Received unset response status when getting asset digestCached GMTs corrupted
+. Try again?Cached GMTs empty
+. Try again?Received unset response status when getting GMTs<!> Failed to loadSent RPC({0}) {1}Recv RPC({0}) {1}Received empty RPC response
+.RPC ({0}) {1} failed: {2}SeqInfo Load: failed to convert sequence Sending request to use item {0} on Pokemon {1}Cannot use potion on Pokemon at max stamina
.Cannot use revive on non-fainted Pokemon
.Cannot use on Pokemon
.Sending encounter use request for item {0} in encounter
@@ -3600,11 +3616,11 @@
-.stroke|color:0x707070getFromLocationpokemon_info_address_formatgetLocalitygetAdminAreagetCountryName{0:F3},{1:F3}Failed to find addressConstructing NativeLocationProviderData/BuildNotesNews Cachenews_idcountryaction
+.stroke|color:0x707070getFromLocationpokemon_info_address_formatgetLocalitygetAdminAreagetCountryName{0:F3},{1:F3}Failed to find addressConstructing NativeLocationProviderNews Cachenews_idcountryaction
.news_link_clickedFailed to get a link for news popup: {0}action
-.news_viewedFailed to get news: {0}Failed to download news asset: {0}5a4d0a56-e3e1-4e72-b1fd-8dd550a1cb0309929d1d-4109-4e04-8929-6e368e8ebf9d584eb9ef-6c9b-49d4-a548-d6b48101f76c0fdd0e25-9cdd-4cd8-826d-a8eafb1fed521e4ad837-1e93-42be-92f5-585e20104c62f228cd90-6d28-4cb3-8b74-682637d21a02a48ae148-2b06-49e2-b7af-fd102e3526c816d91881-cd9a-425c-99d4-de5358d774de13a91e46-3e2c-11e6-ac61-9e71128cae77c34e5826-794a-11e6-8b77-86f30ca893d3a2cc6bfe-46f1-4dde-87d3-e27eb18bcb1a91b88fff-bdc7-4b10-b9c6-f8eb73aa56abf26546e6-b7e7-4c53-bb7c-8dc109a72c78cb9a1ca0-5ca2-4b2f-a842-e26d5c6edef9No localization string for quest: quest_first_catch_of_the_dayquest_first_pokestop_of_the_dayFaderInFaderOut_OpacityVertex Lit / No Eye Shading - directional + ambient and rimPixel Lit - THERE ARE 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rimNormal Maps or Specular Pixel Lit - 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rimSpecular with Normal Maps - 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rimSave the screenshot to {0}android
+.news_viewedFailed to download news asset: {0}8138003536485a4d0a56-e3e1-4e72-b1fd-8dd550a1cb0309929d1d-4109-4e04-8929-6e368e8ebf9d584eb9ef-6c9b-49d4-a548-d6b48101f76c0fdd0e25-9cdd-4cd8-826d-a8eafb1fed521e4ad837-1e93-42be-92f5-585e20104c62f228cd90-6d28-4cb3-8b74-682637d21a02a48ae148-2b06-49e2-b7af-fd102e3526c816d91881-cd9a-425c-99d4-de5358d774de13a91e46-3e2c-11e6-ac61-9e71128cae77c34e5826-794a-11e6-8b77-86f30ca893d3a2cc6bfe-46f1-4dde-87d3-e27eb18bcb1a91b88fff-bdc7-4b10-b9c6-f8eb73aa56abf26546e6-b7e7-4c53-bb7c-8dc109a72c78cb9a1ca0-5ca2-4b2f-a842-e26d5c6edef9No localization string for quest: quest_first_catch_of_the_dayquest_first_pokestop_of_the_dayFaderInFaderOut_OpacityVertex Lit / No Eye Shading - directional + ambient and rimPixel Lit - THERE ARE 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rimNormal Maps or Specular Pixel Lit - 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rimSpecular with Normal Maps - 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rimSave the screenshot to {0}android
@@ -3629,7 +3645,8 @@
.com/tile/v1/streetview/tiles/?panoId=&session=&key=AIzaSyBsF0XUO1q445riJNFTGgIrOAV2vMk8dsYRequest tile [application/jsonStreetView request time out
.Failed to create a session: url: response text: Request failed: &#Exception thrown attempting to decode HTML characters from '{0}':
-.{1}{0}{1}{2}<color=#{0}>{1}</color>No localization string found for: {0}Columns = Resize = Page https://play
+.*?>(&#)([0-9]+)(;)No localization string found for: {0}Columns = Resize = Page https://play
@@ -3655,7 +3672,7 @@
.testMaterials have been sorted alphabetically
.pgp_log_pokemon_hatchedg{0}?language={1}&cb={2}Empty token received from challenge webpage
-.Verify Challenge Unsuccessful|{0}No conversation found for key: {0}Cloudpokemon_info_stardust_labelincubator_selector_infinite_usesincubator_selector_uses_leftx<b>{0}</b>Unknown item type: {0}Item not currently usable: {0}recycle_dialog_prefixrecycle_dialog_suffixonboard_name_invalid_characters_erroronboard_name_too_short_erroronboard_name_too_long_erroronboard_name_are_you_sure^[A-Za-z0-9\-]*$codename_warning_messagecodename_already_yourscodename_are_you_sureCodename change not allowedCodename already assigned to this playerCodename invalidUnexpected CodenameResultProto
+.Verify Challenge Unsuccessful|{0}No conversation found for key: {0}pokemon_info_stardust_labelincubator_selector_infinite_usesincubator_selector_uses_leftx<b>{0}</b>Unknown item type: {0}Item not currently usable: {0}recycle_dialog_prefixrecycle_dialog_suffixonboard_name_invalid_characters_erroronboard_name_too_short_erroronboard_name_too_long_erroronboard_name_are_you_sure^[A-Za-z0-9\-]*$codename_warning_messagecodename_already_yourscodename_are_you_sureCodename change not allowedCodename already assigned to this playerCodename invalidUnexpected CodenameResultProto
.Status: {0}codename_reassign_success/{0}badge_capture_bonus_rewardisActivatedN0hasBabyusage
.click_customize_avatar{0:D} / {0:D}general_andusage
@@ -3670,7 +3687,10 @@
.click_exchangeshop_something_went_wrongshop_quick_coins_titleshop_quick_coins_get_them_hereshop_quick_balls_titleshop_quick_balls_get_them_here{0} - {1}general_sign_out_confirmsettings_are_you_sure_report_prompthelp_center_linkreport_issues_linkshop_fully_upgraded{0}_descriptionpokecoinskucategoryiap
+.redeem_passcodefeedback_added_xpSize must be between 0 and {0}
+. Ignoring size
+.{0}=s{1}Removed stale image from cache: {0:f2}mb freed[ImageDownloadService] Error downloading image {0} : {1}Error downloading image: Image Downloaded: {0}, {1:f2}mb
.Texture Cache Limit: {2}mb
.Cache {3:f1}% fullgeneral_cancelgeneral_yesgeneral_noalreadyFilledFillPipLongFlashFlourishIllegal pip index: {0}quest_streak_formatCannot initialize POI inspection GUI for unexpected PoiType
.POI {0} has no Name setPOI {0} has no ImageUrl setFailed to retrieve details for POI {0}Failed to get POI details for GymGetGymDetails RPC Failed: {0}RecyclerElement_{0}Only Vertical and Grid layout types are supportedNo Text is bound to {0}No RawImage is bound to {0}CheckRequestsLetterSpacing: Missing Text component{0}, line {1} ({2})More than one refence to comparer found
@@ -3694,7 +3714,8 @@
@@ -17251,8 +17272,8 @@
@@ -17324,6 +17345,8 @@
@@ -17724,7 +17747,6 @@
@@ -22507,10 +22529,10 @@
@@ -22644,6 +22666,11 @@
@@ -22716,8 +22743,6 @@
@@ -22727,7 +22752,10 @@
@@ -23074,9 +23102,15 @@
@@ -23827,8 +23861,6 @@
@@ -23902,15 +23934,10 @@
@@ -24258,7 +24285,6 @@
@@ -24919,9 +24945,13 @@
@@ -27184,6 +27214,83 @@
@@ -27207,12 +27314,65 @@
@@ -27246,6 +27406,14 @@
@@ -27253,11 +27421,8 @@
@@ -27270,8 +27435,8 @@
@@ -27706,9 +27871,16 @@
@@ -27719,6 +27891,8 @@
@@ -27740,11 +27914,14 @@
@@ -27754,10 +27931,11 @@
@@ -27815,7 +27993,6 @@
@@ -27841,15 +28018,32 @@
@@ -27859,7 +28053,29 @@
@@ -27961,55 +28177,6 @@
@@ -29275,7 +29442,6 @@
@@ -29610,7 +29776,6 @@
@@ -30703,6 +30868,8 @@
@@ -33621,7 +33788,6 @@
@@ -33667,7 +33833,6 @@
@@ -36258,6 +36423,50 @@
@@ -36380,6 +36589,7 @@
@@ -36438,8 +36648,6 @@
@@ -36448,24 +36656,110 @@
@@ -36552,10 +36846,13 @@
@@ -36760,10 +37057,17 @@
@@ -37140,17 +37444,17 @@
@@ -37172,17 +37476,12 @@
@@ -37214,7 +37513,8 @@
@@ -37783,6 +38083,28 @@
@@ -39478,7 +39800,6 @@
@@ -39594,6 +39915,113 @@
@@ -40155,7 +40583,6 @@
@@ -40335,7 +40762,6 @@
@@ -40374,12 +40800,21 @@
@@ -40398,11 +40833,12 @@
@@ -40696,6 +41132,7 @@
@@ -41105,7 +41542,6 @@
@@ -41145,6 +41581,8 @@
@@ -41156,6 +41594,9 @@
@@ -41638,6 +42079,7 @@
@@ -41664,24 +42106,26 @@
@@ -41717,7 +42161,6 @@
@@ -41738,21 +42181,19 @@
@@ -42327,8 +42768,7 @@
@@ -42337,7 +42777,6 @@
@@ -42582,7 +43021,6 @@
@@ -42676,6 +43114,7 @@
@@ -42740,6 +43179,7 @@
@@ -42747,6 +43187,7 @@
@@ -43224,7 +43665,6 @@
@@ -43511,6 +43951,7 @@
@@ -43697,9 +44138,10 @@
@@ -44469,12 +44911,13 @@
@@ -44542,6 +44985,7 @@
@@ -44579,6 +45023,8 @@
@@ -44589,6 +45035,7 @@
@@ -45471,7 +45918,9 @@
@@ -45504,7 +45953,6 @@
@@ -45646,6 +46094,7 @@
@@ -45706,6 +46155,10 @@
@@ -45716,6 +46169,8 @@
@@ -45731,7 +46186,6 @@
@@ -45776,6 +46230,8 @@
@@ -45799,11 +46255,14 @@
@@ -45811,11 +46270,11 @@
@@ -45823,7 +46282,9 @@
@@ -45842,7 +46303,9 @@
@@ -45994,16 +46457,27 @@
@@ -46302,62 +46776,10 @@
@@ -46414,7 +46836,6 @@
@@ -46426,8 +46847,6 @@
@@ -46441,12 +46860,17 @@
@@ -46454,32 +46878,33 @@
@@ -46681,13 +47106,7 @@
@@ -46709,8 +47128,6 @@
@@ -46793,6 +47210,7 @@
@@ -46966,8 +47384,6 @@
@@ -47007,7 +47423,6 @@
@@ -47107,10 +47522,10 @@
@@ -47138,109 +47553,6 @@
@@ -47434,6 +47746,7 @@
@@ -47462,10 +47775,11 @@
@@ -47786,9 +48100,11 @@
@@ -47798,6 +48114,7 @@
@@ -47862,6 +48179,8 @@
@@ -48128,7 +48447,6 @@
@@ -48150,6 +48468,16 @@
@@ -48585,7 +48913,6 @@
@@ -48711,11 +49038,11 @@
@@ -48793,9 +49120,6 @@
@@ -48805,18 +49129,27 @@
@@ -49088,8 +49421,6 @@
@@ -49101,6 +49432,8 @@
@@ -49110,6 +49443,8 @@
@@ -49133,7 +49468,7 @@
@@ -49189,7 +49524,6 @@
@@ -49250,14 +49584,10 @@
@@ -49329,6 +49659,14 @@
@@ -49365,11 +49703,13 @@
@@ -49388,8 +49728,9 @@
@@ -49445,8 +49786,6 @@
@@ -49512,6 +49851,9 @@
@@ -49521,6 +49863,8 @@
@@ -49766,6 +50110,7 @@
@@ -50005,8 +50350,6 @@
@@ -50086,7 +50429,6 @@
@@ -50096,7 +50438,6 @@
@@ -50110,7 +50451,9 @@
@@ -50226,10 +50569,11 @@
@@ -50362,6 +50706,18 @@
@@ -50372,9 +50728,18 @@
@@ -50411,6 +50776,8 @@
@@ -52512,30 +52879,7 @@
@@ -53863,8 +54207,6 @@
@@ -54796,6 +55138,18 @@
@@ -54834,6 +55188,86 @@
@@ -55007,6 +55441,9 @@
@@ -55067,6 +55504,8 @@
@@ -55092,6 +55531,8 @@
@@ -55657,6 +56098,10 @@
@@ -55669,11 +56114,14 @@
@@ -56286,10 +56734,17 @@
@@ -56591,6 +57046,10 @@
@@ -56626,6 +57085,13 @@
@@ -57007,8 +57473,8 @@
@@ -57016,7 +57482,7 @@
@@ -57065,6 +57531,95 @@
@@ -57263,23 +57818,32 @@
@@ -57547,21 +58111,29 @@
@@ -58059,6 +58631,7 @@
@@ -58409,7 +58982,6 @@
@@ -58467,6 +59039,7 @@
@@ -58685,6 +59258,17 @@
@@ -58723,12 +59307,14 @@
@@ -58738,10 +59324,12 @@
@@ -58766,6 +59354,40 @@
@@ -58803,6 +59425,7 @@
@@ -58950,7 +59573,6 @@
@@ -59242,12 +59864,16 @@
@@ -59673,7 +60299,6 @@
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