- Scalability triangle
- Performance, maintenance, cost
- WS lifecycle
- inspect ws inside browser dev tools
- Initial call is made using HTTP and then 101 protocol switch response is received and the connection is upgraded to ws
- Optional heartbeat messages are used in check connection.
- Phoenix pings server every 30 seconds.
- Server will close connection if it doesn't receive ping within 60 seconds.
- use wss:// for security.
- ws doesn't follow CORS policy.
- We have to manually add CSRF and domain checking capability.
- Long polling vs ws
- Each time header is processed.
- It's not realtime if the long polling time is heigher.
- Easier to loadbalance.
- Socket forms the basis for a persistent connection.
- connect and id are the major functions to care.
- Channels help in grouping of topics.
- join, handle_in, handle_info, handle_out
- Each channel is represented as a process. So split according to the load.
- Accept or reject a request to join.
- Handle messages from the client.
- Handle messages from the PubSub.
- Push messages to the client.
- Phoenix Pub.Sub is used to route messages to and from channels. broadcast, broadcast_from, subscribe, unsubscribe are the main methods. node_name, direct_broadcast are other methods.
- Channel topics can end with "*" which is a wild card symbol.
- Phoenix message structure.
- [ join ref, message ref, topic, event, payload]
- PubSub can broadcast message to clients directly.
- If we want to customize broadcast we can have handle_out handler. we need to have intercept['message_name'] at the top of the channel module.
- Official javascript client support socket connection, channel connection
- socket.connect, channel.join, channel.on, channel.push are frequently used.
- use Phoenix.Token.sign, Phoenix.Token.verify for initail socket connection(Domain checking)
- Phoenix support at most once delivery.
- We can send recurring message(push) using Process.send_after and handle_info
- We can use handle_out and Process.send_after to buffer messages.
- We can test sockets using ChannelCase.
- connect is used to connect a socket.
- socket is used to get socket instance and subscribe_and_join to join channel
- capture_log is used to capture Logger output
- assert_reply is used to check reply from server
- assert_push to check push
- Use statsD for metrics
- Use socket ref to make asynchronous reply.
- ref = socket_ref(socket)
- Phoenix.Channel.reply(ref, {:ok, %{ping: "pong"}}) inside task or other process.
- For handling data pipelines use GenStage
- put_resp_header("Cache-Control", "no-store, must-revalidate") to rerender on forward and backwork browser navigation.
- Use Hound for browser testing.
- Use Phoenix.Tracker to track channels
- use track, handle_diff and list functions.
- Presence is provided by phoenix javascript client to listen for handle_diff. presence_diff message is sent to client on each handle_diff call back. presence.onSync is called in client side.
- Use mix or distillery release.
- Use rolling or blue green deployments.
- Use libcluster for clustering.
- We can provide origin checking as config, other configs include compress etc.
- generational vs full sweep garbage collection.
- :erlang.process_info(pid, :memory)
- :erlang.garbage_collect(pid)
- Process hibernation prevents long term storage.
- we can pass hibernate_after parameter to GenServers.
- use observer_cli
- Phoenix liveview
- Use noUI components to wrap components with socket and channel in React kind of front ends.
September 1, 2020 07:37
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Key concepts to remember from real time phoenix book.
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