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Last active December 24, 2015 20:09
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Save apetrone/6856088 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
arduino_motor_controller (with red/blue lightbar)
// Arduino-based motor controller
// This was designed to work with a Spektrum AR6200 receiver, but any receiver should work
// with proper calibration and setup of available channels.
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
const uint8_t DATA_PIN = 7;
const uint8_t N_PIXELS = 8;
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(N_PIXELS, DATA_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
uint8_t cpix = 0;
int8_t dir = 1;
const long PIXEL_DELAY = 30;
long pixel_delay = PIXEL_DELAY;
long last_loop = 0;
uint8_t GEAR_INPUT = 5;
uint8_t FLAPS_INPUT = 6;
uint8_t GEAR_OUTPUT = 7;
uint8_t FLAPS_OUTPUT = 8;
// motor input pins
const uint8_t MOTOR0_INPUT = 2;
const uint8_t MOTOR1_INPUT = 4;
// motor output pins
const uint8_t MOTOR0_FORWARD = 3;
const uint8_t MOTOR0_BACKWARD = 11;
const uint8_t MOTOR1_FORWARD = 9;
const uint8_t MOTOR1_BACKWARD = 10;
struct SpektrumChannel
uint16_t min_threshold;
uint16_t max_threshold;
uint16_t center_min;
uint16_t center_max;
uint16_t upper_divisor;
uint16_t lower_divisor;
uint8_t pin;
uint8_t forward_pin;
uint8_t backward_pin;
SpektrumChannel( uint8_t _pin )
pin = _pin;
// input pin from receiver
pinMode( pin, INPUT );
void setup_motor_channel( uint8_t _forward_pin, uint8_t _backward_pin, uint16_t _min, uint16_t _max, uint16_t _center_min, uint16_t _center_max )
min_threshold = _min;
max_threshold = _max;
center_min = _center_min;
center_max = _center_max;
forward_pin = _forward_pin;
backward_pin = _backward_pin;
upper_divisor = (max_threshold - center_max);
lower_divisor = (center_min - min_threshold);
// output pins for motor driver; normalized output [0, 1]
pinMode( forward_pin, OUTPUT );
pinMode( backward_pin, OUTPUT );
float poll( int8_t & direction )
int pulse = pulseIn( pin, HIGH );
int dt = 0;
float normalizedValue = 0.0;
Serial.println( pulse );
direction = -1;
if ( pulse > 0 )
if ( pulse > center_max )
direction = 1;
dt = pulse - center_max;
normalizedValue = ((float)dt/(float)upper_divisor);
if ( normalizedValue > 1.0 )
normalizedValue = 1.0;
else if ( pulse < center_min )
direction = 0;
dt = center_min - pulse;
normalizedValue = ((float)dt/(float)lower_divisor);
if ( normalizedValue > 1.0 )
normalizedValue = 1.0;
normalizedValue = 0.0;
direction = -1;
// Serial.print( "Value: " );
// Serial.println( normalizedValue );
return normalizedValue;
void apply_motor_speed()
int8_t direction = 0;
int8_t analog_out = 0;
float normalized_value = 0.0f;
normalized_value = poll( direction );
analog_out = int8_t(255.0 * normalized_value);
if ( direction == 1 )
analogWrite( forward_pin, analog_out );
analogWrite( backward_pin, 0 );
else if ( direction == 0 )
analogWrite( forward_pin, 0 );
analogWrite( backward_pin, analog_out );
analogWrite( forward_pin, 0 );
analogWrite( backward_pin, 0 );
uint8_t is_pin_high()
int pulse = pulseIn( pin, HIGH );
return (pulse > 1900);
SpektrumChannel chan0( MOTOR0_INPUT );
SpektrumChannel chan1( MOTOR1_INPUT );
SpektrumChannel chan2( GEAR_INPUT );
SpektrumChannel chan3( FLAPS_INPUT );
void run_scanner_bar()
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < N_PIXELS; ++i )
uint32_t color = strip.Color( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( cpix == i )
color = strip.Color( 255, 0, 0 );
else if ( cpix == i + (dir*1) )
color = strip.Color( 128, 0, 0 );
else if ( cpix == i + (dir*2) )
color = strip.Color( 64, 0, 0 );
else if ( cpix == i + (dir*3) )
color = strip.Color( 32, 0, 0 );
strip.setPixelColor( i, color );
cpix += dir;
if (cpix == N_PIXELS-1 )
dir = -dir;
else if ( cpix == 0 )
dir = -dir;
void run_police()
uint8_t num_flashes = 3;
long current = millis();
long delta = (current - last_loop);
last_loop = current;
pixel_delay -= delta;
if ( pixel_delay > 0 )
pixel_delay = PIXEL_DELAY;
uint32_t red = strip.Color( 255, 0, 0 );
uint32_t blue = strip.Color( 0, 0, 255 );
uint32_t black = strip.Color( 0, 0, 0 );
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < N_PIXELS; ++i )
uint32_t color = black;
if ( (cpix % 2) == 0 ) // every even iteration
if ( dir > 0 )
if ( i < 4 )
color = red;
color = black;
if ( i < 4 )
color = black;
color = blue;
strip.setPixelColor( i, color );
if ( cpix == ((num_flashes * 2)-1) )
dir = -dir;
cpix = 0;
void disable_leds()
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < N_PIXELS; ++i )
strip.setPixelColor( i, strip.Color(0,0,0) );
// reset these vars
dir = 1;
cpix = 0;
void setup()
// set timer1 to default value
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & (0b11111000 | 0x03);
// set timer2 to default value
TCCR2B = TCCR2B & (0b11111000 | 0x04);
// these two will be motor channels
chan0.setup_motor_channel( MOTOR0_FORWARD, MOTOR0_BACKWARD, 1108, 1875, 1490, 1515 );
chan1.setup_motor_channel( MOTOR1_FORWARD, MOTOR1_BACKWARD, 1108, 1875, 1490, 1515 );
//digitalWrite( GEAR_OUTPUT, LOW );
//digitalWrite( FLAPS_OUTPUT, LOW );
void loop()
// if ( chan2.is_pin_high() )
// {
// digitalWrite( GEAR_OUTPUT, HIGH );
// }
// else
// {
// digitalWrite( GEAR_OUTPUT, LOW );
// }
if ( chan3.is_pin_high() )
digitalWrite( FLAPS_OUTPUT, HIGH );
digitalWrite( FLAPS_OUTPUT, LOW );
if ( chan2.is_pin_high() )
// run_scanner_bar();
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