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A gist of project-mode.el
;;; project-mode.el
;; Author: Benjamin Cluff
;; Created: 02-Feb-2010
;; Synopsis:
;; * Finding files is greatly simplified (see key bindings)
;; * TAGS files for project files.
(require 'cl)
(require 'levenshtein)
(defgroup project-mode nil
"Project mode allows users to do fuzzy and regex searches on
file names and text within a defined set of directories and
files that make up the project. Multiple projects can be
loaded at the same time and the user can switch back and forth
between them."
:prefix "project-"
:group 'programming)
(defcustom project-menu-string "Project"
"The string that appears in the menu.")
(defcustom project-search-exclusion-regexes-default '("\\.git" "\\.cake" "[/\\\\]lib\\b"
"\\.svn" "\\.jar$" "\\.class$" "\\.exe$" "\\.png$"
"\\.gif$" "\\.jpg$" "\\.jpeg$" "\\.ico$" "\\.log$"
"\\.rtf$" "\\.bin$" "\\.tar$" "\\.tgz$" "\\.gz$"
"\\.bz2$" "\\.zip$" "\\.rar$" "\\.cab$" "\\.msi$"
"\\.o$" "\\.a$" "\\.dll$" "\\.pdf$" "\\.tmp$"
"\\.war$" "\\bTAGS\\b")
"File paths that match these regexes will be excluded from any type of search"
:group 'project)
(defcustom project-fuzzy-match-tolerance-default 20
"Precentage. The higher the more tolerant fuzzy matches will be."
:group 'project)
(defcustom project-tags-form-default '(".*" ('etags))
"Used to create tags. Useful for when extending project mode.
The form must be like the following:
('elisp \"regex1\"
\"regex2\") ; generate tags using elisp ('elisp is the default)
('etags \"-r 'etags regex argument'\"
\"-R 'etags regex exclusion'\") ; generate tags using etags
('etags) ; generate using etags language auto-detect
:group 'project)
(defcustom project-extension-for-saving ".proj"
"Appended to the file name of saved projects."
:group 'project)
(defcustom project-proj-files-dir "~/.emacs.d"
"Where project files are saved."
:group 'project)
(defcustom project-path-cache-save-p nil
"If nil the path-cache of a project will not be saved to the project file."
:group 'project)
(define-minor-mode project-mode
"Toggle project mode.
With no argument, this command toggles the mode.
Non-null prefix argument turns on the mode.
Null prefix argument turns off the mode."
;; The initial value.
:init-value nil
;; The indicator for the mode line.
:lighter " Project"
;; This mode is best as a global minor mode
:global t
;; The minor mode bindings.
'(;; Commands on projects start with:............. 'p'
("\M-+n" . project-new)
("\M-+o" . project-open)
("\M-+a" . project-show-current-name)
("\M-+p" . project-edit-search-paths)
("\M-+c" . project-edit-path-cache)
("\M-+s" . project-save)
("\M-+\C-s" . project-save-all)
("\M-+l" . project-load-and-select)
([C-f5] . project-refresh)
("\M-+f" . project-fuzzy-search)
("\M-+x" . project-regex-search)
("\M-+e" . project-exact-search)
("\M-+t" . project-search-text)
([C-f3] . project-search-text-next)
([C-f4] . project-search-text-previous)
("\M-+yf" . project-filesystem-search)
("\M-+yz" . project-im-feeling-lucky-fuzzy)
("\M-+yx" . project-im-feeling-lucky-regex))
:group 'project)
;;; Hooks
(add-hook 'project-mode-hook 'project-mode-menu)
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda nil (run-hooks 'project-mode-hook)))
(defvar *project-current* nil
"For project-mode. The project name string of the currently active project.
You should almost always use the `PROJECT-CURRENT' function instead if this.")
(defvar *project-list* nil
"For project-mode. List of projects. Projects are symbols that are uninterned and their plists contain project specific data.")
(defvar project-windows-or-msdos-p (or (string-match "^windows.*" (symbol-name system-type))
(string-match "^ms-dos.*" (symbol-name system-type)))
"Predicate indicating if this `SYSTEM-TYPE' is windows for the purpose of using the correct directory separator.")
;;; Interactive commands
(defun project-new (project-name search-path)
(interactive "MNew Project Name:
DAdd a search directory to project: ")
(when (project-find project-name)
(error "A project by that name already exists. Project not created."))
(let ((project (project-create project-name)))
(project-select project)
(project-search-paths-add project search-path)
(defun project-open (&optional project-name)
(if (not project-name)
(let ((listified-project-list (mapcar (lambda (x) (list x)) *project-list*)))
(let ((choice (completing-read "Select project: " listified-project-list nil nil nil)))
(project-select choice)))
(project-select project-name)))
(defun project-load-and-select (project-name)
(interactive "MLoad project by name: ")
(project-load project-name)
(project-open project-name))
(defun project-load-all nil
(dolist (file (directory-files project-proj-files-dir))
(when (string-match (concat project-extension-for-saving "$") file)
(project-load-file (project-append-to-path project-proj-files-dir file))))
(message "Done loading all projects"))
(defun project-show-current-name nil
(if (project-current)
(message (concat "Current project: " (project-current-name)))
(message "No project is currently selected.")))
(defun project-save nil
(message (concat "Saving project '" (project-current-name) "'"))
(project-write (project-current)))
(defun project-save-all nil
(dolist (project *project-list*)
(project-write project))
(message "Done saving all projects."))
(defun project-file-list-edit-buffer-save nil
(let ((buf (current-buffer))
(button (next-button (point) t)))
(let ((new-paths (project-buffer-lines-to-list buf)))
(project-file-list-edit-buffer-save-handler buf new-paths)
(kill-buffer buf)))))
(defun project-add-search-path (dir)
(interactive "DAdd a search directory to project: ")
(project-search-paths-add (project-current) dir))
(defun project-im-feeling-lucky-fuzzy (file-name)
(interactive "MI'm-feeling-lucky FUZZY search: ")
(let ((best-match (car (project-search-fuzzy (project-current) file-name))))
(when best-match
(find-file best-match))))
(defun project-im-feeling-lucky-regex (regex)
(interactive "MI'm-feeling-lucky REGEX search: ")
(let ((best-match (car (project-search-regex (project-current) regex))))
(when best-match
(find-file best-match))))
(defun project-filesystem-search (file-name-regex)
(interactive "MFile system REGEX search: ")
(let ((matches (project-search-filesystem (project-current) file-name-regex)))
(when matches
(let ((choice (completing-read "Choose: " matches nil nil nil)))
(when choice
(find-file choice))))))
(defun project-fuzzy-search (name)
(interactive "MFind file FUZZY: ")
(let ((matches (project-search-fuzzy (project-current) name)))
(if matches
(if (= 1 (length matches))
(find-file (car matches))
(setq matches (mapcar (lambda (x) (list x)) matches))
(let ((choice (completing-read "Choose: " matches nil nil nil)))
(when choice
(find-file choice)))))
(message "No reasonable matches found."))))
(defun project-regex-search (regex)
(interactive "MFind file REGEX: ")
(let ((matches (project-search-regex (project-current) regex)))
(when matches
(if (> (length matches) 1)
(setq matches (mapcar (lambda (x) (list x)) matches))
(let ((choice (completing-read "Choose: " matches nil nil nil)))
(when choice
(find-file choice))))
(find-file (car matches))))))
(defun project-exact-search (file-name)
(interactive "MFind file EXACT: ")
(let ((matches (project-search-exact (project-current) file-name)))
(when matches
(if (> (length matches) 1)
(setq matches (mapcar (lambda (x) (list x)) matches))
(let ((choice (completing-read "Choose: " matches nil nil nil)))
(when choice
(find-file choice))))
(find-file (car matches))))))
(defun project-search-text (regex)
(interactive "MFull-text REGEX: ")
(let ((matches nil))
(dolist (path (project-path-cache-get (project-current)))
(project-run-regex-on-file path regex
(lambda (p)
(setq matches
(append matches (list (list path p)))))))
(when matches
(let ((buf (generate-new-buffer (concat "*" (project-current-name) "-full-text-search-results*"))))
(project-full-text-search-results-buffer-set (project-current) buf)
(pop-to-buffer buf)
(dolist (match matches)
(insert-button (concat (first match)
":" (number-to-string (second match)))
'action 'project-file-offset-button-handler)
(insert "\n"))
(defun project-search-text-next nil
(let ((buf (project-full-text-search-results-buffer-get (project-current))))
(when buf
(set-buffer buf)
(if (not (= (point) (point-min)))
(push-mark (point) t t)
(defun project-search-text-previous nil
(let ((buf (project-full-text-search-results-buffer-get (project-current))))
(when buf
(set-buffer buf)
(forward-line -1)
(push-mark (point) t t)
(defun project-open-file-for-match-selection nil
(let ((match-line (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(when (string-match ":[0-9]+$" match-line)
(let ((file (substring match-line 0 (string-match ":[0-9]+$" match-line)))
(p (substring match-line (string-match "[0-9]+$" match-line))))
(when file
(find-file file)
(when p
(goto-char (string-to-number p))))))))
(defun project-open-file-on-line nil
"Open a file from the current line of text."
(push-mark (point) t t)
(let ((file-path (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(when file-path
(find-file file-path))))
(defun project-edit-path-cache nil
(project-create-file-list-edit-buffer (concat "*" (project-current-name) "-edit-path-cache*")
(project-path-cache-get (project-current))))
(defun project-edit-search-paths nil
(project-create-file-list-edit-buffer (concat "*" (project-current-name) "-edit-search-paths*")
(project-search-paths-get (project-current))))
(defun project-path-cache-refresh nil
(project-path-cache-create (project-current)))
(defun project-tags-refresh nil
(message "Refreshing tags...")
(project-write-tags (project-path-cache-get (project-current))
(project-tags-file (project-current))
(project-tags-form-get (project-current)))
(when (file-exists-p (project-tags-file (project-current)))
(visit-tags-table (project-tags-file (project-current))))
(message "Done refreshing tags."))
(defun project-refresh nil
(when (not (project-disable-auto-tags-get (project-current)))
(message (concat "Done refreshing project '" (project-current-name) "'")))
;;; Non-interactive functions
;;; For using 'editing' buffers
(defun project-create-file-list-edit-buffer (buffer-name files)
(when (get-buffer buffer-name)
(kill-buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(let ((buf (pop-to-buffer buffer-name)))
(local-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'project-file-list-edit-buffer-save)
(dolist (file files)
(let ((but (insert-button file
'action (lambda (but)
(button-label but))))))
(insert "\n")))
(defun project-buffer-lines-to-list (buffer)
(set-buffer buffer)
(let (ret-val start end (continue-p t))
(while continue-p
(setq start (point))
(setq end (point))
(let ((line (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
(when (and line
(> (length line) 0))
(setq ret-val (append ret-val (list line)))))
(setq continue-p (= 0 (forward-line))))
(defun project-file-list-edit-buffer-save-handler (buffer paths)
(if (string-match "path-cache" (buffer-name buffer))
(project-path-cache-set (project-current) paths)
(when (string-match "search-paths" (buffer-name buffer))
(project-search-paths-set (project-current) paths))))
;;; Tags
(defun project-write-tags (path-cache tags-file append-p tags-form)
(when (not (evenp (length tags-form)))
(error "Invalid `TAGS-FORM' parameter"))
(when (and (not append-p)
(file-exists-p tags-file))
(write-file tags-file))) ; truncate tags file
(dolist (file path-cache)
(let ((tags-form tags-form))
(while (and (stringp file)
(first tags-form)
(second tags-form))
(let ((path-regex (first tags-form))
(regexes (second tags-form)))
(setq tags-form (cddr tags-form)) ; move ahead 2
(when (string-match path-regex file)
(let ((tag-gen-method (car regexes))
(regexes (if (stringp (car regexes))
(cdr regexes))))
(if (and (not (stringp tag-gen-method))
(equal 'etags (second tag-gen-method)))
(project-write-tags-for-file-with-etags file tags-file t regexes)
(project-write-tags-for-file-with-elisp file tags-file t regexes)))))))))
(defun project-write-tags-for-file-with-elisp (input-file tags-file append-p regexes)
(let ((tags (project-generate-tags-for-file-with-elisp input-file regexes)))
(when tags
(let ((data (mapconcat 'identity tags "\n")))
(insert " \n"
input-file "," (number-to-string (length data)) "\n"
data "\n")
(write-region (point-min) (point-max) tags-file append-p))))))
(defun project-generate-tags-for-file-with-elisp (file regexes)
"Generates a list of tag file entry lines for one file for the given regexes."
(let (ret-val)
(insert-file-contents file)
(let (entries)
(dolist (regex regexes)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward regex nil t)
(let (byte-offset line match)
(setq match (match-string 0))
(setq byte-offset (- (point) (length match)))
(setq line (line-number-at-pos))
(setq entries (append entries (list (concat match ""
(number-to-string line) ","
(number-to-string byte-offset))))))))
(defun project-write-tags-for-file-with-etags (input-file tags-file append-p &optional regex-args)
(let ((cmd-string (combine-and-quote-strings (append (list "etags" (when append-p "-a")
"-o" tags-file
(call-process-shell-command cmd-string)))
(defun project-tags-file (project)
(project-append-to-path (project-default-directory project) "TAGS"))
(defun project-tags-form-get (project)
(or (get project 'tags-form)
(defun project-tags-form-set (project value)
(put project 'tags-form value))
(defun project-disable-auto-tags-get (project)
(get project 'disable-auto-tags))
(defun project-disable-auto-tags-set (project value)
"Project-mode can automatically handle the generation of tags
files from the files listed in the path-cache if
`TAGS-FORM' is populated correctly."
(put project 'disable-auto-tags value))
(defun project-enable-auto-tags-for-other-file-types-get (project)
(get project 'enable-auto-tags-for-other-file-types))
(defun project-enable-auto-tags-for-other-file-types-set (project value)
"Generate tags for file types found in path-cache and that have
not already been processed using `TAGS-FORM'."
(put project 'enable-auto-tags-for-other-file-types value))
(defun project-put (project sym val)
(put project sym val))
(defun project-get (project sym)
(get project sym))
;;; Other
(defun project-load (project-name)
(message (concat "Loading project from file: " (project-file project-name)))
(project-load-file (project-file project-name))
(message (concat "Done loading project from file: " (project-file project-name))))
(defun project-load-file (project-file)
(insert-file-contents project-file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(eval (read (current-buffer)))))
(defun project-file (project)
(let ((project (if (symbolp project)
(project-name project)
(project-append-to-path project-proj-files-dir
(concat project project-extension-for-saving))))
(defun project-write (project)
(let ((data (project-as-data project)))
(when data
(insert (pp-to-string data))
(write-file (project-file project))))))
(defun project-as-data (project)
(let ((project (project-create ,(project-name project))))
(project-search-paths-set project ',(project-search-paths-get project))
(project-tags-form-set project ',(project-tags-form-get project))
(project-search-exclusion-regexes-set project ',(project-search-exclusion-regexes-get project))
(project-fuzzy-match-tolerance-set project ,(project-fuzzy-match-tolerance-get project))
,(when project-path-cache-save-p
`(project-path-cache-set project ',(project-path-cache-get project))))))
(defun project-search-exclusion-regexes-get (project)
(or (get project 'search-exclusion-regexes)
(defun project-search-exclusion-regexes-set (project value)
(put project 'search-exclusion-regexes value))
(defun project-fuzzy-match-tolerance-get (project)
(or (get project 'fuzzy-match-tolerance)
(defun project-fuzzy-match-tolerance-set (project value)
(put project 'fuzzy-match-tolerance value))
(defun project-ensure-current nil
(when (not (project-current))
(error "No project selected.")))
(defun project-ensure-path-cache (project)
(let ((paths (project-path-cache-get project)))
(when (not paths)
(project-path-cache-create project))))
(defun project-run-regex-on-file (file regex match-handler)
(if (file-exists-p file)
(insert-file-contents file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((p nil))
(while (condition-case nil
(setq p (re-search-forward regex))
(error nil))
(funcall match-handler p))))
(message (concat file " exists in project path-cache but not on file system."))))
(defun project-find (project)
"If project found return it, else nil.
`PROJECT' can be a string or symbol."
(when (stringp project)
(setq project (make-symbol project)))
(let ((projects *project-list*))
(while (and (car projects)
(not (project-equal (car projects) project)))
(setq projects (cdr projects)))
(when (project-equal (car projects) project)
(car projects))))
(defun project-select (project)
(let ((project (project-find project)))
(if project
(setq *project-current* project)
(let ((new-default-path (project-default-directory project)))
(when new-default-path
(cd new-default-path)
(when (and (project-search-paths-get project)
(not (project-path-cache-get project)))
(project-path-cache-create project))
(let ((tags-file (project-tags-file project)))
(when (file-exists-p tags-file)
(visit-tags-table tags-file))))))
(message "That project doesn't exist."))))
(defun project-current nil
(project-find *project-current*))
(defun project-current-name nil
(let ((p (project-find (project-current))))
(when p
(project-name p))))
(defun project-name (project)
(symbol-name project))
(defun project-create (project-name)
"Creates a new project and adds it to the list"
(let ((project (project-find (make-symbol project-name))))
(when (not project)
(setq project (make-symbol project-name))
(setq *project-list* (append *project-list* (list project))))
(defun project-equal (project-sym1 project-sym2)
(equal (project-name project-sym1) (project-name project-sym2)))
(defun project-properties-set (project new-plist)
(setplist project new-plist))
(defun project-properties-get (project)
(symbol-plist project))
(defun project-path-cache-create (project)
(let ((matches nil))
(message "Creating project path-cache...")
(dolist (path (project-search-paths-get project))
(project-filesystem-traverse :query nil
:looking-at path
(lambda (query file-path)
(let ((regexes (append (project-search-exclusion-regexes-get project)))
(add-p t))
(while (and (car regexes)
(when (string-match (car regexes) file-path)
(setq add-p nil))
(setq regexes (cdr regexes)))
(lambda (add-p file-path)
(if add-p
(setq matches (append matches (list file-path)))
(setq add-p nil)))))
(message (concat "Done creating project path-cache. Cached "
(number-to-string (length matches)) " file paths."))
(project-path-cache-set project matches)))
(defun project-path-cache-set (project paths-list)
(put project 'path-cache paths-list))
(defun project-path-cache-get (project)
(get project 'path-cache))
(defun project-search-paths-set (project paths-list)
(when (not (listp paths-list))
(error "`PROJECT-SEARCH-PATHS-SET' accepts only a LIST."))
(put project 'search-paths paths-list))
(defun project-search-paths-get (project)
(get project 'search-paths))
(defun project-default-directory (project)
(car (get project 'search-paths)))
(defun project-search-paths-add (project &rest new-paths)
(when (stringp new-paths)
(setq new-paths (list (project-fix-dir-separators-in-path-if-windows new-paths))))
(put project 'search-paths (append (get project 'search-paths) new-paths)))
(defun* project-path-cache-traverse (&key (project nil)
(name nil)
(test nil)
(match-handler nil))
(project-ensure-path-cache project)
(dolist (path (project-path-cache-get project))
(let* ((file-path (project-path-file-name path))
(test-results (funcall test name file-path)))
(when test-results
(funcall match-handler test-results path)))))
(defun project-search-filesystem (project file-name-regex)
(let (matches)
(dolist (dir (project-search-paths-get project))
(project-filesystem-traverse :query file-name-regex
:looking-at dir
:test (lambda (query x) (string-match query x))
(lambda (test-result file-path)
(setq matches (append matches (list file-path))))))
(defun project-search-fuzzy (project file-name &optional tolerance)
(when (not tolerance)
(setq tolerance (project-fuzzy-match-tolerance-get project)))
(let ((matches nil))
(project-path-cache-traverse :project project
:name file-name
:test 'project-fuzzy-distance-pct-for-files
(lambda (test-result file-path)
(when (<= test-result tolerance)
(setq matches (append matches (list file-path))))))
(sort matches (lambda (a b)
(when (< (project-fuzzy-distance-pct-for-files a file-name)
(project-fuzzy-distance-pct-for-files b file-name))
(defun* project-search-regex (project regex)
(let ((matches nil))
(project-path-cache-traverse :project project
:name regex
:test (lambda (regex x) (string-match regex x))
(lambda (test-result file-path)
(setq matches (append matches (list file-path)))))
(sort matches (lambda (a b)
(let ((a-pos (string-match regex a))
(b-pos (string-match regex b)))
(if (and a-pos
(if (= a-pos b-pos) ; when earliest match is a tie take the shortest string
(<= (length a)
(length b))
(<= a-pos
(if a
(defun* project-search-exact (project file-name)
(let ((matches nil))
(project-path-cache-traverse :project project
:name file-name
:test (lambda (file-name x) (string-equal file-name x))
(lambda (test-result file-path)
(setq matches (append matches (list file-path)))))
(defun project-full-text-search-results-buffer-get (project)
(get (project-current) 'project-full-text-search-results-buffer))
(defun project-full-text-search-results-buffer-set (project buf)
(put (project-current) 'project-full-text-search-results-buffer buf))
;;; Functions that have no knowledge of the concept of projects
(defun* project-fuzzy-distance-pct-for-files (file1 file2 &optional (ignore-ext t))
(if ignore-ext
(project-fuzzy-distance-pct (project-file-strip-extension file1)
(project-file-strip-extension file2))
(project-fuzzy-distance-pct file1 file2)))
(defun project-strip-assumed-file-extensions (file)
(project-strip-file-extensions file project-assumed-file-extensions))
(defun* project-filesystem-traverse (&key (query nil)
(looking-at nil)
(parent-dir nil)
(test nil)
(match-handler nil))
(when (and looking-at
(> (length looking-at) 0)
(not (string-equal "." looking-at))
(not (string-equal ".." looking-at)))
(let ((file-path (project-append-to-path parent-dir looking-at)))
(if (file-directory-p file-path)
;; Handle directory
(when (funcall test query file-path)
(dolist (file (directory-files file-path))
(project-filesystem-traverse :query query :looking-at file :parent-dir file-path
:test test :match-handler match-handler)))
;; Handle file
(when (and test match-handler)
(let ((test-results (funcall test query looking-at)))
(when test-results
(funcall match-handler test-results file-path))))))))
(defun project-file-line-button-handler (but)
"Examines the button lable for the file path and line number.
The button label should looke like '/path/foo/bar.txt:29'
Where '29' is the line number"
(let ((colon-pos (string-match ":[0-9]+" (button-label but))))
(let ((file-path (substring (button-label but) 0 colon-pos))
(line (string-to-number
(substring (button-label but) (+ 1 colon-pos) (length (button-label but))))))
(find-file file-path)
(goto-line line)
(push-mark (point) t t)
(defun project-file-offset-button-handler (but)
"Examines the button lable for the file path and offset number.
The button label should looke like '/path/foo/bar.txt:825'
Where '825' is the offset in the buffer."
(let ((colon-pos (string-match ":[0-9]+" (button-label but))))
(let ((file-path (substring (button-label but) 0 colon-pos))
(offset (string-to-number
(substring (button-label but) (+ 1 colon-pos) (length (button-label but))))))
(find-file file-path)
(goto-char offset))))
;;; Utility functions. Function independently.
(defun project-remove-trailing-dirsep (dir-path)
(when dir-path
(substring dir-path 0 (string-match "[\\\\/]*$" dir-path))))
(defun project-path-file-name (path)
(replace-regexp-in-string ".*[\\\\/]+" "" path))
(defun project-append-to-path (dir-path str-or-list)
(when dir-path
(setq dir-path (if (listp dir-path)
(mapconcat 'identity dir-path "/")
(if (stringp str-or-list)
(if (and dir-path str-or-list)
(concat (project-remove-trailing-dirsep dir-path) "/" str-or-list)
(if dir-path
(project-remove-trailing-dirsep dir-path)
(if str-or-list
(project-remove-trailing-dirsep str-or-list))))
(when (listp str-or-list)
(let ((retVal dir-path))
(dolist (x str-or-list)
(setq retVal (project-append-to-path retVal x)))
(defun project-fix-dir-separators-in-path-if-windows (path)
(when project-windows-or-msdos-p
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "/" path)))
(defun project-fuzzy-distance-pct (str1 str2)
(let ((distance (levenshtein-distance str1 str2)))
(/ (* distance 100)
(length (if (< (length str1) (length str2))
(defun project-strip-file-extensions (file-path extensions-regex-list)
(let ((new-file-path file-path))
(while (and (car extensions-regex-list)
(string-equal file-path new-file-path))
(setq new-file-path (replace-regexp-in-string (car extensions-regex-list)
"" file-path))
(setq extensions-regex-list (cdr extensions-regex-list)))
(defun project-file-strip-extension (file-path)
(if (string-match "[^^]\\.[^.]+$" file-path)
(substring file-path 0 (string-match "\\.[^.]+$" file-path))
(defun project-file-get-extension (file-path)
(when (string-match "[^^]\\.[^.]+$" file-path)
(substring file-path (string-match "\\.[^.]+$" file-path))))
(defun project-buffer-name-without-<x> nil
(substring (buffer-name) 0 (string-match "\\(<[0-9]+>\\|$\\)" (buffer-name))))
(defun project-path-as-list (file-or-dir)
(split-string file-or-dir "[/\\\\]"))
(defun project-list-as-path (l)
(mapconcat 'identity l "/"))
(defun project-find-dir-with-dir-for-file (file-name parent-dir-name)
(let ((parts (project-path-as-list file-name)))
(block nil
(while (setq parts (butlast parts))
(let ((dir (project-append-to-path parts parent-dir-name)))
(when (file-exists-p dir)
(return (project-list-as-path parts))))))))
(defun project-dir-in-file-path-p (file-name dir-name)
(let ((parts (project-path-as-list file-name)))
(block nil
(dolist (part parts)
(when (equal part dir-name)
(return t))))))
(defun project-file-basename (path)
(substring path
(string-match "[^/\\\\]+$" path)
(length path)))
;;; Menu
(defun project-mode-menu nil
(if (not project-mode)
(global-unset-key [menu-bar projmenu])
[menu-bar projmenu]
(cons project-menu-string (make-sparse-keymap))
;; Searching
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch]
(cons "Search" (make-sparse-keymap)))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchfs]
'("Regex File Name (filesystem)" . project-filesystem-search))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch lckyreg]
'("I'm feeling lucky regex" . project-im-feeling-lucky-regex))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch lckyfuz]
'("I'm feeling lucky fuzzy" . project-im-feeling-lucky-fuzzy))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchtpm]
'("Full-Text Prev Match" . project-search-text-previous))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchtnm]
'("Full-Text Next Match" . project-search-text-next))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchregexft]
'("Regex Full-Text" . project-search-text))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchexactfn]
'("Exact File Name" . project-exact-search))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchregexfn]
'("Regex File Name" . project-regex-search))
[menu-bar projmenu projsrch srchfuz]
'("Fuzzy File Name" . project-fuzzy-search))
;; Refresh
[menu-bar projmenu projref]
(cons "Refresh" (make-sparse-keymap)))
[menu-bar projmenu projref projtref]
'("Refresh Project Tags" . project-tags-refresh))
[menu-bar projmenu projref projpcref]
'("Refresh Project Path Cache" . project-path-cache-refresh))
[menu-bar projmenu projref projrefall]
'("Refresh All" . project-refresh))
;; Project info
[menu-bar projmenu curproj]
(cons "Current Project" (make-sparse-keymap)))
[menu-bar projmenu curproj pvcp]
'("Edit Project Path Cache" . project-edit-path-cache))
[menu-bar projmenu curproj pvsp]
'("Edit Project Search Paths" . project-edit-search-paths))
[menu-bar projmenu curproj pscn]
'("View Project Name" . project-show-current-name))
;; Top
[menu-bar projmenu projloadall]
'("Load All Projects" . project-load-all))
[menu-bar projmenu projload]
'("Load Project" . project-load-and-select))
[menu-bar projmenu projsaveall]
'("Save All Projects" . project-save-all))
[menu-bar projmenu projsave]
'("Save Project" . project-save))
[menu-bar projmenu projopen]
'("Open Project" . project-open))
[menu-bar projmenu projnew]
'("New Project" . project-new))))
(provide 'project-mode)
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