Ctrl+h select file tree
Ctrl+l select file editor
Shift+h left editor tab
Shift+l right editor tab
Alt+j move current line up
Alt+k move current line down
double space filename search(telescope) - `Ctrl+d` and `Ctrl+u` to scroll preview
gg=G reindent - gg goes to the top of the file, = fixes the indentation and G to perform to the end
gc comment selected(`gcgc` no select to uncomment block)
% jump to other bracket of the current block
_ jump to the first non blank char on the line
$ jump to the last non blank char on the line
0 jump to the start of the line
\text seach for text, `n` for next occurence, `N` for previous
f" find first `"`, jump to it with right arrow
ci" delete and start editing inside of the next string literal
vi" select inside of the next string literal
viw select current word
di" delete inside of the next string literal
u undo
Ctrl+r redo
ma set local mark `a`
mA set global mark `A`
` list marks
`a go to mark `a`
Character mode - `v`
Line mode - `V`
Block mode - `Ctrl+v`
`u`- lowercase
`U`- uppercase
`d`- delete
`c`- change
`y`- yank
`>`- indent
`<`- dedent
r rename
m move
o order by
i file details
v available shortcuts
Ctrl+rarrow expand tree to right
Shift+h Toggle show hidden files
sudo apt-get install neovim
git clone https://github.com/LazyVim/starter ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
wget -P ~/.local/share/fonts https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v3.0.2/JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& cd ~/.local/share/fonts && unzip JetBrainsMono.zip && rm JetBrainsMono.zip && fc-cache -fv
Ctrl+b + % vertical split
Ctrl+b + " horizontal split
Ctrl+b + x close current panel
Ctrl+b + q show panel nums
Ctrl+b + q + 1 switch to panel 1
Be aware the following shortcuts are only working, if you have the plugins installed mentioned below.
:w Save file
:w filename Save file under new filename
:q Quit file
:<tab> Show commands
i Switch to INSERT mode
R Switch to REPLACE mode to overwrite text
v Switch to VISUAL mode
V Switch to VISUAL LINE mode
<ctrl>v Switch to VISUAL BLOCK mode
o Insert a new line below the current line and go to INSERT mode
O Insert a new line above the current line and go to INSERT mode
x Delete character under the cursor
X Delete character left of the cursor
dd Delete current line
dw Delete current word
D Delete to the end of the line
<esc> Leave current mode
/ Search for text
$ Go to the end of the line
gcc Comment out a line
<ctrl>r Redo last change
<ctrl>g Show file info
<space>e Toggle FileTree
<space>n Toggle line numbers
<space>w Toggle line wrap
<space>c Toggle colorscheme dark/light
<space>t Open terminal (close with esc)
:PlugInstall Install plugins which are added to the ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
Change Surround: cs(alt)(neu)
cs"' Changes " to ' surrounding
cs"<p> Changes " to <p></p>
cst" Changes *t*ags like <p></p> to "
Delet Surround: ds(alt)
ds" Deletes " surrounding
dst Deletes *t*ag linke <p></p>
Text search:
/ Search forward
? Search backward
n Repeat last search
s{char}{char} Sneak search forward
s<enter> Repeat last sneak search
f{char} Jump to the next {char} right
fffff Jump to next found
Search pattern for / and ?:
^blabla Matches start of line
blabla$ Matches end of line
bl.bla Placeholder for 1 character
Move Cursor:
0 To first character in the line
$ To end of line
G To end of file
gg To start of file
w Word forward
b Word backwards
) Sentence forward
( Sentence backwards
} Paragraph forward
{ Paragraph backwards
:SSave Save a session
:SLoad Load a session
:SDelete Delete a session
:SClose Close current session
Split window:
<ctrl><w>+s or :split Split window horizontal
:vsplit Split window vertical
<ctrl><w>+n Split window with new file
<ctrl><w>+q Close current window
<ctrl><w>+w Jump to upper/lower window
:sf filename Open file in new window
:sf <tab> Search file
File Search:
<ctrl>p Open fzf fuzzy search
<enter> Open found file in current window
<ctrl>t Open found file in tab split
<ctrl>s Open found file in split
<ctrl>v Open found file in vsplit
<esc> Leave INSERT mode
<del> Delete left
<fn><del> Delete right
<ctrl>w Delete word before cursor
<ctrl>u Delete left until the end of line
In .html .xhtml .php files tags will be auto closed. If you want to format them to next line press > again after closing the tag.
<Leader>ww Open default wiki index file.
<Leader>wt Open default wiki index file in a new tab.
<Leader>ws Select and open wiki index file.
<Leader>wd Delete wiki file you are in.
<Leader>wr Rename wiki file you are in.
<Enter> Follow/Create wiki link on current text/selection.
<Shift-Enter> Split and follow/create wiki link.
<Ctrl-Enter> Vertical split and follow/create wiki link.
<Backspace> Go back to parent(previous) wiki link.
<Tab> Find next wiki link.
<Shift-Tab> Find previous wiki link.