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Created June 11, 2017 18:14
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ahk mappings for greek letters
; ############################ AHK Greek Letters.ahk >
; Uses (CTRL & ALT & SHIFT & alphabetic keyboard keys) to send lowercase Greek letters to your text editor
+^!a::Send {U+03B1} ; α - alpha
+^!b::Send {U+03B2} ; β - beta
+^!g::Send {U+03B3} ; γ - gamma
+^!c::Send {U+03B3} ; γ - gamma
+^!d::Send {U+03B4} ; δ - delta
+^!e::Send {U+03B5} ; ε - epislon
+^!z::Send {U+03B6} ; ζ - zeta
+^!h::Send {U+03B7} ; η - eta
+^!j::Send {U+03B8} ; θ - theta
+^!i::Send {U+03B9} ; ι - iota
+^!k::Send {U+03BA} ; κ - kappa
+^!l::Send {U+03BB} ; λ - lamda
+^!m::Send {U+03BC} ; μ - mu
+^!n::Send {U+03BD} ; ν - nu
+^!q::Send {U+03BE} ; ξ - xi
+^!o::Send {U+03BF} ; ο - omicron
+^!p::Send {U+03C0} ; π - pi
+^!r::Send {U+03C1} ; ρ - rho
+^!s::Send {U+03C3} ; σ - sigma
+^!v::Send {U+03C2} ; ς - final sigma
+^!t::Send {U+03C4} ; τ - tau
+^!u::Send {U+03C5} ; υ - upsilon
+^!f::Send {U+03C6} ; φ - phi
+^!x::Send {U+03C7} ; χ - chi
+^!y::Send {U+03C8} ; ψ - psi
+^!w::Send {U+03C9} ; ω - omega
; ############################ AHK Math Symbols.ahk >
; Uses (CTRL & ALT & keyboard keys > 1-0,-,=,F1-F4) to send that math symbol to your text editor
; Adapted from previous work and advice - by POSAM-Ron
+^!1::Send {U+00B1} ; ( ± ) plus-minus
+^!2::Send {U+221E} ; ( ∞ ) infinity
+^!3::Send {U+2248} ; ( ≈ ) almost equal
+^!4::Send {U+2260} ; ( ≠ ) not equal
+^!5::Send {U+2261} ; ( ≡ ) equivalent to
+^!6::Send {U+2264} ; ( ≤ ) less than or equal
+^!7::Send {U+2265} ; ( ≥ ) greater than or equal
+^!8::Send {U+221A} ; ( √ ) square root
+^!9::Send {U+2502} ; ( │ ) integral middle ; vertical bar
+^!0::Send {U+222B} ; ( ∫ ) integral
+^!-::Send {U+2320} ; ( ⌠ ) integral top
+^!=::Send {U+2321} ; ( ⌡ ) integral bottom
+^!F1::Send {U+00BA} ; ( º ) power zero ; degree
+^!F2::Send {U+00B9} ; ( ¹ ) power one ; linear
+^!F3::Send {U+00B2} ; ( ² ) power two ; squared
+^!F4::Send {U+00B3} ; ( ³ ) power three ; cubed
; ############################
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