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Last active February 28, 2021 08:56
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  • Save apoorvmote/39a99a665bf1ae0b9a57e4fddc201535 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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{{ $url := replace .Permalink (printf "%s" .Site.BaseURL) ""}}
{{ .Scratch.Add "path" .Site.BaseURL }}
{{ .Scratch.Add "breadcrumb" (slice (dict "url" .Site.BaseURL "name" "Home"))}}
{{ .Scratch.Add "permalink" .Permalink }}
{{ .Scratch.Add "title" .Title }}
{{ $pScratch := .Scratch }}
{{ range $index, $element := split $url "/" }}
{{ $pScratch.Add "path" $element }}
{{ $pScratch.Add "path" "/" }}
{{ if ne $element "" }}
{{ if eq ($pScratch.Get "path") ($pScratch.Get "permalink") }}
{{ $pScratch.Add "breadcrumb" (slice (dict "url" ($pScratch.Get "path") "name" ($pScratch.Get "title")))}}
{{ else }}
{{ $pScratch.Add "breadcrumb" (slice (dict "url" ($pScratch.Get "path") "name" (humanize .)))}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "BreadcrumbList",
"itemListElement": [
{{ range $index, $breadcrumb := .Scratch.Get "breadcrumb" }}
{{ if ne $index 0 }},{{ end }}
"@type": "ListItem",
"position": {{ add $index 1 }},
"name": "{{ $ }}",
{{ if ne $breadcrumb.url ($pScratch.Get "permalink") }}
"item": {{ printf "%s" $breadcrumb.url }},
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $index, $category := .Params.categories }}
"@context": "",
"@type": "BreadcrumbList",
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "ListItem",
"position": 1,
"name": "Home",
"item": "{{$.Site.BaseURL}}",
"@type": "ListItem",
"position": 2,
"name": "Categories",
"item": "{{$.Site.BaseURL}}categories/",
"@type": "ListItem",
"position": 3,
"name": "{{ humanize . }}",
"item": "{{$.Site.BaseURL}}categories/{{.}}",
"@type": "ListItem",
"position": 4,
"name": "{{ $pScratch.Get "title" }}",
{{ end }}
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