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Created November 3, 2023 04:29
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23w44a (and some bits of 43a)

The sort-of-weekly thingy is back?

Fabric update

No breaking changes for Fabric API.

Minecraft update

Ticks (23w43a)

/tick command from the Carpet mod arrives in the vanilla game. To support this functionality in your mod:

  • Note, this change affects both the server and the client.
  • Use getTickManager().shouldTick() to check if things should tick in your START_WORLD_TICK/END_WORLD_TICK/START_SERVER_TICK/END_SERVER_TICK event.
  • TickManager can be obtained from MinecraftServer#getTickManager or World#getTickManager (works with ClientWorld as well).
  • Use shouldSkipTick for checking if an entity should be ticked. (beware, it is the inverse of shouldTick.)
  • Note: You do not need to call these checks inside Entity/BlockEntity tick methods or events. Only call inside server/world tick events.

It is also now possible that the game can run faster or slower than 50MSPT intentionally (as opposed to lags). Call TickManager#getMillisPerTick() to determine the intended MSPT.


Here are some block changes:

  • TransparentBlock was split into TranslucentBlock, which renders in a translucent way (like slime and ice blocks), and TransparentBlock, which extends TranslucentBlock and is used by grates and glass blocks. AbstractGlassBlock and GlassBlock were removed.
  • Blocks#createStairs was renamed to createStairsBlock, and createBambooBlock is now createLogBlock.
  • BambooSaplingBlock was renamed to BambooShootBlock.
  • JigsawOrientation was renamed to Orientation.
  • LootableContainerBlockEntity logics were split into LootableInventory. checkLootInteraction was renamed to generateLoot. LootableContainerBlockEntity still implements LootableInventory, but this allows other block entities like decorated pots to share the logic.

Misc changes

  • Almost all bits of code taking File are now replaced with Path.
  • CheckboxWidget is now built using a builder.
  • Util#shuffle now accepts any List.
  • Box(BlockPos, BlockPos) constructor is now a static method named enclosing.
  • PersistentProjectileEntity and its subclasses now take the ItemStack in the constructor, representing the item stack form that players can pick up. getItemStack returns the stack as-is, while asItemStack returns a copy (potentially reflecting the changes like potion override).
  • Added Entity#getPlayerPassengers which returns the number of passengers that are players.
  • Entity#removeScoreboardTag was renamed to removeCommandTag.
  • ServerCommandSource#withResultStorer was changed to withReturnValueConsumer, with some changes to the argument it takes.
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