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Last active January 31, 2025 15:44
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Breaking Changes of 2.0

These are the breaking changes of version 2.0.

"Breaking change" includes:

  • [R]emoval: a feature is removed.
  • [N]ame changes: a feature is renamed.
  • [B]ehavior: something does not behave the way they did in 1.x.
  • [T]yping: types of arguments, attributes or return values changes in an incompatible way. (e.g. None disallowed for argument)
  • [S]yntax: a syntax previously allowed for an operation is no longer allowed. (e.g. positional only arguments, new required arguments)


  • Python 3.8 or newer is required.
  • Methods and attributes that returned TextChannel, etc can now return Thread.
  • Attributes that returned Asset are renamed, e.g. attributes ending with _url (i.e. avatar_url) are changed to avatar.url. User.avatar returns None in case the default avatar is used.
  • on_presence_update replaces on_member_update for updates to Member.status and Member.activities.
  • datetime is now timezone-aware.
  • Sticker changes: StickerType has been renamed to StickerFormatType, and the type of Message.stickers is changed. Sticker.preview_image, Sticker.image and Sticker.tags are removed.
  • Webhooks are changed significantly: WebhookAdapter is removed, and synchronous requests using requests is now inside SyncWebhook.
  • edit method no longer updates cache and instead returns modified instance.
  • User accounts (userbots) are no longer supported.
  • Client.logout is removed; use Client.close instead.
  • on_private_channel_create/delete events are removed.
  • User.permissions_in is removed; use abc.GuildChannel.permissions_in instead.
  • Message.type for replies are now MessageType.reply.
  • Reaction.custom_emoji property is changed to Reaction.is_custom_emoji method.
  • missing_perms attributes and arguments are renamed to missing_permissions.
  • Many method arguments now reject None.
  • Many arguments are now specified as positional-only or keyword-only; e.g. oauth_url now takes keyword-only arguments, and methods starting with get_ or fetch_ take positional-only arguments.

Changes are ordered by the date it was introduced.

[B] Minimum Python version bumped

Python 3.8 is now required.

[R] User account support

User account ("userbot") is no longer supported. Thus, these features that were only applicable to them are removed:

  • bot argument of Client.start/run
  • afk argument of Client.change_presence
  • Classes: Profile, Relationship, CallMessage, GroupCall
  • RelationshipType, HypeSquadHouse, PremiumType, UserContentFilter, FriendFlags, Theme
  • GroupChannel.add_recipients, remove_recipients, edit (NOTE: GroupChannel itself still remains)
  • Guild.ack
  • Client.fetch_user_profile
  • and ack
  •, premium, premium_type, get_relationship, relationships, friends, blocked, create_group, edit_settings
  • ClientUser.edit's password, new_password, email, house arguments
  • User.relationship, mutual_friends, is_friend, is_blocked, block, unblock, remove_friend, send_friend_request, profile
  • Events: on_relationship_add and on_relationship_update

This means that detection of Nitro is no longer possible.

[B] Use of timezone-aware time

TL;DR: utcnow becomes now(datetime.timezone.utc). If you are constructing datetime yourself, pass tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc.

embed = discord.Embed(
  title = "Pi Day 2021 in UTC",
  timestamp = datetime(2021, 3, 14, 15, 9, 2, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

Note that newly-added discord.utils.utcnow() can be used as an alias of

[R] Client.request_offline_members

Deprecated since 1.5.

[R] Client.logout

This method was an alias of Client.close, which remains.

[B] Embed.__bool__ change

Embed that has a value is always considered truthy. Previously it only considered text fields.

[B] Duplicate registration of cogs

Bot.add_cog now raises when a cog with the same name is already registered. override argument can be used to bring back the 1.x behavior.

[R] ExtensionNotFound.original

This always returned None for compatibility.


Due to Discord changes, this cache flag is no longer available. MemberCacheFlags's online argument is removed for similar reasons.

[B] Message.type for replies

Message.type now returns MessageType.reply for replies, instead of default.

[R] on_private_channel_create/delete

These events will no longer be dispatched due to Discord changes.

[T] Command.clean_params

Command.clean_params is now a dict, not OrderedDict.

[T] DMChannel.recipient

DMChannel.recipient is now optional, and will return None in many cases.

[R] User.permissions_in, Member.permissions_in

Use abc.GuildChannel.permissions_for instead.

[S] permissions_for positional only argument

permissions_for method's first argument is now positional only.

[R] guild_subscriptions argument

guild_subscriptions argument of Client is replaced with intents system.

[R] fetch_offline_members argument

This argument of Client was an alias of chunk_guilds_at_startup since 1.5.

[RNB] Webhook changes

Webhook was overhauled.

  • Webhook and WebhookMessage are now always asynchronouns. For synchronouns use (requests), use SyncWebhook and SyncWebhookMessage.
  • WebhookAdapter, AsyncWebhookAdapter, and RequestsWebhookAdapter are removed, since they are unnecessary.
  • adapter arguments of Webhook.partial and Webhook.from_url are removed. Sessions are now passed directly to partial/from_url.
webhook = discord.SyncWebhook.from_url(
webhook.send("Hello from 2.0")
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
  webhook = discord.Webhook.partial(
  await webhook.send("Hello from 2.0")

[R] HelpCommand.clean_prefix

This was moved to Context.clean_prefix.

[R] Sticker.preview_image

This was removed as Discord no longer provides the data.

[RT] Asset changes

Assets have been changed.

  • Asset-related attributes that previously returned hash strings (e.g. User.avatar) now returns Asset. Asset.key returns the hash from now on.
  • Class.x_url and Class.x_url_as are removed. Asset.replace or Asset.with_x methods can be used to get specific asset sizes or types.
  • Emoji.url and PartialEmoji.url are now str. and are added to save or read emojis.
  • Emoji.url_as and PartialEmoji.url_as are removed.
  • Some AuditLogDiff attributes now return Asset instead of str: splash, icon, avatar
  • User.avatar returns None if the avatar is not set and is instead the default avatar; use User.display_avatar for pre-2.0 behavior.
avatar_url = user.display_avatar.url # previously str(avatar_url)
avatar_128x128_url = user.display_avatar.with_size(128).url # previously str(avatar_url_as(size=128))
avatar_128x128_png_url = user.display_avatar.replace(size=128, static_format="png").url
# previously str(avatar_url_as(size=128, static_format="png"))
# The code above can also be written as:
avatar_128x128_png_url = user.display_avatar.with_size(128).with_static_format("png").url

avatar_bytes = await # previously

# Emoji and Sticker are special case:
emoji_url = emoji.url # previously str(emoji.url)
emoji_32x32_url = emoji.with_size(32).url # previously str(emoji.url_as(size=32))
emoji_32x32_png_url = emoji.replace(size=32, static_format="png").url
# previously str(url_as(size=128, static_format="png"))

emoji_bytes = await # previously
# Same applies to Sticker and PartialEmoji.

[N] Colour.blurple

Colour.blurple is renamed to Colour.og_blurple, and Colour.blurple now returns the different color.

[R] self_bot argument

Bot's self_bot argument was removed, since userbots are no longer supported.

[R] VerificationLevel attributes

VerificationLevel.table_flip (alias of high) was removed. extreme, very_high, and double_table_flip attributes were removed and replaced with highest.

[S] oauth_url taking keyword only arguments

oauth_url's permissions, guild, redirect_uri, and scopes arguments are now keyword only.

[B] StageChannel changes

Due to the introduction of StageInstance representing the current session of a StageChannel,

  • StageChannel.edit can no longer edit topic. Use StageInstance.edit instead.
  • StageChannel.clone no longer clones its topic.

[T] can now return Thread.

[S] Guild methods taking positional only arguments

Guild.get_channel, get_role, get_member_named, fetch_member, and fetch_emoji methods' first arguments are now positional only.

[T] Guild.create_text_channel topic argument

Guild.create_text_channel's topic argument no longer accepts None.

[RT] Reaction.custom_emoji

Reaction.custom_emoji is now a method called Reaction.is_custom_emoji for consistency.

[S] Reaction.users arguments keyword only

Arguments of Reaction.users are now keyword only.

[T] is now str, instead of int, due to Discord changes.

[S] BadInviteArgument new required argument

BadInviteArgument now requires one argument, argument.

[N] missing_perms

missing_perms arguments and attributes of MissingPermissions and BotMissingPermissions are renamed to missing_permissions.

[T] Guild.vanity_invite

Guild.vanity_invite can now return None.

[S] abc.Messageable.fetch_message positional only

Its first argument is now positional only.

[S] get_partial_message positional only

Its first argument is now positional only.

[T] Template.edit name argument

Template.edit's name argument no longer accepts None.

[T] Member.edit roles argument

Member.edit's roles argument no longer accepts None.

[S] CommandOnCooldown new required argument

CommandOnCooldown now requires an additional argument, type.

[T] fetch_channel

Client.fetch_channel and Guild.fetch_channel can now return Thread.

[B] on_member_update and on_presence_update separation

member_update event is no longer dispatched for status/activity changes. Use presence_update instead.

[R] StickerType

StickerType, an enum of sticker formats, is renamed to StickerFormatType. Old name is used for a new enum with different purpose (checking if the sticker is guild sticker or Nitro sticker).

[T] Message.stickers

Message.stickers is now List[StickerItem] instead of List[Sticker]. While StickerItem supports some operations of previous Sticker, description and pack_id attributes do not exist. Sticker can be fetched via StickerItem.fetch method.

[R] Sticker.image

Sticker.image is removed. Sticker can still be fetched via or and its URL can be accessed via Sticker.url, just like new Emoji.

[R] Sticker.tags

Due to the introduction of GuildSticker, Sticker.tags is removed from the parent class Sticker and moved to StandardSticker.tags.

[T] AuditLogDiff.type

AuditLogDiff.type is now Union[ChannelType, StickerType], instead of ChannelType.

[T] ChannelNotReadable.argument

ChannelNotReadable.argument can now return Thread.

[T] can now return Thread.

[T] Bot.add_listener and Bot.remove_listener

Bot.add_listener and Bot.remove_listener's name arguments no longer accept None.

[T] Context attributes

The following Context attributes can now be None: prefix, command, invoked_with, invoked_subcommand. Note that while the documentation change suggests potentially breaking change, the code indicates that this was always the case.

[T] can now be None.

[T] Client.get_channel

Client.get_channel can now return Thread.

[S] Client methods taking positional only arguments

Client.get_guild, get_user, and get_emoji methods' first arguments are now positional only.

[B] edit method behavior

edit methods of most classes no longer update the cache in-place, and instead returns the modified object.

[B] on_socket_raw_receive behavior

on_socket_raw_receive is no longer dispatched for incomplete data, and the value passed is always decompressed and decoded to str. Previously, when received a multi-part zlib-compressed binary message, on_socket_raw_receive was dispatched on all messages with the compressed, encoded bytes.

[S] Guild.get_member taking positional only argument

Guild.get_member method's first argument is now positional only.

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MrArkon commented Jul 29, 2021

Thanks for this

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Div-100 commented Aug 1, 2021

Thanks @apple502j <3

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aheze commented Aug 6, 2021


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yoo thanks this is poggg!!

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Thanks, great job!

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Thank you :D

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Pog! Thanks for the update!

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TheWever commented Sep 2, 2021

Why did user.Profile got removed?

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jelni commented Sep 3, 2021

Why did user.Profile got removed?

Bots can't see user profiles

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Great! I especially like the removal of user bots. No idea why this was still a thing :D

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is_avatar_animated() got removed!
it's not in the list^^

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Role.is_assignable is a cool thing

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averwhy commented Mar 6, 2022

Thank you apple, could this perhaps be updated since development has been resumed?

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