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Last active November 1, 2020 19:15
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Hash-based value numbering to eliminate redundant expressions
type stmts = stmt ref list
and stmt = Assign of var * expr
and expr =
| Int of int
| Val of var
| Binop of expr * expr (* e1 + e2 *)
and var = string
module Vars = Set.Make (struct
type t = var
let compare =
let rec string_of_expr = function
| Int i -> string_of_int i
| Val x -> x
| Binop (e1, e2) ->
string_of_expr e1 ^ " + " ^ string_of_expr e2
let string_of_stmt = function
| Assign (x, e) -> x ^ " := " ^ string_of_expr e
let value_numbers : (var, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
let available_exprs : (int, Vars.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
let gen_number init =
let count = ref init in
fun () ->
let c = !count in
incr count; c
let next_value_number = gen_number 1
let rec value_number = function
| Int i -> (
let s = string_of_int i in
match Hashtbl.find_opt value_numbers s with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let n = next_value_number () in
Hashtbl.add value_numbers s n; n
| Val x -> (
match Hashtbl.find_opt value_numbers x with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let n = next_value_number () in
Hashtbl.add value_numbers x n; n
| Binop (e1, e2) -> (
let n1 = value_number e1 in
let n2 = value_number e2 in
let s = string_of_expr (
if n1 < n2 then Binop (Int n1, Int n2)
else Binop (Int n2, Int n1)
match Hashtbl.find_opt value_numbers s with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let n = next_value_number () in
Hashtbl.add value_numbers s n; n
let available vn =
match Hashtbl.find_opt available_exprs vn with
| Some xs ->
(* Expression e is redundant *)
Vars.choose_opt xs
| None -> None
let update x vn =
(* Is this the first assignment to x? *)
begin match Hashtbl.find_opt value_numbers x with
| Some m -> (
match Hashtbl.find_opt available_exprs m with
| Some xs ->
assert (Vars.mem x xs);
Hashtbl.replace available_exprs m (Vars.remove x xs);
Hashtbl.replace value_numbers x vn
| None ->
(* x only appeared in expressions *)
Hashtbl.replace value_numbers x vn
| None ->
Hashtbl.add value_numbers x vn
match Hashtbl.find_opt available_exprs vn with
| Some xs -> Hashtbl.replace available_exprs vn (Vars.add x xs)
| None -> Hashtbl.add available_exprs vn (Vars.singleton x)
let visit stmt =
match !stmt with
| Assign (x, e) ->
let vn = value_number e in
let _ = match e, available vn with
| Binop _, Some y -> stmt := Assign (x, Val y)
| _ -> ()
update x vn
let ( >> ) f g x = g (f x)
let print_stmts =
List.iter (( ! ) >> string_of_stmt >> print_endline)
let print_value_numbers () =
print_endline "Value numbers:";
Hashtbl.iter (Printf.printf "%s |-> %d\n") value_numbers
let print_available_exprs () =
print_endline "Available expressions:";
Hashtbl.iter (fun vn e ->
let xs = String.concat ", " (Vars.elements e) in
Printf.printf "%d |-> {%s}\n" vn xs
) available_exprs
(* A few examples *)
let t1 = ref [
(* a := 4 *)
Assign ("a", Int 4);
(* b := 5 *)
Assign ("b", Int 5);
(* c := a + b *)
Assign ("c", Binop (Val "a", Val "b"));
(* d := 5 *)
Assign ("d", Int 5);
(* e := a + d *)
Assign ("e", Binop (Val "a", Val "d"));
let t2 = ref [
(* a := 1 *)
Assign ("a", Int 1);
(* b := 2 *)
Assign ("b", Int 2);
(* c := a + b *)
Assign ("c", Binop (Val "a", Val "b"));
(* b := 3 *)
Assign ("b", Int 3);
(* d := a + b *)
Assign ("d", Binop (Val "a", Val "b"));
let t3 = ref [
(* a := x + y *)
Assign ("a", Binop (Val "x", Val "y"));
(* b := x + y *)
Assign ("b", Binop (Val "x", Val "y"));
(* a := 1 *)
Assign ("a", Int 1);
(* c := y + x *)
Assign ("c", Binop (Val "y", Val "x"));
(* b := 2 *)
Assign ("b", Int 2);
(* c := 3 *)
Assign ("c", Int 3);
(* d := x + y *)
Assign ("d", Binop (Val "x", Val "y"));
let test stmts =
print_stmts stmts;
List.iter visit stmts;
print_newline ();
print_value_numbers ();
print_newline ();
print_available_exprs ();
print_newline ();
print_endline "After optimization:";
print_stmts stmts
let () =
print_endline "\nExample 1:";
test t1;
print_endline "\nExample 2:";
test t2;
print_endline "\nExample 3:";
test t3
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aprell commented Nov 1, 2020

utop # use "";;

Example 1:
a := 4
b := 5
c := a + b
d := 5
e := a + d

Value numbers:
a |-> 1
d |-> 2
4 |-> 1
e |-> 3
5 |-> 2
b |-> 2
1 + 2 |-> 3
c |-> 3

Available expressions:
2 |-> {b, d}
3 |-> {c, e}
1 |-> {a}

After optimization:
a := 4
b := 5
c := a + b
d := 5
e := c

Example 2:
a := 1
b := 2
c := a + b
b := 3
d := a + b

Value numbers:
a |-> 4
d |-> 8
4 |-> 1
e |-> 3
5 |-> 2
b |-> 7
3 |-> 7
2 |-> 5
4 + 5 |-> 6
4 + 7 |-> 8
1 |-> 4
1 + 2 |-> 3
c |-> 6

Available expressions:
6 |-> {c}
2 |-> {}
8 |-> {d}
7 |-> {b}
3 |-> {e}
5 |-> {}
4 |-> {a}
1 |-> {}

After optimization:
a := 1
b := 2
c := a + b
b := 3
d := a + b

Example 3:
a := x + y
b := x + y
a := 1
c := y + x
b := 2
c := 3
d := x + y

Value numbers:
9 + 10 |-> 11
a |-> 4
d |-> 11
4 |-> 1
e |-> 3
5 |-> 2
y |-> 10
b |-> 5
3 |-> 7
2 |-> 5
x |-> 9
4 + 5 |-> 6
4 + 7 |-> 8
1 |-> 4
1 + 2 |-> 3
c |-> 7

Available expressions:
6 |-> {}
2 |-> {}
8 |-> {}
7 |-> {c}
3 |-> {e}
5 |-> {b}
4 |-> {a}
11 |-> {d}
1 |-> {}

After optimization:
a := x + y
b := a
a := 1
c := b
b := 2
c := 3
d := x + y

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aprell commented Nov 1, 2020

Compare this implementation with an implementation for programs in SSA form, which is simpler and more effective because no expression ever becomes inaccessible (like x + y in Example 3 above):

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