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Last active February 8, 2023 16:16
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class Renderable : IRenderable
public void render()
class Moveable : IMoveable
public void move(float time)
class Spaceship
public IRenderable renderData;
public IMoveable moveData;
public void createSpaceship()
var spaceship = new Spaceship();
renderProcess.addItem( spaceship.renderData );
moveProcess.addItem( spaceship.moveData );
return spaceship;
public void createSpaceship()
var spaceship = new SpaceShipEntity();
var position = new PositionComponent();
position.x = Screen.width / 2;
position.y = Screen.height / 2;
var rotation = new RotationComponent();
rotation.x = 0;
rotation.y = 0;
spaceship.add( position );
spaceship.add( rotation );
var display = new DisplayComponent();
display.view = new SpaceshipImage();
spaceship.add( display );
engine.add( spaceship );
public class Engine
private List<Entity> entities;
private List<ISystem> systems;
public void addEntity(Entity entity )
entities.add( entity );
public void removeEntity(Entity entity )
entities.remove( entity );
public void addSystem(ISystem system,int priority )
systems.add( system, priority );
public void removeSystem(ISystem system )
systems.remove( system );
public T getComponent( type ):
public void update( float time )
foreach( var system in systemes )
system.update( time );
interface IMoveable
void move(float time);
class MoveProcess : IProcess
private List<IMoveable> targets;
public bool start()
return true;
public void update(float time)
foreach(var target in targets)
public void end()
class Moveable : IMoveable
public Vector2 position;
public Vector2 rotation;
public Vector2 velocity;
public Vector2 angularVelocity;
public void move(float time)
position += velocity * time;
rotation += angularVelocity * time;
class Spaceship : Moveable
interface IMoveable
void move(float time);
class Moveable : IMoveable
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
public VelocityComponent velocity;
public void move(float time)
position.x += velocity.velocityX * time;
position.y += velocity.velocityY * time;
position.rotation.x += velocity.angularVelocity.x * time;
position.rotation.y += velocity.angularVelocity.y * time;
class MoveProcess : IProcess
private List<IMoveable> targets;
public void move(float time)
foreach( var target in targets )
class InvisibleMoveable : IMoveable
public Vector2 position;
public Vector2 rotation;
public Vector2 velocity;
public Vector2 angularVelocity;
public void move(float time ):void
position += velocity * time;
rotation += angularVelocity * time;
interface IProcess
bool start();
void update(float time );
void end();
interface IRenderable
void render();
interface IRenderable
void render();
class Renderable : IRenderable
public DisplayComponent display;
public PositionComponent position;
public function render():void
display.view.position = position;
display.view.rotation = position.rotation;
class RenderProcess : IProcess
private List<IRenderable> targets;
public void update(float time )
foreach( var target in targets )
class Moveable : Renderable, IMoveable
public Vector2 velocity;
public Vector2 angularVelocity;
public function move(float time):void
position += velocity.x * time;
rotation += angularVelocity * time;
class Spaceship : Moveable
class MoveData
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
public VelocityComponent velocity;
class MoveProcess : IProcess
private List<MoveData> targets;
public void move(float time)
foreach( var target in targets )
target.position.x += target.velocity.velocityX * time;
target.position.y += target.velocity.velocityY * time;
target.position.rotation.x += target.velocity.angularVelocity.x * time;
void update(float time)
foreach(var flyingSaucer in flyingSaucers)
foreach(var flyingSaucer in flyingSaucers)
flyingSaucer.update( time );
foreach(var asteroid in asteroids)
asteroid.update( time );
foreach(var bullet in bullets)
bullet.update( time );
foreach(var flyingSaucer in flyingSaucers)
foreach(var asteroid in asteroids)
foreach(var bullet in bullets)
interface IRenderable
void render();
class RenderProcess : IProcess
private List<IRenderable> targets;
public void update(float time)
foreach(var target in targets)
interface IMoveable
void move();
class MoveProcess : IProcess
private List<IMoveable> targets;
public void update(float time)
foreach(var target in targets)
class PositionComponent
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
class RotationComponent
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
class VelocityComponent
public float velocityX;
public float velocityY;
public float velocityZ;
class AngularVelocityomponent
public float angularVelocityX;
public float angularVelocityY;
public float angularVelocityZ;
class DisplayComponent
public DisplayObject view;
class Renderable : IRenderable
public DisplayComponent display;
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
public void render()
display.view.position = position.position;
display.view.rotation = position.rotation;
class Moveable : IMoveable
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
public VelocityComponent velocity;
public AngularVelocityomponent angularVelocity;
public void move(float time )
position.x += velocity.x * time;
position.y += velocity.y * time;
rotation.x += angularVelocity.x * time;
rotation.y += angularVelocity.y * time;
class ProcessManager
private PrioritisedList processes;
public bool addProcess( IProcess process, int priority )
if( process.start() )
processes.add(process, priority);
return true;
return false;
public void update(float time )
foreach(IProcess proces in processes)
public void removeProcess(IProcess proces)
processes.remove( process );
class Renderable : IRenderable
public DisplayObject view;
public Vector2 position;
public Vector2 rotation;
public void render()
view.position = position;
view.rotation = rotation;
class Spaceship : Renderable
class Asteroid : Renderable
class Bullet : Renderable
class RenderData
public DisplayComponent display;
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
class RenderProcess : IProcess
private List<RenderData> targets;
public void update(float time)
foreach(var target in targets )
target.display.view.position = target.position;
target.display.view.rotation = target.rotation;
class RenderProcess : IProcess
public bool start()
// Initializing the render system
return true;
public void update( float time )
foreach( var flyingSaucer in flyingSaucers )
foreach( var asteroid in asteroids )
foreach( var bullet in bullets )
public void end()
// Cleaning up the render system
class RenderProcess : IProcess
private List<IRenderable> targets;
public function start() : Boolean
// init render system
return true;
public void update(float time)
foreach( var target in targets)
public void end()
// Cleaning up the render system
class Spaceship
public function Spaceship()
moveData = new Moveable();
renderData = new Renderable();
moveData.position = new PositionComponent();
moveData.Rotation = new RotationComponent();
moveData.velocity = new VelocityComponent();
renderData.position = moveData.position;
renderData.rotation = moveData.rotation;
renderData.display = new DisplayComponent();
class Spaceship
public MoveData moveData;
public RenderData renderData;
class Spaceship
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
public VelocityComponent velocity;
public DisplayComponent display;
class MoveData
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
public VelocityComponent velocity;
public AngularVelocityComponent angularVelocity;
class RenderData
public DisplayComponent display;
public PositionComponent position;
public RotationComponent rotation;
class PositionComponent
public float x;
public float y;
class RotationComponent
public float x;
public float y;
class VelocityComponent
public float velocityX;
public float velocityY;
class AngularVelocityComponent
public float angularVelocityX;
public float angularVelocityY;
class DisplayComponent
public DisplayObject view;
class SpaceShipEntity
private Dictionary components;
public void add(Object component)
public void remove(key)
public T get(key)
class MoveProcess : IProcess
private List<MoveData> targets;
public void move(float time )
foreach( var target in targets )
target.position.x += target.velocity.velocityX * time;
target.position.y += target.velocity.velocityY * time;
target.position.rotation.x += target.velocity.angularVelocityX * time;
target.position.rotation.y += target.velocity.angularVelocityY * time;
class RenderProcess : IProcess
private List<RenderData> targets;
public void update(float time )
foreach( var target in targets )
target.display.view.position = target.position;
target.display.view.rotation = target.rotation;
class MoveSystem : ISystem
private List<MoveData> targets;
public void update(float time)
class RenderSystem : ISystem
private List<RenderData> targets;
public void update(float time)
// TO_DO
interface ISystem
void update(float time);
class SystemManager
private PrioritisedList systems;
public void addSystem(ISystem system, int priority)
systems.add( system, priority );
public void update(float time )
for each( var system in systemes )
system.update( time );
public function removeSystem(ISystem system )
systems.remove( system );
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