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Last active April 8, 2023 00:50
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# --------
# Local/Private config goes in the include
path = ~/.gitconfig.local
editor = /usr/bin/vim
excludesFile = ~/.gitignore
longpaths = true
autocrlf = true
autocorrect = 20
rebase = false
s = status -sb
ss = status -sb
p = pull
pu = pull
ph = push
f = fetch origin
b = branch
ba = branch -v -a
bv = branch -vv
ll = log --oneline
last = log -1 HEAD --stat
a = add -i
cm = commit -m
co = checkout
sw = switch
me = merge
st = stash
stl = stash list
stp = stash pop
rv = remote -v
d = diff
dm = diff master...
dv = difftool -t vimdiff -y
ds = diff --staged
gl = config --global -l
ge = config --global -e
se = !git rev-list --all | xargs git grep -F
pa = "!git show-branch | grep '*' | grep -v \"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\" | head -n1 | sed 's/.*\\[\\(.*\\)\\].*/\\1/' | sed 's/[\\^~].*//' #"
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