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Created April 16, 2024 03:44
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import json
from collections import Counter
from pyarabic import araby
from pyarabic.araby import strip_diacritics
quran = json.load(open('quran.json'))
def normalize_arabic(text):
# Normalize the text by reducing different forms of Alif and other characters
text = araby.strip_tashkeel(text) # Remove diacritics
text = araby.strip_tatweel(text) # Remove Tatweel (kashida)
text = araby.strip_diacritics(text)
# Replace specific characters to their simpler forms
replacements = {
'آ': 'ا',
'أ': 'ا',
'إ': 'ا',
'ٱ': 'ا',
'ى': 'ي',
'ة': 'ه',
'ئ': 'ي',
'ؤ': 'و',
for k, v in replacements.items():
text = text.replace(k, v)
return text
for chapter in quran:
if len(normalize_arabic(chapter['verses'][0]['text'])) > 8:
print(chapter['name'], chapter['verses'][0]['text'])
whole = normalize_arabic(''.join(verse['text'] for verse in chapter['verses']))
count = Counter(whole)
del count[' ']
sorted_chars = sorted(count.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
for char, freq in sorted_chars[:5]:
print(f'Character: {char}, ord: {ord(char)}, Count: {freq}')
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ar-pa commented Apr 16, 2024

Download Quran from:[email protected]/dist/quran.json

This was a try to see if رشاد خلیفه was right.

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