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Last active April 22, 2023 19:19
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formal semantics example
section TEST
axiom x : Type
axiom e : Type
axiom _man_n_1 : x → Prop
axiom _walk_v_1 : e → x → Prop
-- a man is walking
def h1a : Prop := ∃ e2 x3, _man_n_1 x3 ∧ _walk_v_1 e2 x3
def h1b : Prop := ∃ x3, _man_n_1 x3 ∧ ∃ e2, _walk_v_1 e2 x3
-- no man is walking
def h3 : Prop := ∀ x3, _man_n_1 x3 → ¬ ∃ e2, _walk_v_1 e2 x3
-- a man is not walking
def h2a : Prop := ¬(∃ x3, _man_n_1 x3 ∧ ∃ e2, _walk_v_1 e2 x3)
def h2b : Prop := ∃ x3, _man_n_1 x3 ∧ ¬ ∃ e2, _walk_v_1 e2 x3
theorem test1 : (h1a ∧ h3) → False := by
unfold h1a h3
intro ⟨⟨n, h₁⟩, h₂⟩
apply Exists.elim h₁
intro b h₃
apply (h₂ b)
{ exact h₃.left }
{ exists n; exact h₃.right }
theorem test2 : (h1b ∧ h3) → False := by
unfold h1b h3
intro ⟨⟨n, h₁⟩ , h₂⟩
apply (h₂ n)
{ exact h₁.left }
{ exact h₁.right }
theorem test3 : (h1b ∧ h2a) → False := by
unfold h1b h2a
intro ⟨h₁, h₂⟩
apply h₂
exact h₁
theorem test4 : (h1b ∧ h2b) → False := by
unfold h1b h2b
intro ⟨⟨n,h₁⟩ , ⟨ m, h₂⟩⟩
-- I don't know how to prove this one,
end TEST
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