Optional - Set format on save and any global prettier options
npm i -D eslint prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-node eslint-config-node
echo 'void async function() { const p = await Bun.file("package.json").json(); const out1 = Object.entries(p.dependencies).filter(([k,v]) => v === "latest").map(([k]) => k).reduce((acc, curr) => acc + " " +curr, "bun add"); const out2 = Object.entries(p.devDependencies).filter(([k,v]) => v === "latest").map(([k]) => k).reduce((acc, curr) => acc + " " +curr, "bun add -d"); console.log(`\n${out1}\n\n${out2}\n`) }()' > temp.js && bun run temp.js; rm temp.js |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
import argparse | |
import glob | |
import os | |
import struct | |
import sys | |
from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor | |
HPARAMS = keys = ["vocab_size", "dim", "multiple_of", "n_heads", "n_layers"] |
import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication ; | |
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext; | |
import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage; | |
import com.facebook.react.TurboReactPackage; | |
import com.facebook.react.bridge.NativeModule; | |
import com.facebook.react.module.model.ReactModuleInfo; | |
import com.facebook.react.module.model.ReactModuleInfoProvider; | |
import com.facebook.react.shell.MainReactPackage; | |
// Tracking cursor position in real-time without JavaScript | |
// Demo: https://twitter.com/davywtf/status/1124146339259002881 | |
package main | |
import ( | |
"fmt" | |
"net/http" | |
"strings" | |
) |
#!/usr/bin/env node | |
// replace all UTC dates to local dates in pipe | |
// usage: docker logs -t container_name | docker-logs-localtime | |
// install: | |
// curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/popstas/ffcf282492fd78389d1df2ab7f31052a/raw/505cdf97c6a1edbb10c3b2b64e1836e0627b87a0/docker-logs-localtime > /usr/local/bin/docker-logs-localtime && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-logs-localtime | |
// alternative: https://github.com/HuangYingNing/docker-logs-localtime | |
const pad = d => (d > 9 ? d : '0' + d); |
// This sample is a Work in Progress for JSI , and specific functions may change. | |
#pragma once | |
#include <string> | |
#include <unordered_map> | |
#include <jsi/jsi.h> | |
// This SameplJSIObject needs to inheric from HostObject, and this is the object that will be exposed to JS. |
########## Install NGINX ############## | |
# Install software-properties-common package to give us add-apt-repository package | |
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common | |
# Install latest nginx version from community maintained ppa | |
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable | |
# Update packages after adding ppa |
const CDP = require('chrome-remote-interface'); | |
const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); | |
const file = require('fs'); | |
// CLI Args | |
const url = argv.url || 'https://www.google.com'; | |
const format = argv.format === 'jpeg' ? 'jpeg' : 'png'; | |
const viewportWidth = argv.viewportWidth || 1440; | |
const viewportHeight = argv.viewportHeight || 900; | |
const delay = argv.delay || 0; |