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Aral Balkan aral

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aral / wezterm.lua
Created April 17, 2023 15:42
WezTerm configuration
local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
wezterm.on('format-window-title', function(tab, pane, tabs, panes, config)
local zoomed = ' 🗗 '
if tab.active_pane.is_zoomed then
zoomed = ' 🗖 '
local index = ''
if #tabs > 1 then
aral / pencil-light.kdl
Last active February 10, 2023 18:12
Pencil Light theme for the Zellij terminal workspace/multiplexer
themes {
pencil-light {
fg "#005F87"
bg "#f1f1f1"
black "#f1f1f1"
red "#B6D6FD"
green "#10A778"
yellow "#A89C14"
blue "#008EC4"
magenta "#B6D6FD"
aral / highlights.scm
Created September 2, 2022 09:57
Kitten runtime queries for Helix Editor
; inherits: javascript
; Highlight component names differently
(jsx_opening_element ((identifier) @constructor
(#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")))
; Handle the dot operator effectively - <My.Component>
(jsx_opening_element ((nested_identifier (identifier) @tag (identifier) @constructor)))
(jsx_closing_element ((identifier) @constructor
const express = require('express');
const htm = require('htm');
const vhtml = require('vhtml');
// create an html`` tag function for vhtml:
const html = htm.bind(vhtml);
const App = (props) => html`
<div class="app">
<h1>This is an app</h1>
name = Aral Balkan
email = [email protected]
pager = cat
tool = meld
aral / config.toml
Created April 30, 2022 12:29
Helix Editor configuration
theme = "dracula"
scroll-lines = 1
idle-timeout = 0
insert = "bar"
aral /
Last active March 30, 2022 14:52
Nick from Connecticut by Selma Asotić (via Vjosa Musliu)

They Descend Upon Us

the American PhDs, eager to investigate this part of the world so often plagued by bursts of inter-ethnic violence. Before they arrived we never knew murder was indigenous to our hands, a thing that blooms at regular intervals like the laughter of history. Nick from Connecticut is here to inspect. A peace studies graduate, whenever there’s war Nick from Connecticut is deployed to spread common sense, ask the right questions—why, instead of why not. The more we war the more we need Nick from Connecticut, a few more genocides and he’ll join the tenure track. O Nick from Connecticut! We’ll come through for you, pocket twenty dollars for our informed consent. We’ll be your very own local informants. Conveniently anonymous. Ready to talk on cue. So we do, and o Nick from Connecticut, yours is the outrage of all folks whose countries would never ever. Yours is a tender soul, there goes compassion dripping from your face onto the floor. It snakes across the room and up our legs. It leaves a

aral /
Last active November 29, 2021 15:20
An effort to uncover the companies behind the VHI company plans in Ireland.

VH1 company plans and the companies that use them.

This is a new effort to map Vhi company plans to the companies that use (negotiated?) them and whether they have any special perks that are not available to everyday people in Ireland (like waiting periods being waived for employees of VMWare).

Company Plan Company Notes
PMI 18 11 VMWare Waiting periods are waived: “Pre-existing conditions and waiting periods have been waived which provides you and your eligible dependents with coverage from your enrolment under the Company policy.” (Source)
PMI 26 12 [PayPal](
aral /
Created November 24, 2021 15:52
To install ImageMagick 7 on any distribution that supports AppImage, copy and paste this one-line script into your favourite shell:
bash -lic "wget -O /tmp/magick && chmod +x /tmp/magick && test \$(wget -qO- | grep 'rdf:about=\"magick\".*' -A6 | sed -rn 's/.*<digest:sha256>(.*?)<\/digest:sha256>/\1/p') = \$(sha256sum /tmp/magick | sed -r 's/(.*)\s(.*)/\1/') && (sudo mv /tmp/magick /usr/local/bin/ && echo 'ImageMagick 7 successfully installed.') || (rm /tmp/magick && echo 'Installation failed. Security error: message digest verification failed for ImageMagick 7 AppImage binary.')