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arandilopez / doom.txt
Created April 27, 2020 22:52 — forked from hjertnes/doom.txt
Doom Emacs Cheatsheet
SPC: find file
, switch buffer
. browse files
: MX
; EX
< switch buffer
` eval
u universal arg
x pop up scratch
nvidia-settings -a '[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1' -a '[fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=40'
arandilopez / laravel_completion.zsh
Last active November 23, 2017 00:03
Add zsh completion to laravel artisan comands
# Laravel 5 basic command completion
_laravel5_get_command_list () {
php artisan --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^ +[a-z]+/ { print $1 }'
_artisan () {
if [ -f artisan ]; then
compadd `_laravel5_get_command_list`
arandilopez / Puppetfile
Created February 24, 2016 02:38
my site.pp
# This file manages Puppet module dependencies.
# It works a lot like Bundler. We provide some core modules by
# default. This ensures at least the ability to construct a basic
# environment.
# Shortcut for a module from GitHub's boxen organization
def github(name, *args)
options ||= if args.last.is_a? Hash
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "jquery-rails":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
jquery-rails (= 4.1.0)
In Gemfile:
adminpanel (>= 0) ruby depends on
jquery-rails (= 3.0.4) ruby
jquery-rails (>= 0) ruby
arandilopez / .config Terminator
Created June 26, 2015 03:13
Atom One Dark theme profile for Teminator
scrollbar_position = hidden
palette = "#000000:#eb6e67:#95ee8f:#f8c456:#6eaafb:#d886f3:#6cdcf7:#b2b2b2:#50536b:#eb6e67:#95ee8f:#f8c456:#6eaafb:#d886f3:#6cdcf7:#dfdfdf"
font = Menlo 11
background_image = None
background_darkness = 0.98
use_system_font = False
cursor_color = "#bbbbbb"
foreground_color = "#abb2bf"
icon_bell = False
arandilopez / .editorconfig
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
My .editorconfig configuration
# This file is for unifying the coding style for different editors and IDEs
root = true
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
# --------------------------------------------------
# Setting up a Laravel app on dokku in a Vagrant box
# --------------------------------------------------
# First: cloning the dokku repo
$ git clone
$ cd dokku
# Start, configure & provision a new vagrant box using the Vagrantfile from the repo
$ vagrant up
arandilopez / fix-key
Created January 12, 2015 06:30
Fix Gnome 3.12 keyboard restart in spanish
gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.general use-system-keyboard-layout true
[Desktop Entry]