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Last active October 31, 2022 10:13
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UML to Python Generator written in Acceleo
* -=( Python Code Generator )=-
* This script will generate one file per packages.
* It also support following things:
* - classes/interfaces (as classes)/enumerations
* - inheritance/interface realization (as inheritance)
* - attributes/associations
* + cardinility {x...*} -> generated as list
* - __init__ (following these rules):
* + if no '__init__' is found, but there is attribute -> '__init__' generated
* + if many '__init__' is found -> '__init__' with the greatest number of arguments is generated
* + '__init__' 'self' variable is generated if missing
* + if '__init__' parameter name (x) matches an attribute name -> 'self.x = x' is generated
* - operations
* - operation body throws 'NotImplementedError' by default
* - comments
* We can help you modifying this script so it can match your needs:
* send us a ticket, we will gladly help you.
* = GenMyModel Team
* This script uses the MTL language (also named MOFM2T or regarding its implementation, Acceleo)
* For more details, see:
* Language Reference :
* Operations :
* Text Production Rules :
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 GenMyModel
* See the file located at for copying permission.
* Author: Vincent Aranega - GenMyModel
* Contributor: Alexis Muller - GenMyModel
[module uml2python('')/]
* Main entry point. This main template MUST be named 'generate' and it must
* own the main annotation.
[template public generate(m : Package)]
[comment @main/]
[file ('.py'), false, 'UTF-8')]
[if (not m.ownedComment->isEmpty())]
[m.ownedComment.genComment(' ')/]
[comment Dummy and very simple import management (misses the extern module imports) /]
[if (not m.allOwnedElements()->filter(TypedElement)->select(type <> null and <> null and = 'Date')->isEmpty())]
from datetime import datetime
[comment Generate code for classes/interfaces /]
[for (e : Classifier | m.ownedType->filter(Classifier)->sortedBy(getAllRelations()->size())) separator('\n')]
These templates are used to generate 'Classifier' code, i.e., Class, Interface and Enumeration.
[template public genClassif(e : Classifier)/]
[template public genClassif(c : Class)]
[let inherited : Bag(Classifier) = c.superClass->union(c.interfaceRealization.contract)]
class []([if (not inherited->isEmpty())][for (cl : Classifier | inherited) separator(', ')][][/for][else]object[/if]):
[if (not c.ownedComment->isEmpty())]
[c.ownedComment.genComment(' ')/]
[if (not c.nestedClassifier->isEmpty())]
[if (not c.ownedOperation->isEmpty())]
[for (ops : Operation | c.ownedOperation->reject(name = '__init__'))]
[template public genClassif(i : Interface)]
[let inherited : Bag(Classifier) = i.generalization.general]
class []([if (not inherited->isEmpty())][for (cl : Classifier | inherited) separator(', ')][][/for][else]object[/if]):
[if (not i.ownedComment->isEmpty())]
[i.ownedComment.genComment(' ')/]
[if (i.ownedOperation->isEmpty())]
[if (not i.nestedClassifier->isEmpty())]
[if (not i.ownedOperation->isEmpty())]
[for (ops : Operation | i.ownedOperation)]
[template public genInit(c : Class)]
[if (c.hasConstructor())]
[c.ownedOperation->select(name = '__init__')->sortedBy(o | -(o.ownedParameterSet->size()))->first().genInit()/]
[elseif (c.ownedAttribute->addAll(c.getAssociationsProps())->notEmpty())]
def __init__(self)
[for (p : Property | c.ownedAttribute->addAll(c.getAssociationsProps()))]
self.[] = [p.genValue()/]
[elseif (c.ownedOperation->isEmpty())]
[template public genInit(o : Operation) ? (name = '__init__')]
[let nself : String = if (o.getParameters()->exists(name = 'self')) then '' else 'self, ' endif]
def __init__([nself/][for (p : Parameter | o.getParameters()) before(', ') separator(', ')][][/for]):
[for (p : Property | o.class.ownedAttribute->addAll(o.class.getAssociationsProps()))]
[if (o.getParameters().name->includes(]
self.[] = []
self.[] = [p.genValue()/]
*This template represents the choice we made about UML Enumeration
*compilation to python code.
[template public genClassif(e : Enumeration)]
class []:
[if (not e.ownedComment->isEmpty())]
[e.ownedComment.genComment(' ')/]
[if (not e.ownedLiteral->isEmpty())]
[for (lit : EnumerationLiteral | e.ownedLiteral) separator(', ')][][/for] = range([e.ownedLiteral->size()/])
[template public gen(p : Property)]
[if (not p.ownedComment->isEmpty())]
self.[if (p.visibility = VisibilityKind::_private)]__[/if][] = [p.genValue()/]
[template public gen(o : Operation)]
[if (not o.ownedComment->isEmpty())]
[o.ownedComment.genComment(' ')/]
* Generate an operation header. If the operation visibility is set to
* private, '__' prefixes the operation name.
[template public header(o : Operation)]
def [if (o.visibility = VisibilityKind::_private)]__[/if][](self[for (param : Parameter | o.ownedParameter->excluding(o.getReturnResult())) before (', ') separator(', ')][][/for]):
[template public bodyOperation(o : Operation)]
[if (o.getReturnResult() <> null and o.getReturnResult().type <> null)]
return [o.getReturnResult().genValue()/]
[else]raise NotImplementedError
[template public genValue(m : MultiplicityElement) post (trim())]
[if (m.isMany())]['['/]]
[elseif (m.oclIsKindOf(TypedElement))][m.oclAsType(TypedElement).type.genSingleValue()/]
Generate single values for methods and attributes initialization.
[template public genSingleValue(t : Type) post (trim())]
[if (t = null)]None
[elseif ( = 'String')]""
[elseif ( = 'UnlimitedNatural')]0L
[elseif ( = 'Double')]0.
[elseif ( = 'Real')]0.
[elseif ( = 'Float')]0.
[elseif ( = 'Long')]0L
[elseif ( = 'Integer')]0
[elseif ( = 'Short')]0
[elseif ( = 'Byte')]0x0
[elseif ( = 'ByteArray')]['['/]]
[elseif ( = 'Boolean')]False
[elseif ( = 'Date')]datetime()
[elseif ( = 'Char')]''
[elseif (t.oclIsKindOf(Enumeration))][if (not t.oclAsType(Enumeration).ownedLiteral->isEmpty())][].[t.oclAsType(Enumeration).ownedLiteral->at(1).name/][else]None[/if]
[elseif (t.oclIsKindOf(Classifier))]None
[template public genComment(c : Comment, prefix : String)]
[prefix/][c.genBody(prefix).format().replaceAll('\n','\n' + prefix + ' ')/]
[template public genBody(c : Comment, prefix : String)]
[c._body/][if (not c.ownedComment->isEmpty())]['\n'/][prefix/] [c.ownedComment.genBody(prefix)->sep('\n ' + prefix)/][/if]
[query public isMany(s : MultiplicityElement) : Boolean =
s.lower > 1 or s.upper = -1 or s.upper > 1
[query public isAssociation(p : Property) : Boolean =
not p.association.oclIsUndefined()
[query public hasConstructor(c : Class) : Boolean =
c.ownedOperation->exists(name = '__init__')
[comment small hack on this query, need better type checking/]
[query public getAllRelations(c : Classifier) : Set(Classifier) =
if (c.oclIsKindOf(Class)) then
else if (c.oclIsKindOf(Interface)) then
[query public getAllClassRelations(c : Class) : Set(Classifier) =
[query public getAllInterfaceRelations(c : Interface) : Set(Classifier) =
[query public getParameters(o : Operation) : OrderedSet(Parameter) =
o.ownedParameter->reject(e | e = o.getReturnResult())
[query public getAssociationsProps(c : Class) : OrderedSet(Property) =
->select(p | p.type = c and p.getOpposite() <> null).getOpposite()->asOrderedSet()
* == Replace documentation format (rich text) to asciidoc
* As it uses regex, of course it cannot deal with every cases.
[query public format(s : String) : String =
if s <> null and s.trim() <> '' then
s .trim()
.replaceAll('\\n', '\n')
.replaceAll('</?b>', '*')
.replaceAll('(</div>([^<$]))+', '\n$2')
.replaceAll('(</div>)+', '')
.replaceAll('(^<div[^>]*>)+', '')
.replaceAll('([^^])(<div[^>]*>)+', '$1\n')
.replaceAll('<li[^>]*>', '* ')
.replaceAll('</li>', '\n')
.replaceAll('&nbsp;',' ')
.replaceAll('<br>', '\n')
.replaceAll('<span[^>]*>', '')
.replaceAll('</span>', '')
.replaceAll('\\+\\s*$', '.')
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