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Last active July 14, 2023 16:37
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Page Builder Collection Example using Eleventy
const { client } = require('../helpers/contentful-client')
const groupBy = require('lodash/fp/groupBy')
async function getPageData() {
// Get all of the locales
const localeData = await client.getLocales()
const localeList = await => locale.code)
// Fetch collection of all page-builder pages for each locale
const allPages = await Promise.all( locale => {
const entries = await client.getEntries({
locale: locale,
content_type: 'page',
select: 'sys.updatedAt,fields',
include: 4
const promised = await entries.items
.filter(page => page.fields.title && !page.fields.doNotGenerate) // filter pages that should not be published.
.map(page => { = new Date(page.sys.updatedAt) // Eleventy expects a date here.
page.fields.locale = locale // Add specific locale to page
return page.fields
return promised
// Spread locale specific page arrays into a single array
const collection = allPages.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val], [])
// Sort locale pages by slug (so we can see which locales we can access - not efficient!)
const localeGroup = groupBy('slug', collection)
// Add a list of available locales to every page - so we can safely use the language/country switcher)
let localeSegmentedArray = []
for (const [slug, pages] of Object.entries(localeGroup)) {
const allLocales = => page.locale)
const update = collection
.filter(data => data.slug === slug)
.map(data => {
data.allLocales = allLocales.toString()
return data
// Flatten data and make available to our template.
const flatPages = localeSegmentedArray.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val], [])
return flatPages
module.exports = getPageData
layout: base.liquid
data: contentful-pages
size: 1
alias: c_page
addAllPagesToCollections: true
permalink: "{% if c_page.locale != 'en' %}{{ c_page.locale }}/{% endif %}{% if c_page.slug == 'old-home' %}{% else %}{{ c_page.slug }}/{% endif %}"
tags: page
title: "{{ c_page.title }}"
permalink: "{% if c_page.locale != 'en' %}{{ c_page.locale }}/{% endif %}{% if c_page.slug == 'old-home' %}{% else %}{{ c_page.slug }}/{% endif %}"
locale: "{{ c_page.locale }}"
meta_title: "{{ c_page.metadata.fields.title }}"
meta_description: "{{ c_page.metadata.fields.description }}"
allLocales: "{{ c_page.allLocales }}"
{% if locale == 'en' %}{% assign pageLocale = '' %}{% else %}{% capture pageLocale %}/{{ locale }}{% endcapture %}{% endif %}
{%- comment -%} Hero Banner {%- endcomment -%}
{% for banner in c_page.banners %}
{% case %}
{% when 'hero' %}
{% include hero-banner,
banner_url: banner.fields.image.fields.file.url,
banner_position: banner.fields.backgroundPosition,
disableScroll: banner.fields.disableScroll,
backgroundSize: banner.fields.backgroundSize,
backgroundColor: banner.fields.backgroundColor,
textLocation: banner.fields.textLocation,
buttons: banner.fields.buttons,
text: banner.fields.text,
disableScroll: banner.fields.disableScroll
minHeight: banner.fields.minHeight
{% when 'heroCarousel' %}
<section class="hero-carousel">
<div class="swiper-container">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
{% for slide in banner.fields.slides %}
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="hero-carousel--slide" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0, 0.5) 50%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.5) 100%), url({{ slide.fields.image.fields.file.url }});">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-10">
{% if slide.fields.title %}
<h1>{{ slide.fields.title }}</h1>
{% endif %}
{% if slide.fields.content %}
{{ slide.fields.content | richText }}
{% endif %}
{% if %}
<a class="btn btn-blue" href="{% localeLink locale, %}">{{ }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
{%- comment -%} Sections {%- endcomment -%}
{% for area in c_page.areas %}
{% case %}
{% when 'area' %}
{% assign data = area.fields %}
{% if data.backgroundColor %}{% capture bgColor %}background-color: {{ data.backgroundColor }};{% endcapture%}{% else %}{% capture bgColor %}{% endcapture%}{% endif %}
{% if data.textColor %}{% capture mainColor %}color: {{ data.textColor }};{% endcapture %}{% else %}{% capture mainColor %}{% endcapture %}{% endif %}
{% if data.textAlign %}{% capture textAlign %}text-align: {{ data.textAlign }};{% endcapture %}{% else %}{% capture textAlign %}{% endcapture%}{% endif %}
<section class="area" style="{{ bgColor }}{% padding area.fields.padding %}">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xl-10 mx-auto">
<div class="area-text" style="{% inline area.fields.textStyle %}">
{% if data.subtitle %}
<span class="area--subtitle" style="{{ mainColor }}">{{ data.subtitle }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% unless data.suppressTitle %}
<h3 class="area--title" style="{{ mainColor }}">{{ data.title }}</h3>
{% endunless %}
{% if data.text %}
<div class="area--content {{ data.textSize }}" style="{% inline area.fields.textStyle %}{{ mainColor }}">
{{ data.text | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.buttons %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 text-center justify-content-between">
{% for button in data.buttons %}
<a class="btn btn-cta" href="{% localeLink locale, button.fields.url %}">{{ button.fields.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% when 'accordionArea' %}
<section class="accordion-area">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
{% for accordion in area.fields.accordions %}
{% assign acc = accordion.fields %}
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="accordion-area--heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#accordion-{{ forloop.index }}" role="button" aria-expanded="false">
<div>{{ acc.titleText | markdownify }}</div>
<div class="icons">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-up mr-3"></i>
<div id="accordion-{{ forloop.index }}" class="collapse">
{{ acc.text | markdownify }}
{% endfor %}
{% when 'carousel' %}
{% assign data = area.fields %}
{% assign bgImage = data.backgroundImage.fields.file.url %}
{% assign height = data.height %}
{% assign slides = data.items %}
<section class="carousel js-swiper" style="background-image: url({{ bgImage }});">
<div class="w-100">
<div class="swiper-container">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
{% for slide in slides %}
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="carousel--slide">
<div class="carousel--container">
<div style="{% inline slide.fields.textStyle %}">
{{ slide.fields.text | markdownify }}
<b>{{ slide.fields.attribution }}</b>
{% endfor %}
{% assign length = slides | size %}
{% if length > 1 %}
<div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
{% endif %}
{% when 'circlesSection' %}
<section class="circle-section">
{% for circle in area.fields.circles %}
<div class="circle" style="background-color: {{ circle.fields.color }};">
<div class="content">
{{ circle.fields.text | richText }}
{% endfor %}
{% when 'eventsSection' %}
<div class="event-section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row px-0">
<div class="col-sm-12 px-0 text-center text-sm-left">
<h2>{{ area.fields.sectionTitle }}</h2>
<div>{{ area.fields.sectionTextArea | richText }}</div>
<div class="row">
{% if area.fields.useMostRecentEvents %}
{% assign filter = area.fields.filterEventTypes | first %}
{% for event in events %}
{% if event.eventType == filter %}
<div class="event-section--row">
<div class="event-section--name">
{{ event.eventName }}
<div class="event-section--date" data-start-date="{{ event.eventStartDate }}" data-end-date="{{ event.eventEndDate }}">
<svg aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M400 64h-48V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-8c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v52H128V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-8c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v52H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM48 96h352c8.822 0 16 7.178 16 16v48H32v-48c0-8.822 7.178-16 16-16zm352 384H48c-8.822 0-16-7.178-16-16V192h384v272c0 8.822-7.178 16-16 16z"></path></svg>
<span class="js-date"></span>
<div class="event-section--location">
{% if event.eventLocation %}
<svg aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M192 96c-52.935 0-96 43.065-96 96s43.065 96 96 96 96-43.065 96-96-43.065-96-96-96zm0 160c-35.29 0-64-28.71-64-64s28.71-64 64-64 64 28.71 64 64-28.71 64-64 64zm0-256C85.961 0 0 85.961 0 192c0 77.413 26.97 99.031 172.268 309.67 9.534 13.772 29.929 13.774 39.465 0C357.03 291.031 384 269.413 384 192 384 85.961 298.039 0 192 0zm0 473.931C52.705 272.488 32 256.494 32 192c0-42.738 16.643-82.917 46.863-113.137S149.262 32 192 32s82.917 16.643 113.137 46.863S352 149.262 352 192c0 64.49-20.692 80.47-160 281.931z"></path></svg>
{{ event.eventLocation }}
{% endif %}
<div class="event-section--btnContainer">
<a class="btn btn-blue" href="{{ event.eventLink }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Learn more
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% when 'fullImageArea' %}
<section class="image-area my-5">
<div class="container">
<div class="row mb-5">
<div class="col-xl-10 mx-auto">
{% if area.fields.title %}
<h3 class="area--title">{{ area.fields.title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% if area.fields.text %}
{{ area.fields.text | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
{% if area.fields.image %}
<div class="container position-relative">
<img src="{{ area.fields.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="" class="img-fluid mx-auto {% if area.fields.mobileImage %}d-none d-md-block{% else %}d-block{% endif %}">
{% if area.fields.mobileImage %}
<img src="{{ area.fields.mobileImage.fields.file.url }}" alt="" class="img-fluid mx-auto d-block d-md-none">
{% endif %}
{% if area.fields.tooltips %}
<svg id="hotzone" class="d-block mx-auto" viewBox="0 0 1500 827" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice">
{% for tooltip in area.fields.tooltips %}
<circle class="image-area--hotspot" data-tooltip="{{ forloop.index }}" cx="{{ tooltip.fields.left }}" cy="{{ }}" r="25" fill="transparent"></circle>
{% endfor %}
{% for tooltip in area.fields.tooltips %}
<div class="image-area--tooltip js-tooltip d-none" data-tooltip="{{ forloop.index }}">
{{ tooltip.fields.text | markdownify }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if area.fields.tooltips %}
<div class="container mt-5 d-sm-block d-lg-none">
<div class="row">
{% for tooltip in area.fields.tooltips %}
<div class="col-12">
<div class="image-area--accordion">
<div class="image-area--top" data-toggle="collapse" href="#tooltip-accordion-{{ forloop.index }}" role="button" aria-expanded="false">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-down mr-3"></i>
<h3>{{ tooltip.fields.title }}</h3>
<div id="tooltip-accordion-{{ forloop.index }}" class="image-area--bottom collapse">
{{ tooltip.fields.text | markdownify }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% when 'imageArea' %}
{% assign data = area.fields %}
{% assign column_num = data.columns | default: 1 %}
<section class="grid-area" {% if data.backgroundColor %}style="background-color: {{ data.backgroundColor }}"{% endif %}>
<div class="container{% if data.fullBackground %}-fluid{% endif %}">
<div class="container{% if data.fullWidthSubContainer %}-fluid{% endif %}">
{% if data.hideTitle != true %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xl-10 mx-auto">
<div class="area-text">
<h3 class="area--title">{{ data.title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
<div class="row">
{% for item in data.gridItems %}
{% case %}
{% when 'imageGridItem' %}
{% assign data = item.fields %}
{% if data.imageColumnSize %}
{% assign image_column = data.imageColumnSize | times: 0.1 | times: 12 | round %}
{% assign text_column = 12 | minus: image_column %}
{% else %}
{% assign image_column = 12 %}
{% assign text_column = 12 %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-lg-{{ 12 | divided_by: column_num | floor }} mb-4">
<div class="grid-imageGridItem" style="background-color: {{ data.backgroundColor }}">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-{{ image_column }} mb-4">
{% if data.url %}
<a href="{% localeLink locale, data.url %}">
<img class="grid-imageGridItem--image" src="{{ data.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ data.image.fields.title }}">
{% else %}
<img class="grid-imageGridItem--image" src="{{ data.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ data.image.fields.title }}">
{% endif %}
<div class="col-lg-{{ text_column }}">
<div class="grid-imageGridItem--content {{ data.textSize }}">
{% if data.title %}
{% if data.url %}
<a href="{% localeLink locale, data.url %}">
<h3 class="mb-3" style="color: {{ data.headingColor }}">{{ data.title }}</h3>
{% else %}
<h3 class="mb-3" style="color: {{ data.headingColor }}">{{ data.title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.text %}
{{ data.text | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.links %}
<div class="grid-imageGridItem--linkSection">
{% for link in data.links %}
<a class="grid-imageGridItem--link" href="{% localeLink locale, link.fields.url %}">{{ link.fields.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% when 'boxGridItem' %}
{% assign data = item.fields %}
{% assign base_size = 12 | divided_by: column_num | floor %}
{% assign mobile_size = 12 | divided_by: 2 %}
<div class="col-md-{{ mobile_size }} col-lg-{{ base_size }} my-4 mx-auto">
<div class="grid-boxGridItem" style="border-color: {{ data.backgroundColor }}">
{% if data.subTitle %}
<span class="grid-boxGridItem--subtitle">
{{ data.subTitle }}
{% endif %}
<h4 class="grid-boxGridItem--title">
{{ data.title }}
{% if and %}
<span class="grid-boxGridItem--video position-relative" data-video="{{ }}" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#videoModal">
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{ }}" alt="{{ }}">
<div class="video-button">
<div class="video-button--playButton"></div>
<div class="video-button--bg"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if data.image.fields.file.url %}
<a href="{{ data.buttonUrl | default: "#"}}">
<span class="grid-boxGridItem--image">
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{ data.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ data.image.fields.file.title }}">
{% endif %}
{% if data.suppressHorizontalRule == false %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.text %}
<div class="grid-boxGridItem--copy">
{{ data.text | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.buttonText %}
<a class="btn btn-blue" href="{% localeLink locale, data.buttonUrl %}">{{ data.buttonText }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% when 'fullImageGridItem' %}
{% assign data = item.fields %}
{% assign sizing = column_num | divided_by: data.size %}
<div class="col-lg-{{ 12 | divided_by: sizing }} mx-auto">
<div class="grid-fullImageGridItem">
<div class="grid-fullImageGridItem--image">
<img src="{{ data.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ data.image.fields.file.title }}">
<div class="grid-fullImageGridItem--bar">
{{ data.text | markdownify }}
{% when 'gridItem' %}
{% assign data = item.fields %}
{% assign sizing = column_num | divided_by: data.size %}
<div class="col-lg-{{ 12 | divided_by: sizing | ceil }} mx-auto mb-3">
<div class="grid-gridItem p-3 {{ data.textSize }}" style="background-color: {{ data.backgroundColor }}">
{{ data.text | markdownify }}
{% when 'socialMediaGridItem' %}
{% assign data = item.fields %}
<div class="col my-4 mx-auto">
<div class="grid-boxGridItem">
<h4 class="grid-boxGridItem--title">
{{ data.title }}
{% if data.type == 'twitter' %}
<a class="twitter-timeline" data-chrome="nofooter transparent noheader" data-height="450" data-theme="light" href="{{ }}?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">Tweets</a>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
{% endif %}
{% when 'videoGridItem' %}
{% assign data = %}
<div class="col mx-auto">
<div class="grid-videoGridItem" data-video="{{ data.url }}" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#videoModal">
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{ data.placeholderImage.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ data.placeholderImage.fields.file.title }}">
{% when 'accordionArea' %}
<div class="col">
<div class="accordion-area accordion-area--grid">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
{% for accordion in item.fields.accordions %}
{% assign acc = accordion.fields %}
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="accordion-area--heading" data-toggle="collapse" href="#accordion-{{ forloop.index }}" role="button" aria-expanded="false">
<div>{{ acc.titleText | markdownify }}</div>
<div class="icons">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-up mr-3"></i>
<div id="accordion-{{ forloop.index }}" class="collapse">
{{ acc.text | markdownify }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
{% when 'headerArea' %}
<section class="general-header" style="background-color: {{ area.fields.backgroundColor }};">
<h1>{{ area.fields.title }}</h1>
{% when 'hero' %}
{% include hero-banner,
banner_url: banner.fields.image.fields.file.url,
banner_position: banner.fields.backgroundPosition,
disableScroll: banner.fields.disableScroll,
text: banner.fields.text,
disableScroll: banner.fields.disableScroll
{% when 'imageOverlaySection' %}
<section class="img-overlay-section">
<div class="container-fluid px-0">
{% link area.fields.url %}
<div class="row no-gutters">
{% for imageBlock in area.fields.imageBlocks %}
<div class="col-6 col-sm img-overlay-section--block">
<div class="img-overlay-section--overlay"></div>
<div class="img-overlay-section--text">
{{ imageBlock.fields.overlayText | richText }}
<img class="w-100" src="{{ imageBlock.fields.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ imageBlock.fields.image.fields.file.title }}">
{% endfor %}
{% endlink %}
{% when 'linkArea' %}
<section class="link-area">
<div class="container my-5">
<div class="row">
{% for link in area.fields.links %}
<div class="col my-3 text-center">
<a href="{% localeLink locale, link.fields.url %}"><img class="img-fluid" src="{{ link.fields.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ link.fields.title }}"></a>
{% endfor %}
{% when 'marketoForm' %}
<section class="marketo-section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
{{ area.fields.marketoFormContent | markdownify }}
<div class="col">
<div class="marketo-section--container">
<form id="mktoForm_{{ area.fields.marketoFormId }}"></form>
<p class="marketo-section--success d-none text-center">
{{ area.fields.postSubmissionMessage.fields.value }}
<script defer src="//"></script>
{% if area.fields.zoomInfoFormId %}
<script>window._zi = { formId: '{{ area.fields.zoomInfoFormId }}'}</script>
{% endif %}
{% when 'quoteArea' %}
<section class="quote-area">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="quote-area--quote" style="background-color: {{ area.fields.backgroundColor }};">
{{ area.fields.text | markdownify }}
{% when 'tooltipSection' %}
<section class="tooltip-section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<h2 class="area--title">
{{ area.fields.title }}
<div class="row no-gutters">
{% for tooltip in area.fields.tooltips %}
<div class="col-md">
<div class="tooltip-section--block mx-auto" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ tooltip.fields.text | plainText }}">
<img src="{{ tooltip.fields.icon.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ tooltip.fields.icon.fields.title }}">
{{ tooltip.fields.header }}
{% endfor %}
{% when 'sectionRowStandard' %}
<section class="row-standard bg--{{ area.fields.backgroundColor | default: 'white' }} {{ area.fields.specialStyle }}">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
{% for column in area.fields.columns %}
{% assign item = column.fields %}
<div class="col-md d-flex align-items-center">
<div class="m-3">
{% if item.image.fields.file.url %}
<img class="img-fluid my-3" src="{{ item.image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ item.image.fields.file.title }}">
{% endif %}
{% if item.title %}
<h3>{{ item.title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% if item.content %}
{{ item.content | richText }}
{% endif %}
{% if %}
<a class="btn btn-blue" href="{% localeLink locale, %}">
{{ }} <i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-right"></i>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% when 'carouselLogo' %}
<section class="logo-carousel">
{% if area.fields.title %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row text-center">
<h3 class="text-secondary">{{ area.fields.title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
<div class="container my-5">
<div class="swiper-container logo-carousel--swiper">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
{% for image in area.fields.images %}
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<img class="logo my-3" src="{{ image.fields.file.url }}" alt="{{ image.fields.file.title }}">
{% endfor %}
{% when 'sectionSwitchCards' %}
<section class="switch-section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<h3>{{ area.fields.title }}</h3>
<ul class="switch-section--list">
{% for card in %}
<button class="btn btn-link js-switchcard py-0 {% if forloop.index <= 1 %}active{% endif %}" data-id="{{ forloop.index }}">
{{ card.fields.title }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-md-8">
{% for card in %}
<div class="switch-section--card {% if forloop.index <= 1 %}active{% endif %}" data-id="{{ forloop.index }}">
{{ card.fields.content | richText }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ }}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
{%- comment -%} Call to actions {%- endcomment -%}
{% for cta in c_page.callToActions %}
{% include call-to-action,
title: cta.fields.title,
text: cta.fields.text,
url: cta.fields.url,
bgColor: cta.fields.backgroundColor,
{% endfor %}
Copy link

Example of the Data


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