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Created October 14, 2012 09:39
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MapReduce Concept With Ruby
# This is our given particle
given_particle = { :x => 0.0, :y => 0.0, :m => 1}
# Generating random data
particles =
50.times do
# rand is a function that generates random number between 0 and 1
x = (rand - 0.5) * 1000
y= (rand - 0.5) * 1000
particles << { :x => x, :y => y * 1000, :m => rand * 5 }
# Map:
# now our particles array contains 50 random particles
# Here we are just slicing our list of particles to sub lists of 10, then
# putting these sublists in a queue. then we append an empty total_force vector
# (well, a hash actually!) to each slice (sub-problem). the empty hash will be
# filled by the worker who solves the sub problem.
# Each member of the queue will be served to one worker
job_queue = particles.each_slice(10).to_a
results =
# Here it will serve every request from workers from job queue and fetch the results
forces << serve_worker({ :data => job_queue.pull, :given => given_particle }) until job_queue.empty?
# Reduce
# To calculate final results we just sum over x and y of forces:
total_force = { :x =>,
:y => }
# then we print the results on screen
p total_force
# Solving Sub-problems
# Workers will run this block once for every sub problem. It will fill the
# empty result vector.
G = 1.0
until sub_prob = get_a_sub_problem_from_master
forces =
given_particle = sub_prob[:given]
sub_prob[:data].each do |particle|
deltax = particle[:x] - given_particle[:x]
deltay = particle[:y] - given_particle[:y]
distance2 = deltax**2 + deltay**2
forces << { :x => ((G * particle[:m] * given_particle[:m] * deltax) / distance2**(3.0/2)),
:y => ((G * particle[:m] * given_particle[:m] * deltay) / distance2**(3.0/2)) }
send_result_to_master({ :x =>, :y =>})
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