Bulk Download of Recordings and Gallery items
Write a simple script
- Login to mi cloud https://i.mi.com
- Navigate to https://us.i.mi.com/#record or https://us.i.mi.com/v1#gallery
- In web browser (Chrome) press F12 to open Chrome developer tool
- Navigate to Console
- Select the Record/Gallary frame
- Paste all the code and press Enter
- Click Allow if browser asks for the permission of download multiple file
- Wait until all the files are downloaded
Hi guys,
can anyone help me with batch downloading records? I have the same problem as some guys here when pasting script to Console. "Promise {: undefined}"
First of all, I can't navigate to "https://us.i.mi.com/#record" only "https://us.i.mi.com/v1#record" (I don't know if this is a problem).
When I navigate to "https://us.i.mi.com/v1#record" and then to developer tool and console I paste code hit enter and get Promise {: undefined}.
What I am doing wrong? Maybe some of my Crome settings blocking it?
I appreciate your help.