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Aravind Kumar SVG aravindkumarsvg

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aravindkumarsvg /
Last active May 27, 2024 10:31
Stabilize a reverse shell for linux target


  • Get the reverse shell in netcat
  • check python support in the target system
which python

Shell Stablization

  1. If your terminal is using zsh, then you need to switch to bash
aravindkumarsvg /
Created August 10, 2020 05:41
Calling a phone number repeatedly using ADB
# Enabling ADB over network
# adb kill-server && adb start-server # restart adb server
# adb tcpip 5555 # start adb service
# adb connect <phone_id> # connect to the device
# For enabling loudspeaker and cut the call, make sure to change it based on your phone screen
# Ref for getting touch coordinates:
aravindkumarsvg / Vagrantfile
Last active September 13, 2020 14:27
Vagrantfile for Apache Spark setup in Ubuntu Xenial 16
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/xenial64"
config.vm.box_check_update = false
# Spark Jobs history "forwarded_port", guest: 4040, host: 4040
# Spark Master "forwarded_port", guest: 8080, host: 8080
aravindkumarsvg /
Last active December 9, 2021 18:31
Generates npm audit report for multiple directories and searching for multiple package.json inside those given directories
# Global variable declarations
# usage
aravindkumarsvg /
Created March 29, 2018 10:39
Gets the processes which is using the swap space
# Loops through the proc directory
for processId in `ls /proc/`; do
# Checks for the status file for a process
if [[ $processId =~ ^[0-9]+$ && -r "/proc/${processId}/status" ]]; then
# Gets the swap space usage for the process
swapUsage=`grep VmSwap "/proc/${processId}/status" | awk '{print $2}'`
if [[ ! -z $swapUsage && $swapUsage > 0 ]]; then
# Gets the process name
# utility function which is used to create and change
# to the given directory name
# Add to the .bashrc file
# usage:
# mkcd directory_name
mkcd() {
local directory_name="${1}"
if [ -z $directory_name ]
echo "Pass the directory name as the argument!!!" > /dev/stderr
aravindkumarsvg /
Last active July 13, 2018 18:49
Replaces the duplicate files with the hard link to the file which comes first in the lexical sorting
# #
# - Removes the duplicate normal files from the given directory and makes them #
# as the hard link for the non removed file. #
# - The non removed file is the one which comes first in the lexical ordering #
# - Script uses fdupes utility to find out the duplicate files #
# #
# = Usage: bash duplicate_files_folder #
aravindkumarsvg /
Last active January 8, 2025 18:02
Automatically restart network manager in case of connection timeouts due to wifi problems
# Restarts the Network Manager automatically when the
# Network disconnects, because of wifi connectivity problem
# Function which checks for the root user execution
aravindkumarsvg /
Created July 20, 2017 15:00
Checks for the Network connection
# Checks for Network connection by using Ping utility
# Main flow of Execution
main() {
aravindkumarsvg /
Created July 14, 2017 16:04
Removes the Docker images and also able to add some exclusions for image deletion
# Removes the Docker images based on conditions
# Variable Declaration
declare -A image_exclusion=( ["node"]="8-alpine" ["jenkins"]="latest" )
# Checks whether image has been excluded or not