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Last active September 14, 2017 20:44
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fish abbreviations
abbr R 'R --no-save'
abbr gst 'git status'
abbr gd 'git diff'
abbr ga 'git add'
abbr gc 'git commit'
abbr gdc 'git diff --cached'
abbr gcm 'git commit -m'
abbr gdt 'git difftool --extcmd icdiff'
abbr gl 'git pull'
abbr gco 'git checkout'
abbr gfa 'git fetch --all'
abbr gau 'git add -u'
abbr vimrc 'vim /Users/azw803/.vimrc'
abbr glog git\ log\ --graph\ --pretty=format:\'\%Cred\%h\%Creset\ -\%C\(yellow\)\%d\%Creset\ \%s\ \%Cgreen\(\%cr\)\ \%C\(bold\ blue\)\<\%an\>\%Creset\%C\(bold\ green\)\'
abbr psz ps\ -a\ -o\ pid,stat,command\ \|\ awk\ \'NR==1\{print\ \$0\}\;\{if\(\$2==\"T\"\)\ print\ \}\'
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