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arcanemachine / i3gw
Created August 2, 2024 10:22 — forked from budRich/i3gw
ghost window wrapper for i3wm
# i3gw - "ghost window" wrapper for i3
# ctrl+c, ctrl+v by budRich 2017
# i3-msg has an undocumented function (open) that creates
# empty containers, or as I call them: ghosts.
arcanemachine / assert_eventually.exs
Last active June 23, 2024 22:01
Elixir: Simple implementation of `assert_eventually` for tests
@default_interval 99
@default_timeout 9_000
@doc """
Assert that a condition eventually evaluates to `true`.
## Options
All time-related options are in milliseconds.
- `:timeout` (default: `#{@default_timeout}`) - the maximum total time until the assertion fails
arcanemachine /
Last active March 29, 2024 19:16
How to set up `gitlab-runner` for a non-root user

Here's how I set up gitlab-runner for a non-root user inside a Vagrant VM (should work for non-VM machines as well):

  • Check to see if the process is running for the existing user:

ps aux | grep gitlab

  • If the process is running, it will look something like this after you run the previous command:

/usr/bin/gitlab-runner run --config /etc/gitlab/runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner

arcanemachine / hetzner-benchmarks--2023-04-30.txt
Last active May 5, 2023 08:20
Hetzner Geekbench Benchmarks - April 2023
- 2-core ARM + 4GB RAM + 40GB Storage + 20TB Traffic
- 1099 Single / 1995 Multi
- 16-core ARM + 32 GB RAM + 320GB Storage + 20TB Traffic
- 1141 Single / 9274 Multi