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Created January 20, 2020 00:17
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public class MasqPositionTracker implements MasqHardware {
private MasqMotor xSystem, yLSystem, yRSystem, ySystem;
public MasqAdafruitIMU imu;
private double prevHeading, heading;
private double globalX, globalY, prevX, prevY, prevYR, prevYL, xRadius, yRadius, trackWidth;
private DeadWheelPosition position;
public enum DeadWheelPosition {
public MasqPositionTracker(MasqMotor xSystem, MasqMotor yLSystem, MasqMotor yRSystem, HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
this.xSystem = xSystem;
this.yLSystem = yLSystem;
this.yRSystem = yRSystem;
imu = new MasqAdafruitIMU("imu", hardwareMap);
prevHeading = imu.getAbsoluteHeading();
public MasqPositionTracker(MasqMotor xSystem, MasqMotor ySystem, String imuName, HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
this.xSystem = xSystem;
this.ySystem = ySystem;
imu = new MasqAdafruitIMU(imuName, hardwareMap);
public MasqPositionTracker(MasqMotor xSystem, MasqMotor ySystem, HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
this.xSystem = xSystem;
this.ySystem = ySystem;
imu = new MasqAdafruitIMU("imu", hardwareMap);
prevHeading = imu.getAbsoluteHeading();
public MasqPositionTracker(MasqMotor xSystem, MasqMotor yLSystem, MasqMotor yRSystem, String imuName, HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
this.xSystem = xSystem;
this.yLSystem = yLSystem;
this.yRSystem = yRSystem;
imu = new MasqAdafruitIMU(imuName, hardwareMap);
public MasqPositionTracker(HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
imu = new MasqAdafruitIMU("imu", hardwareMap);
public double getHeading () {
return imu.getRelativeYaw();
public void updateSystem () {
switch (position) {
case BOTH_CENTER: bothCenter(); break;
case BOTH_PERPENDICULAR: bothPerpendicular(); break;
case THREE: three(); break;
default: break;
public void reset() {
private void bothCenter() {
double deltaX = (xSystem.getInches() - prevX);
double deltaY = (ySystem.getInches() - prevY);
double heading = Math.toRadians(getHeading());
double x = deltaX * Math.cos(heading) - deltaY * Math.sin(heading);
double y = deltaX * Math.sin(heading) + deltaY * Math.cos(heading);
globalX += x;
globalY += y;
prevY = ySystem.getInches();
prevX = xSystem.getInches();
private void bothPerpendicular() {
double heading = Math.toRadians(getHeading());
double xPosition = xSystem.getInches();
double yPosition = ySystem.getInches();
double dH = Math.toRadians(getDHeading(heading));
double dX = xPosition - prevX;
prevX = xPosition;
double dY = yPosition - prevY;
prevY = yPosition;
double angularComponentY = yRadius * dH;
double angularComponentX = xRadius * dH;
double dTranslationalX = dX - angularComponentX;
double dTranslationalY = dY + angularComponentY;
double dGlobalX = dTranslationalX * Math.cos(heading) - dTranslationalY * Math.sin(heading);
double dGlobalY = dTranslationalX * Math.sin(heading) + dTranslationalY * Math.cos(heading);
globalX += dGlobalX;
globalY += dGlobalY;
private void three() {
double heading = Math.toRadians(getHeading());
double xPosition = xSystem.getInches();
double yLPosition = yLSystem.getInches();
double yRPosition = yRSystem.getInches();
double dX = xPosition - prevX;
prevX = xPosition;
double dYR = yRPosition - prevYR;
prevYR = yRPosition;
double dYL = yLPosition - prevYL;
prevYL = yLPosition;
double dH = (dYL - dYR) / trackWidth;
double dTranslationalY = (dYR + dYL) / 2;
double angularComponentX = xRadius * dH;
double dTranslationalX = dX - angularComponentX;
double dGlobalX = dTranslationalX * Math.cos(heading) - dTranslationalY * Math.sin(heading);
double dGlobalY = dTranslationalX * Math.sin(heading) + dTranslationalY * Math.cos(heading);
globalX += dGlobalX;
globalY += dGlobalY;
private void threev2() {
double xPosition = xSystem.getInches();
double yLPosition = yLSystem.getInches();
double yRPosition = yRSystem.getInches();
double dX = xPosition - prevX;
prevX = xPosition;
double dYR = yRPosition - prevYR;
prevYR = yRPosition;
double dYL = yLPosition - prevYL;
prevYL = yLPosition;
double dH = (dYL - dYR) / trackWidth;
heading += dH;
double dTranslationalY = (dYR + dYL) / 2;
double angularComponentX = xRadius * dH;
double dTranslationalX = dX - angularComponentX;
double dGlobalX = dTranslationalX * Math.cos(heading) - dTranslationalY * Math.sin(heading);
double dGlobalY = dTranslationalX * Math.sin(heading) + dTranslationalY * Math.cos(heading);
globalX += dGlobalX;
globalY += dGlobalY;
public double getDHeading(double current) {
double change = (current - prevHeading);
prevHeading = current;
return adjustAngle(Math.toDegrees(change));
public void setYRadius(double yRadius) {
this.yRadius = yRadius;
public double getGlobalX() {
return globalX;
public double getGlobalY() {
return globalY;
public void setXRadius(double xRadius) {
this.xRadius = xRadius;
public void setTrackWidth(double trackWidth) {
this.trackWidth = trackWidth;
public void setPosition(MasqPositionTracker.DeadWheelPosition position) {
this.position = position;
public String getName() {
return "Tracker";
public String[] getDash() {
return new String[] {
getName() +
"GlobalX: " + globalX,
"GlobalY: " + globalY,
"Heading: " + getHeading(),
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