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Created January 25, 2020 03:35
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package Library4997.MasqMotors;
import android.database.DatabaseErrorHandler;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotorController;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.Range;
import Library4997.MasqResources.MasqHelpers.MasqHardware;
import Library4997.MasqResources.MasqUtils;
import Library4997.MasqSensors.MasqClock;
import Library4997.MasqSensors.MasqEncoder;
import Library4997.MasqSensors.MasqLimitSwitch;
import Library4997.MasqWrappers.DashBoard;
* This is a custom motor that includes stall detection and telemetry
public class MasqMotor implements MasqHardware {
private double minPower = 0;
public DcMotor motor;
private boolean stallDetection = false;
private String nameMotor;
private double targetPower;
private boolean velocityControlState = false;
public double error;
private double kp = 0.1, ki = 0, kd = 0;
public MasqEncoder encoder;
private double prevPos = 0;
private boolean stalled = false;
private double previousTime = 0;
public double destination = 0;
private double motorPower;
private double currentMax, currentMin;
private double currentZero;
public double rpmIntegral = 0;
public double rpmDerivative = 0;
private double rpmPreviousError = 0;
private int stalledRPMThreshold = 10;
private double prevRate = 0;
private Runnable
stallAction = () -> {
unStalledAction = () -> {
private double minPosition, maxPosition;
private boolean
halfDetectionMin = false,
halfDetectionMax = false,
closedLoop = false;
private MasqLimitSwitch minLim, maxLim = null;
public MasqMotor(String name, MasqMotorModel model, HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
limitDetection = positionDetection = false;
this.nameMotor = name;
motor = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, name);
encoder = new MasqEncoder(this, model);
public MasqMotor(String name, MasqMotorModel model, DcMotor.Direction direction, HardwareMap hardwareMap) {
limitDetection = positionDetection = false;
this.nameMotor = name;
motor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get(name);
encoder = new MasqEncoder(this, model);
public void setLimits(MasqLimitSwitch min, MasqLimitSwitch max){
maxLim = max; minLim = min;
limitDetection = true;
public MasqMotor setLimit(MasqLimitSwitch min) {
minLim = min; maxLim = null;
limitDetection = true;
return this;
public MasqMotor setPositionLimits (double min, double max) {
minPosition = min; maxPosition = max;
positionDetection = true;
return this;
public MasqMotor setHalfLimits(MasqLimitSwitch min, double max){
maxPosition = max;
minLim = min; halfDetectionMin = true;
return this;
public MasqMotor setHalfLimits(double min, MasqLimitSwitch max){
minPosition = min;
maxLim = max; halfDetectionMax = true;
return this;
public MasqMotor setPositionLimit (double min) {
minPosition = min;
positionDetection = true;
return this;
public void runWithoutEncoders () {motor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER);}
public void resetEncoder() {
public void runUsingEncoder() {motor.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER);}
public void setDistance (double distance) {
destination = distance;
public void runToPosition(int inches, double speed){
MasqClock clock = new MasqClock();
double clicks = -inches * encoder.getClicksPerInch();
motor.setTargetPosition((int) clicks);
while (opModeIsActive() && motor.isBusy() &&
!clock.elapsedTime(5, MasqClock.Resolution.SECONDS)) {}
boolean isBusy () {
return motor.isBusy();
public void setBreakMode () {
public void unBreakMode () {
public double getCurrentPosition() {
return encoder.getRelativePosition();
public double getAbsolutePosition () {
return motor.getCurrentPosition();
public double getVelocity(double deltaPosition, double tChange, double CPR) {
previousTime = System.nanoTime();
tChange = tChange / 1e9;
prevPos = getCurrentPosition();
double rate = deltaPosition / tChange;
rate = (rate * 60) / CPR;
if (rate != 0) return rate;
else {
prevRate = rate;
return rate;
public double getVelocity() {
return getVelocity(getCurrentPosition() - prevPos,System.nanoTime() - previousTime,encoder.getClicksPerRotation());
public double getAngle (double currentPosition, double CPR) {
return (currentPosition * CPR) / 360;
public double getAngle() {
return getAngle(motor.getCurrentPosition(), encoder.getClicksPerRotation());
public double setPower (double power) {
power = Range.clip(power, -1, 1);
motorPower = power;
return power;
public double setVelocity(double power, double error, double tChange) {
targetPower = power;
motorPower = calculateVelocityCorrection(power, error, tChange);
if (!closedLoop) motorPower = power;
if (limitDetection) {
if (minLim != null && minLim.isPressed() && power < 0 ||
maxLim != null && maxLim.isPressed() && power > 0)
motorPower = 0;
else if (minLim != null && minLim.isPressed()
&& power < 0 && maxLim == null)
motorPower = 0;
else if (positionDetection) {
if ((motor.getCurrentPosition() < minPosition && power < 0) ||
(motor.getCurrentPosition() > maxPosition && power > 0))
motorPower = 0;
else if (motor.getCurrentPosition() < minPosition && power < 0)
motorPower = 0;
else if (halfDetectionMin) {
if (minLim.isPressed()) {
currentZero = motor.getCurrentPosition();
currentMax = currentZero + maxPosition;
if (minLim != null && minLim.isPressed() && power < 0) motorPower = 0;
else if (motor.getCurrentPosition() > currentMax && power > 0) motorPower = 0;
else if (halfDetectionMax) {
if (maxLim.isPressed()) {
currentZero = motor.getCurrentPosition();
currentMin = currentZero - minPosition;
if (maxLim != null && maxLim.isPressed() && power >0) motorPower = 0;
else if (motor.getCurrentPosition() < currentMin && power < 0) motorPower = 0;
if (Math.abs(motorPower) < minPower && minPower != 0) motorPower = 0;
return motor.getPower();
public double setVelocity(double power) {
return setVelocity(power, (encoder.getRPM() * power) - getVelocity(), (System.nanoTime() - previousTime)/1e9);
//For testing purposes input parameters for error and time
public double calculateVelocityCorrection(double power, double error, double tChange) {
this.error = error;
rpmIntegral += error * tChange;
rpmDerivative = (error - rpmPreviousError) / tChange;
if (Double.isNaN(rpmDerivative)) {
rpmDerivative = 0;
if (Double.isNaN(rpmIntegral)) {
rpmIntegral = 0;
double p = error*kp;
double i = rpmIntegral*ki;
double d = rpmDerivative*kd;
double motorPower = power + (p + i + d);
rpmPreviousError = error;
previousTime = System.nanoTime();
return motorPower;
public void setVelocityControlState(boolean velocityControlState) {
this.velocityControlState = velocityControlState;
public void startVelocityControl () {
Runnable velocityControl = () -> {
while (opModeIsActive() && velocityControlState) {
Thread velocityThread = new Thread(velocityControl);
//Use this one for testing
public boolean getStalled(double deltaPosition, double tChange, double CPR) {
return Math.abs(getVelocity(deltaPosition, tChange, CPR)) < stalledRPMThreshold;
//Use for normal use
private boolean getStalled() {
return Math.abs(getVelocity()) < stalledRPMThreshold;
public void setStalledAction(Runnable action) {
stallAction = action;
public void setUnStalledAction(Runnable action) {
unStalledAction = action;
public void setStallDetection(boolean bool) {stallDetection = bool;}
private boolean getStallDetection () {return stallDetection;}
public synchronized boolean isStalled() {
return stalled;
public int getStalledRPMThreshold() {
return stalledRPMThreshold;
public void setStalledRPMThreshold(int stalledRPMThreshold) {
this.stalledRPMThreshold = stalledRPMThreshold;
//For testing
public void enableStallDetection(double deltaPosition, double tChange, double CPR) {
Runnable mainRunnable = () -> {
while (opModeIsActive()) {
stalled = getStalled(deltaPosition, tChange, CPR);
if (getStallDetection()) {
if (stalled);
Thread thread = new Thread(mainRunnable);
//For normal use
public void enableStallDetection() {
Runnable mainRunnable = () -> { while (opModeIsActive()) {
stalled = getStalled();
if (getStallDetection()) {
if (stalled);
Thread thread = new Thread(mainRunnable);
public void setClosedLoop(boolean closedLoop) {
this.closedLoop = closedLoop;
public double getPower () {
return motorPower;
public MasqEncoder getEncoder () {
return encoder;
public double getKp() {return kp;}
public void setKp(double kp) { = kp;
public double getKi() {return ki;}
public void setKi(double ki) { = ki;
public double getKd() {return kd;}
public void setKd(double kd) {
this.kd = kd;
private boolean opModeIsActive() {
return MasqUtils.opModeIsActive();
public DcMotorController getController () {
return motor.getController();
public int getPortNumber () {
return motor.getPortNumber();
public void setMotorModel (MasqMotorModel model) {
public boolean isClosedLoop() {
return closedLoop;
public double getMinPower() {
return minPower;
public void setMinPower(double minPower) {
this.minPower = minPower;
public void setWheelDiameter(double diameter) {
public double getInches() {
return encoder.getInches();
public String getName() {
return nameMotor;
public String[] getDash() {
return new String[] {
"Current Position: " + getCurrentPosition(),
"Velocity: " + getVelocity()};
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