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#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include "iostream"
namespace MidnightMoveGen {
/* ------------------------ DEFINE UNIVERSAL TYPES ------------------------ */
using u8 = std::uint8_t;
using u16 = std::uint16_t;
using u32 = std::uint32_t;
using u64 = std::uint64_t;
using i8 = std::int8_t;
using i16 = std::int16_t;
using i32 = std::int32_t;
using i64 = std::int64_t;
using f32 = float;
using f64 = double;
using usize = std::size_t;
using std::string;
using std::array;
using std::vector;
/* ------------------------ DEFINE HELPER SPLIT FUNCTION ------------------------ */
inline vector<std::string> split(const string& s, const string& delimiter) {
usize pos_start = 0, pos_end, delim_len = delimiter.length();
string token;
vector<string> res;
while ((pos_end = s.find (delimiter, pos_start)) != std::string::npos) {
token = s.substr (pos_start, pos_end - pos_start);
pos_start = pos_end + delim_len;
res.push_back(s.substr (pos_start));
return res;
/* ------------------------ DEFINE HELPER STACK CLASS ------------------------ */
template<typename T, usize Capacity>
class Stack {
Stack() = default;
~Stack() = default;
inline void push(const T& element) {
data[length++] = element;
inline void push(const T&& constructed_element) {
data[length++] = std::move(constructed_element);
[[nodiscard]] inline T pop() { return data[length-- -1]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline T peek() const { return data[length - 1]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline T& top() { return data[length - 1]; }
inline void clear() {
for (usize i = 0; i < length; i++) data[i].~T();
length = 0;
[[nodiscard]] inline auto size() const { return length; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto empty() const { return length == 0; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto operator[](usize i) const { return data[i]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto begin() { return data.begin(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto end() { return data.begin() + static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(length); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto &operator[](usize i) { return data[i]; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto begin() const { return data.begin(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto end() const { return data.begin() + static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(length); }
std::array<T, Capacity> data{};
usize length = 0;
/* ------------------------ DEFINE BOARD TYPES ------------------------ */
using ZobristHash = u64;
using Bitboard = u64;
constexpr i32 NCOLORS = 2;
enum Color : i32 {
constexpr Color operator~(Color c) {
return Color(c ^ BLACK);
constexpr i32 NDIRS = 8;
enum Direction : i32 {
SOUTH = -8, SOUTH_WEST = -9, WEST = -1, NORTH_WEST = 7,
template<Color C, Direction D>
consteval Direction relative_dir() {
if constexpr (C == WHITE) return D;
return Direction(-D);
constexpr i32 NFILES = 8;
using File = i32;
constexpr File AFILE = 0;
constexpr File BFILE = 1;
constexpr File CFILE = 2;
constexpr File DFILE = 3;
constexpr File EFILE = 4;
constexpr File FFILE = 5;
constexpr File GFILE = 6;
constexpr File HFILE = 7;
constexpr i32 NRANKS = 8;
using Rank = i32;
constexpr Rank RANK1 = 0;
constexpr Rank RANK2 = 1;
constexpr Rank RANK3 = 2;
constexpr Rank RANK4 = 3;
constexpr Rank RANK5 = 4;
constexpr Rank RANK6 = 5;
constexpr Rank RANK7 = 6;
constexpr Rank RANK8 = 7;
template<Color color>
constexpr Rank relative_rank(Rank r) {
if constexpr (color == WHITE) return r;
return RANK8 - r;
constexpr i32 NCASTLING_RIGHTS = 4;
using CastleRight = i32;
constexpr CastleRight BLACK_OOO = 0b0001;
constexpr CastleRight BLACK_OO = 0b0010;
constexpr CastleRight WHITE_OOO = 0b0100;
constexpr CastleRight WHITE_OO = 0b1000;
/* ------------------------ DEFINE SQUARE TYPES ------------------------ */
constexpr i32 NSQUARES = 64;
enum Square : i32 {
a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1, h1,
a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2,
a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3, h3,
a4, b4, c4, d4, e4, f4, g4, h4,
a5, b5, c5, d5, e5, f5, g5, h5,
a6, b6, c6, d6, e6, f6, g6, h6,
a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, f7, g7, h7,
a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8,
inline constexpr Square operator ++(Square& orig, i32) {
Square r_val = orig;
orig = static_cast<Square>(orig + 1);
return r_val;
constexpr Square operator +(Square s, Direction d) {
return Square(static_cast<i32>(s) + static_cast<i32>(d));
constexpr Square operator -(Square s, Direction d) {
return Square(static_cast<i32>(s) - static_cast<i32>(d));
inline Square& operator +=(Square& s, Direction d) {
return s = s + d;
inline Square& operator +=(Square& s, i32 i) {
return s = static_cast<Square>(s + i);
inline Square& operator -=(Square& s, Direction d) {
return s = s - d;
inline Square flip(Square s) {
return static_cast<Square>(s ^ 0b111000);
constexpr Rank rank_of(Square s) {
return Rank(s >> 3);
constexpr File file_of(Square s) {
return File(s & 0b111);
constexpr i32 diagonal_of(Square s) {
return 7 + rank_of(s) - file_of(s);
constexpr i32 anti_diagonal_of(Square s) {
return rank_of(s) + file_of(s);
constexpr Square create_square(File f, Rank r) {
return Square(r << 3 | f);
inline const string SQ_TO_STRING[NSQUARES + 1] = {
"a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1", "f1", "g1", "h1",
"a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "f2", "g2", "h2",
"a3", "b3", "c3", "d3", "e3", "f3", "g3", "h3",
"a4", "b4", "c4", "d4", "e4", "f4", "g4", "h4",
"a5", "b5", "c5", "d5", "e5", "f5", "g5", "h5",
"a6", "b6", "c6", "d6", "e6", "f6", "g6", "h6",
"a7", "b7", "c7", "d7", "e7", "f7", "g7", "h7",
"a8", "b8", "c8", "d8", "e8", "f8", "g8", "h8",
/* ------------------------ DEFINE PIECE TYPE ------------------------ */
constexpr u32 NPIECE_TYPES = 7;
enum PieceType : u32 {
constexpr i8 NPIECES = 15;
enum Piece : u32 {
template<Color color, PieceType piece_type>
consteval Piece make_piece() {
return static_cast<Piece>((color << 3) | piece_type);
template<Piece piece>
consteval PieceType type_of() {
return static_cast<PieceType>(piece & 0b000111);
inline PieceType type_of(Piece piece) {
return static_cast<PieceType>(piece & 0b000111);
inline Piece piece_from_char(char c) {
switch (c) {
case 'P': return WHITE_PAWN;
case 'N': return WHITE_KNIGHT;
case 'B': return WHITE_BISHOP;
case 'R': return WHITE_ROOK;
case 'Q': return WHITE_QUEEN;
case 'K': return WHITE_KING;
case 'p': return BLACK_PAWN;
case 'n': return BLACK_KNIGHT;
case 'b': return BLACK_BISHOP;
case 'r': return BLACK_ROOK;
case 'q': return BLACK_QUEEN;
case 'k': return BLACK_KING;
default: return NO_PIECE;
constexpr char PIECE_MATCHER[NPIECES] = {'P', 'N', 'B', 'R', 'Q', 'K', '-', '-', 'p', 'n', 'b', 'r', 'q', 'k', '-'};
/* ------------------------ DEFINE BOARD MASKS ------------------------ */
constexpr array<Bitboard, NFILES> MASK_FILE = {
0x101010101010101, 0x202020202020202, 0x404040404040404, 0x808080808080808,
0x1010101010101010, 0x2020202020202020, 0x4040404040404040, 0x8080808080808080,
constexpr array<Bitboard, NFILES> MASK_RANK = {
0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0xff000000, 0xff00000000,
0xff0000000000, 0xff000000000000, 0xff00000000000000
constexpr array<Bitboard, 15> MASK_DIAGONAL = {
0x80, 0x8040, 0x804020,
0x80402010, 0x8040201008, 0x804020100804,
0x80402010080402, 0x8040201008040201, 0x4020100804020100,
0x2010080402010000, 0x1008040201000000, 0x804020100000000,
0x402010000000000, 0x201000000000000, 0x100000000000000,
constexpr array<Bitboard, 15> MASK_ANTI_DIAGONAL= {
0x1, 0x102, 0x10204,
0x1020408, 0x102040810, 0x10204081020,
0x1020408102040, 0x102040810204080, 0x204081020408000,
0x408102040800000, 0x810204080000000, 0x1020408000000000,
0x2040800000000000, 0x4080000000000000, 0x8000000000000000,
/* ------------------------ DEFINE BITBOARD TYPE ------------------------ */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard square_to_bitboard(Square square) {
return 1ULL << square;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard shift(Direction D, Bitboard b) {
if (D == NORTH) return b << 8;
else if (D == SOUTH) return b >> 8;
else if (D == NORTH + NORTH) return b << 16;
else if (D == SOUTH + SOUTH) return b >> 16;
else if (D == EAST) return (b & ~MASK_FILE[HFILE]) << 1;
else if (D == WEST) return (b & ~MASK_FILE[AFILE]) >> 1;
else if (D == NORTH_EAST) return (b & ~MASK_FILE[HFILE]) << 9;
else if (D == NORTH_WEST) return (b & ~MASK_FILE[AFILE]) << 7;
else if (D == SOUTH_EAST) return (b & ~MASK_FILE[HFILE]) >> 7;
else if (D == SOUTH_WEST) return (b & ~MASK_FILE[AFILE]) >> 9;
return 0;
template<Direction D>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard shift(Bitboard b) {
return shift(D, b);
template<Color C, Direction D>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard shift_relative(Bitboard b) {
return shift<relative_dir<C, D>()>(b);
inline void print_bitboard(Bitboard bitboard) {
std::bitset<64> b(bitboard);
std::string str_bitset = b.to_string();
for (i32 i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) {
std::string x = str_bitset.substr(i, 8);
reverse(x.begin(), x.end());
for (auto c : x) std::cout << c << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// Compiler specific functions, taken from Stockfish
#if defined(__GNUC__) // GCC, Clang, ICC
[[nodiscard]] Square lsb(Bitboard bitboard) {
return static_cast<Square>(__builtin_ctzll(bitboard));
[[nodiscard]] Square msb(Bitboard bitboard) {
return static_cast<Square>(63 ^ __builtin_clzll(bitboard));
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC
#ifdef _WIN64 // MSVC, WIN64
#include <intrin.h>
Square lsb(U64 b) {
unsigned long idx;
_BitScanForward64(&idx, b);
return (Square)idx;
Square msb(U64 b) {
unsigned long idx;
_BitScanReverse64(&idx, b);
return (Square)idx;
#else // MSVC, WIN32
#include <intrin.h>
Square lsb(U64 b) {
unsigned long idx;
if (b & 0xffffffff) {
_BitScanForward(&idx, int32_t(b));
return Square(idx);
else {
_BitScanForward(&idx, int32_t(b >> 32));
return Square(idx + 32);
Square msb(U64 b) {
unsigned long idx;
if (b >> 32) {
_BitScanReverse(&idx, int32_t(b >> 32));
return Square(idx + 32);
else {
_BitScanReverse(&idx, int32_t(b));
return Square(idx);
#else // Compiler is neither GCC nor MSVC compatible
#error "Compiler not supported."
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t pop_count(Bitboard bitboard) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
return (uint8_t)_mm_popcnt_u64(mask);
#else // Assumed gcc or compatible compiler
return __builtin_popcountll(bitboard);
[[nodiscard]] Square pop_lsb(Bitboard& bitboard) {
Square s = lsb(bitboard);
bitboard &= bitboard - 1; // compiler optimizes this to _blsr_u64
return static_cast<Square>(s);
/* ------------------------ DEFINE FEN CONSTANTS ------------------------ */
inline const string START_FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
inline const string INITIAL_BOARD_FEN = START_FEN;
inline const string KIWIPETE_FEN = "r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1";
inline const string TALKCHESS_FEN = "rnbq1k1r/pp1Pbppp/2p5/8/2B5/8/PPP1NnPP/RNBQK2R w KQ - 1 8";
/* ------------------------ DEFINE ZOBRIST CONSTANTS ------------------------ */
{ 0xb03f6a710560ca4, 0xed3975060c14ba86, 0x27d593c487210854, 0x354213d12a653685, 0x719746ce7c9e11a1, 0xd81b188d476c1ec, 0x9755d6539624742e, 0xae9c591477522543, 0x163054c3ee901c90, 0xe417020a2fceaae0, 0xce01388387e94026, 0xf6efadaeb35fab79, 0x6b72e713795a1ea5, 0x3e43b1ee0ac3ef08, 0x604b708b2f1a388b, 0x91418f2a99de6db7, 0xc5aac196f5de021a, 0xe8c7242deec7736c, 0x4659e971c74da2f2, 0xa4294430b4394e9f, 0xb19886ce52cc7a33, 0x7c8e785e8461a3b8, 0x51f60093ccd643b4, 0x184364435dfe7124, 0x7ac5d5dad6cb1d1e, 0xb8315e0269e8b2f1, 0x858fdcc85a9ae75d, 0xa917c6f01c4d592c, 0x209339334907c0c5, 0x61ec79e911a79dbd, 0x1c1b4d0145aaa62a, 0xfd3b6865557ccf04, 0xd634731b3d65727d, 0xe703ec0e37eacf4b, 0xa7b36760c91c9b19, 0x2873f58c847aadb5, 0x3fdf3c33e5a66df1, 0x5303275757fe98bc, 0x2e2d4cdd3966564, 0x9a18303d77379612, 0x81c32eaa8ee6ce9, 0xc7cc8bbb7b72ddd6, 0x277735f53a906bdc, 0x7eff27fda480edb1, 0xc35a6b278c74708e, 0xf2573ea43c3d442d, 0xce5111564718ea6c, 0xc1d3f3d4181a8c68, 0x401ffcb80673e805, 0x30c58602cb359113, 0x62d20e1734a15920, 0xab8738ab8aa27199, 0x47ee70afb0f14d1e, 0xcb7cfd08ceaca8d2, 0x1a972359321807bd, 0xef480e9aa10007d1, 0x53a6f438449bd2ba, 0xe1e3674dbe26e551, 0x22372768f7ed554a, 0x1167b49bae3047d5, 0x8b401744c17b5247, 0xb043da8455e26d0c, 0x63ab9f5e26f7fa12, 0xd4e6e5a7a8569316, },
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{ 0x8e033b03966ac833, 0xb17fc47e477444e6, 0xbfed64641e6f9bed, 0xf8730345fd3f0ec6, 0x1506f7250d4369ab, 0xc6bb9058e134f1b0, 0xc5f453f715f1b5a0, 0xd55991085b036dd9, 0x3b72873ed27b95a4, 0x7a0c53e23661a1c8, 0x78dfc8a5cab509b3, 0xf83e5c0a0573915e, 0xd687c6460b653460, 0xe0ebff8ab21bab5f, 0x4a285ce94e03a59e, 0x4979dc209e5d053c, 0x8767987f06ecad79, 0x75c7935bc65197c, 0xe7faffdb5396b00d, 0x3f93bb2a4a322943, 0x6e6715d272f7585b, 0xeb1bc0151c9b6644, 0x1c631d95e7a1dd2b, 0xee15b5848080f201, 0xd7fcee69bf278fb, 0x45d5e99e513a8e7d, 0x3ded716c660625c1, 0xadd1574140df0ab5, 0xef575030cb1cbe52, 0xfa274ca6557e0c85, 0x87d8f2ef062bb242, 0xecc8b5ef0320d4f7, 0xaadd3f82f181d605, 0x8090810ce247d761, 0x8f3893f0482a771e, 0x9280fd02187285c2, 0x99dddc48aeb67c8d, 0x98dea536c71fc319, 0x9d6b2a37e912aced, 0x7a8b49d3fdbf767e, 0x1d531630daee75a7, 0xcfbbcf9579b45443, 0x97d2e7e212ba83b4, 0x6be6f5e40b0d2471, 0xa5c3f8f56a2ff928, 0x556f02765db5d75a, 0x8a016e8f59923a26, 0x66494d0f6a66d242, 0xcefcf09b80950834, 0x93d78a5d3e949682, 0x73040c64d33e5874, 0xe4bdd8e851a95b89, 0xfa144738146405b6, 0x28704783a8dae845, 0xf960331788dfdada, 0xd43ac58991469198, 0x3e97031d5fc1650d, 0x8a2e234c5969043f, 0x28c58847b91193f9, 0x4763a3865cd32d07, 0xfe9a6aa213daf553, 0xce857e6d712dcf51, 0x4f9f6dbb1a6571d1, 0x1771e1ca7e572fd3, },
{ 0x272f082368938347, 0x8791b73ae37f81ac, 0xcd617856de561865, 0xed3ec9e0b4debf12, 0x8cc4bb6a1b94d240, 0xe963b571b64d70b5, 0xeed80b6ed7cb9dee, 0x498cc22c22e3755d, 0x7002a2db8ad20858, 0xe14754611e49977d, 0xd91f0a6ceb67c612, 0x389c878dc99ac755, 0x6d474c106eea58ac, 0x44a3b2a720f7c700, 0x848586f6768e9fd3, 0x8a93e1e37b0cd88c, 0xbb474e32fb19716c, 0x5aef286083cb0b40, 0x93db71a63c1ea19d, 0x56b22048640d1dae, 0xca1be64422c38ac2, 0x6623d75caf443b41, 0x38079e0c6956c10d, 0x328ac89bc47e3f68, 0xa9a666b255cf73f8, 0xdfc35fef0c059ff8, 0x49adb7ae0a4b451c, 0x9aa621b31e4e8f93, 0xbb00c0935471e58e, 0x8378f22b10059c2a, 0x28803786db345350, 0xc0bbfb3005b2f7db, 0xd7936166d74e453d, 0x1eb909a8f891307f, 0xbc68e3a2ae0636ae, 0x7a0d812f788517fd, 0x71d4df0d2a661e21, 0x7db46fc4677c3a3d, 0x60d9da0401af51bf, 0x91174e53987e21a1, 0x7ae552da602d96f3, 0x5bce4d6d377a85ee, 0xa38c1f660effe103, 0xa3434424c3c47a0, 0xcc1d2e570215fb7e, 0xf628a67b95ec663b, 0xa88e5c0a12b9d02e, 0xb3e0742152084374, 0xa2696c8fe996c9fd, 0x8c3d08e8e0836ffb, 0xa7608c316215ad8b, 0xd0ec57ed959db05a, 0x77b5e30e8638587c, 0x5091b9b4841cd7d6, 0x3744e23adcbaa54e, 0xa4688281ba1c268b, 0xab332c6eb6a3e0ba, 0x94b161d5fb21dcaf, 0x94c3c0e33925b931, 0xc86d0700b7a37491, 0x20156e56257e489d, 0xc25d4d4ea5036e40, 0xcea86bc417e69eb, 0xd9890895a353f558, },
{ 0x4600ca890e39b338, 0xe20a2861897baa29, 0x892057743af6581e, 0x79c9c16d26f41da3, 0x303f1fa01df8c96e, 0x4b2b9d8cfbcd6e90, 0x454a99af8cb9537e, 0x6c0c571edf358b6f, 0x4231658c78110198, 0xfb4af6c1b004199a, 0x4f88b67ec9d78f10, 0x8440dbe42a2a840, 0x96c948a8e8bb86b1, 0x75d339ba46a2e1e7, 0x4648428ce88875cf, 0x15602960d8ab6f6d, 0x1aecd8b2d5bd44f, 0xa7a31a7b1dca85fc, 0xc281c8936f137f11, 0xcdc74643230f501a, 0x46e61a3fddccf5f5, 0x7439dc8762178e27, 0x71956fb3fecd7828, 0x60c37bc724759878, 0xa6199423b215f03e, 0xbe7c90c32ac3d85d, 0x4e739145a465ba0d, 0x5697c4a51f2835fb, 0xa119809125b91184, 0x3725b2cab89e149a, 0x7b7ecdec85392207, 0x88d1eb900087b996, 0x7dfddb3f204f8f6b, 0x816d4c6829ac22e3, 0xd8941c571c759fcf, 0xacf8d003c31d9a48, 0x580fc7e877fe398b, 0x1decfb5e8b27f0e3, 0x296bb72666dcf5ca, 0xeb92a4d0a6f40398, 0xb925bb8013d8e2cb, 0x9842e298157c92d0, 0x8d4adbf152302e3, 0xc2550242342d189f, 0xdca5582004ba4d73, 0xf003d546de8acfaa, 0x9c238423469a7955, 0xd93618f591a8df69, 0x466fcba4acb78ed5, 0x53cd8cf1e3c3d9b5, 0xdb18ff96e5933c6e, 0xbb9a0a3731c168bf, 0xdc113c2da8faa04e, 0x35800a8a30097db, 0xf4d7b57d05e58425, 0x6cf985ed6a0a7d02, 0x3bd4b90f26ddf04b, 0xe8a89d366bed1604, 0xab0849bd2633a834, 0xd8b82fb0388912c8, 0x5846698ceae1b318, 0x3d2494bceddbbec3, 0x987de44bc67c032c, 0x4c6ae1c15745dfb3, },
{ 0x2b4a0d99924f167d, 0x96eed71797a7bad3, 0xfec0d2d065b509dc, 0xaadf733ca5845223, 0xe2d7d7038fc52714, 0x44586874811e2bfc, 0x1c6520c32d050224, 0x3ea62a00e8d38477, 0x3e0f5ce23ac1101, 0xebf809b753bf249c, 0x65247be6f0610bdc, 0x9a1014b017270d87, 0x2ce66baded768af5, 0x3d34c11622c880f6, 0x5ff22bb92dd50f16, 0xf6201da4b9a2604e, 0x44569ad2f9d64db2, 0xebdfc59238df93e, 0xb07c9e708434d24, 0x53d26bd38c9b28af, 0x4fbcf7a03848ed6a, 0xe731a2c7f592f2af, 0x4ec930ff112bcb28, 0xca10bb2a7cb3e351, 0xb96183e36841ceb3, 0xe8f763ac723214ae, 0xbee8a3de68c02f1, 0x2d7eede8267040b5, 0xe4d47a85dbbfb69a, 0xc4186e3cc244edc2, 0xc95e67824d4f2610, 0xba315a14a666951b, 0xf64f25d592545543, 0xd32560d08cd80704, 0xc40cbb1afc619ce5, 0x198b86bfd6af4702, 0x9bc19ce0b31e541f, 0xcf6316da906a56ed, 0x45066aec95a1a6b1, 0x7abb8c63cb04d508, 0x1fd1fa5a082e3c8d, 0x19761349a4309744, 0x3bb6a025176c3139, 0x1708ffd4a3d35077, 0x97c23ca0521b42d7, 0x2ae855c93166dada, 0x6bceb341895ffb4d, 0xf2e18458e33ce813, 0x38d413ab85e3d4fa, 0xc069b1825592687d, 0x94d57793180a88ad, 0x34fb11c184d954fa, 0x4b4cd48a4a9ea21c, 0xfe0f283eaecef120, 0x1bda5f527943d38d, 0x83419a710054cf8f, 0x1b138d7adfac774c, 0xd434b8437c5d86e0, 0x1572427cd58116ba, 0x89bf3bf09247ba27, 0xe1d5d808b2ce13dc, 0x16b60ff40961ade8, 0x3d1ad518138e688e, 0xbcb1559614a45fe8, },
{ 0xb463fb4253e6087b, 0x85cd5e060ecd1786, 0x21f35a35e289a5d3, 0x912d826d6bbafc2b, 0xb38bf976b9c26b0c, 0x964db517ef2a1476, 0x3e7033cf06429b46, 0xb71ed67db3095985, 0xaec26d210fda4160, 0xf6e51c3404e4e758, 0xea37bb6c51ef803b, 0xcfb70678bd794e5, 0x507c891b07501e44, 0xb095f43071712b32, 0xf099ef63d7a80858, 0xb7f809ef0f5e6073, 0xd58ebdb3c19d3f07, 0x8fb490a439530c7, 0x598839f37f5d9a59, 0xc8ef56f0d99cd604, 0x78b3ae9f183f2cce, 0xd418821cd6d0df03, 0x7950e85348504fe9, 0xac11f1e9ebae24d2, 0x1120df6c9194216f, 0xfd7165163597cd0b, 0x13a45381a073f944, 0xd4e62404170841e6, 0xe9d22c5fd4a647f, 0x5116347a9f81e22, 0x9b99e9110610423, 0xb30f3bcb52a98c37, 0x604fc0542a2fdc32, 0xe6cc61a80d714d1e, 0x31e78bf0626a8c40, 0x672c713b45c99df6, 0x5dd41a47c033c2ed, 0xa3444a2e60b7e6da, 0xb7b849b7f6589fd0, 0xfe25a713bb649d22, 0xe54119581fce4679, 0x4a2808ee0c9dd2a7, 0x5b3a23ebb892b921, 0x1d109708b713a320, 0xe9c304cdc8b7cf18, 0x95be961919ec17de, 0x7f766b667d4b41e6, 0x67b9e4c861781157, 0x2d1893dad92ce12, 0x8e007c606e516209, 0xe963548821c23893, 0x51e7a5499dcc514f, 0x4920fa023bbb3f44, 0xc867cbc92ee1e2fa, 0xf66b481318cb083, 0xc6a74ed599bc1a7, 0xc97d66687819388d, 0xda92d340d2ff3f5f, 0xca20a6162643045d, 0x1cd64b6e1d2d2ac8, 0xa51a0b0965608ce2, 0xe8a80a35f4a76155, 0x688592ea54556d0c, 0x165bc54a808ccc23, },
0x27a6232b09e17a7c, 0x446ec80dd510973, 0xc714579ab1aa53e0, 0x169cc5508ae0ac1b,
0xf05aeca1e54c3c8e, 0xbb0c11bd2c9152e7, 0x9a43e5c630ff989a, 0xd2d00416fe8e7c37,
0xd306d760f5457c26, 0x53196a88ebded707, 0x38c7b1e83ec50f39, 0xdc089734a7f12b07,
0xc1b5e792f0ff738b, 0x4b4c7e6a10d96839, 0x4aca9be5bcf07993, 0x85540db6f23f66f2,
// NSQUARES + 1 for no ep square.
constexpr u64 ZOBRIST_EP_SQUARE[NSQUARES + 1] = {
0x6a83bc36f0495ef4, 0xc85f640b09faf6ab, 0x6147944e9b24699d, 0x6291014eeab4c810, 0x385e9ce5bad2aa07, 0x9289dd2f3b369ac, 0xffc65340107e5d5, 0x8a27e0fd0a838aad,
0xdc2544201e621658, 0xb00daea48e827644, 0xd92ddac513d63745, 0x6065868b8679daf9, 0x55b2dfb01c995ebd, 0x4cf075e6b943a18, 0x23bb15b9907bb3d7, 0x2168b7ccb834744c,
0x9a57b96a6b7a7e55, 0xea71efae40d96a26, 0xd1cb1ba6537ec782, 0xc259a753f4f4fef4, 0x17e9af670c158ee3, 0xabad004cd9dfc2e1, 0xd4a373084b08f146, 0x5609f6df88be155c,
0x85580595488cd7bb, 0xf027b3e84bcaf972, 0xe0ed76e236aa49f4, 0x81025b98ee8a206c, 0xec9fbebc926d9588, 0xc5dd03ccc6b2420b, 0x66d7200d9e9cf62d, 0x7421b83194233d2a,
0x37fb96fff362370, 0xbe90de574440c594, 0xd75cab6b9892862f, 0x3c27926b182d2c6d, 0x139d5e59bdd6e548, 0x840daad34fbd20e3, 0x81232d93327fbdc1, 0xb31beca25e05068c,
0xf5baf2cef1d12b2b, 0x8c0866f295dfbebd, 0xbeaea688a8168559, 0xfff3784ab68dfe0, 0x63ddf8e753c95933, 0xb39e1e6e3b68f89c, 0xf9e230b290e70a38, 0xf05c05fe9bab000b,
0xd41d68cd1f789e21, 0xe39eb9e76b90810c, 0xf628ceb34f8aa125, 0x92c71291b5ce8350, 0x29fcec256d7203a, 0x7cfd4d800b133e5, 0x63d994163c375b63, 0xf2a2452977c6ed20,
0x580a92cdae7327d8, 0x2b2265f5f534e9b8, 0x1bfc55cf26a7baab, 0x39634286cc2534ce, 0xaaf196335586d1c9, 0x261b66fbdbfbd7e1, 0x68f248327514d19e, 0x9e6a49c027a27b3,
constexpr u64 ZOBRIST_COLOR[NCOLORS]= {0x750ee814dc0e551c, 0x1026375f03408983};
/* ------------------------ DEFINE MAGIC ATTACK TABLE CONSTANTS ------------------------ */
namespace tables {
namespace {
constexpr usize ROOK_TABLE_SIZE = 4096;
constexpr usize BISHOP_TABLE_SIZE = 512;
constexpr array<i32, NSQUARES> ROOK_SHIFTS = {
52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 52,
53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 53,
53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 53,
53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 53,
53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 53,
53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 53,
53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 53,
52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 52,
constexpr array<i32, NSQUARES> BISHOP_SHIFTS = {
58, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 58,
59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59,
59, 59, 57, 57, 57, 57, 59, 59,
59, 59, 57, 55, 55, 57, 59, 59,
59, 59, 57, 55, 55, 57, 59, 59,
59, 59, 57, 57, 57, 57, 59, 59,
59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59,
58, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 58,
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> KING_ATTACKS = {
0x302, 0x705, 0xe0a, 0x1c14,
0x3828, 0x7050, 0xe0a0, 0xc040,
0x30203, 0x70507, 0xe0a0e, 0x1c141c,
0x382838, 0x705070, 0xe0a0e0, 0xc040c0,
0x3020300, 0x7050700, 0xe0a0e00, 0x1c141c00,
0x38283800, 0x70507000, 0xe0a0e000, 0xc040c000,
0x302030000, 0x705070000, 0xe0a0e0000, 0x1c141c0000,
0x3828380000, 0x7050700000, 0xe0a0e00000, 0xc040c00000,
0x30203000000, 0x70507000000, 0xe0a0e000000, 0x1c141c000000,
0x382838000000, 0x705070000000, 0xe0a0e0000000, 0xc040c0000000,
0x3020300000000, 0x7050700000000, 0xe0a0e00000000, 0x1c141c00000000,
0x38283800000000, 0x70507000000000, 0xe0a0e000000000, 0xc040c000000000,
0x302030000000000, 0x705070000000000, 0xe0a0e0000000000, 0x1c141c0000000000,
0x3828380000000000, 0x7050700000000000, 0xe0a0e00000000000, 0xc040c00000000000,
0x203000000000000, 0x507000000000000, 0xa0e000000000000, 0x141c000000000000,
0x2838000000000000, 0x5070000000000000, 0xa0e0000000000000, 0x40c0000000000000,
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> KNIGHT_ATTACKS = {
0x20400, 0x50800, 0xa1100, 0x142200,
0x284400, 0x508800, 0xa01000, 0x402000,
0x2040004, 0x5080008, 0xa110011, 0x14220022,
0x28440044, 0x50880088, 0xa0100010, 0x40200020,
0x204000402, 0x508000805, 0xa1100110a, 0x1422002214,
0x2844004428, 0x5088008850, 0xa0100010a0, 0x4020002040,
0x20400040200, 0x50800080500, 0xa1100110a00, 0x142200221400,
0x284400442800, 0x508800885000, 0xa0100010a000, 0x402000204000,
0x2040004020000, 0x5080008050000, 0xa1100110a0000, 0x14220022140000,
0x28440044280000, 0x50880088500000, 0xa0100010a00000, 0x40200020400000,
0x204000402000000, 0x508000805000000, 0xa1100110a000000, 0x1422002214000000,
0x2844004428000000, 0x5088008850000000, 0xa0100010a0000000, 0x4020002040000000,
0x400040200000000, 0x800080500000000, 0x1100110a00000000, 0x2200221400000000,
0x4400442800000000, 0x8800885000000000, 0x100010a000000000, 0x2000204000000000,
0x4020000000000, 0x8050000000000, 0x110a0000000000, 0x22140000000000,
0x44280000000000, 0x0088500000000000, 0x0010a00000000000, 0x20400000000000
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> WHITE_PAWN_ATTACKS = {
0x200, 0x500, 0xa00, 0x1400,
0x2800, 0x5000, 0xa000, 0x4000,
0x20000, 0x50000, 0xa0000, 0x140000,
0x280000, 0x500000, 0xa00000, 0x400000,
0x2000000, 0x5000000, 0xa000000, 0x14000000,
0x28000000, 0x50000000, 0xa0000000, 0x40000000,
0x200000000, 0x500000000, 0xa00000000, 0x1400000000,
0x2800000000, 0x5000000000, 0xa000000000, 0x4000000000,
0x20000000000, 0x50000000000, 0xa0000000000, 0x140000000000,
0x280000000000, 0x500000000000, 0xa00000000000, 0x400000000000,
0x2000000000000, 0x5000000000000, 0xa000000000000, 0x14000000000000,
0x28000000000000, 0x50000000000000, 0xa0000000000000, 0x40000000000000,
0x200000000000000, 0x500000000000000, 0xa00000000000000, 0x1400000000000000,
0x2800000000000000, 0x5000000000000000, 0xa000000000000000, 0x4000000000000000,
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> BLACK_PAWN_ATTACKS = {
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x2, 0x5, 0xa, 0x14, 0x28, 0x50, 0xa0, 0x40,
0x200, 0x500, 0xa00, 0x1400,
0x2800, 0x5000, 0xa000, 0x4000,
0x20000, 0x50000, 0xa0000, 0x140000,
0x280000, 0x500000, 0xa00000, 0x400000,
0x2000000, 0x5000000, 0xa000000, 0x14000000,
0x28000000, 0x50000000, 0xa0000000, 0x40000000,
0x200000000, 0x500000000, 0xa00000000, 0x1400000000,
0x2800000000, 0x5000000000, 0xa000000000, 0x4000000000,
0x20000000000, 0x50000000000, 0xa0000000000, 0x140000000000,
0x280000000000, 0x500000000000, 0xa00000000000, 0x400000000000,
0x2000000000000, 0x5000000000000, 0xa000000000000, 0x14000000000000,
0x28000000000000, 0x50000000000000, 0xa0000000000000, 0x40000000000000,
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> BISHOP_MAGICS = {
0x0002020202020200, 0x0002020202020000, 0x0004010202000000, 0x0004040080000000,
0x0001104000000000, 0x0000821040000000, 0x0000410410400000, 0x0000104104104000,
0x0000040404040400, 0x0000020202020200, 0x0000040102020000, 0x0000040400800000,
0x0000011040000000, 0x0000008210400000, 0x0000004104104000, 0x0000002082082000,
0x0004000808080800, 0x0002000404040400, 0x0001000202020200, 0x0000800802004000,
0x0000800400A00000, 0x0000200100884000, 0x0000400082082000, 0x0000200041041000,
0x0002080010101000, 0x0001040008080800, 0x0000208004010400, 0x0000404004010200,
0x0000840000802000, 0x0000404002011000, 0x0000808001041000, 0x0000404000820800,
0x0001041000202000, 0x0000820800101000, 0x0000104400080800, 0x0000020080080080,
0x0000404040040100, 0x0000808100020100, 0x0001010100020800, 0x0000808080010400,
0x0000820820004000, 0x0000410410002000, 0x0000082088001000, 0x0000002011000800,
0x0000080100400400, 0x0001010101000200, 0x0002020202000400, 0x0001010101000200,
0x0000410410400000, 0x0000208208200000, 0x0000002084100000, 0x0000000020880000,
0x0000001002020000, 0x0000040408020000, 0x0004040404040000, 0x0002020202020000,
0x0000104104104000, 0x0000002082082000, 0x0000000020841000, 0x0000000000208800,
0x0000000010020200, 0x0000000404080200, 0x0000040404040400, 0x0002020202020200
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> ROOK_MAGICS = {
0x0080001020400080, 0x0040001000200040, 0x0080081000200080, 0x0080040800100080,
0x0080020400080080, 0x0080010200040080, 0x0080008001000200, 0x0080002040800100,
0x0000800020400080, 0x0000400020005000, 0x0000801000200080, 0x0000800800100080,
0x0000800400080080, 0x0000800200040080, 0x0000800100020080, 0x0000800040800100,
0x0000208000400080, 0x0000404000201000, 0x0000808010002000, 0x0000808008001000,
0x0000808004000800, 0x0000808002000400, 0x0000010100020004, 0x0000020000408104,
0x0000208080004000, 0x0000200040005000, 0x0000100080200080, 0x0000080080100080,
0x0000040080080080, 0x0000020080040080, 0x0000010080800200, 0x0000800080004100,
0x0000204000800080, 0x0000200040401000, 0x0000100080802000, 0x0000080080801000,
0x0000040080800800, 0x0000020080800400, 0x0000020001010004, 0x0000800040800100,
0x0000204000808000, 0x0000200040008080, 0x0000100020008080, 0x0000080010008080,
0x0000040008008080, 0x0000020004008080, 0x0000010002008080, 0x0000004081020004,
0x0000204000800080, 0x0000200040008080, 0x0000100020008080, 0x0000080010008080,
0x0000040008008080, 0x0000020004008080, 0x0000800100020080, 0x0000800041000080,
0x00FFFCDDFCED714A, 0x007FFCDDFCED714A, 0x003FFFCDFFD88096, 0x0000040810002101,
0x0001000204080011, 0x0001000204000801, 0x0001000082000401, 0x0001FFFAABFAD1A2
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard board_edge(Direction D) {
if (D == NORTH) return MASK_RANK[RANK8];
else if (D == SOUTH) return MASK_RANK[RANK1];
else if (D == EAST) return MASK_FILE[HFILE];
else if (D == WEST) return MASK_FILE[AFILE];
return 0;
[[nodiscard]] consteval Bitboard empty_board_rook_attacks(Square square) {
return MASK_RANK[rank_of(square)] ^ MASK_FILE[file_of(square)];
[[nodiscard]] consteval Bitboard empty_board_bishop_attacks(Square square) {
return MASK_DIAGONAL[diagonal_of(square)] ^ MASK_ANTI_DIAGONAL[anti_diagonal_of(square)];
[[nodiscard]] consteval array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> generate_rook_attack_masks() {
array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> rook_attack_masks{};
for (Square sq = a1; sq < NSQUARES; sq++) {
Bitboard edges = ((board_edge(NORTH) | board_edge(SOUTH)) & ~MASK_RANK[rank_of(sq)]) |
((board_edge(EAST) | board_edge(WEST)) & ~MASK_FILE[file_of(sq)]);
rook_attack_masks[sq] = empty_board_rook_attacks(sq) & ~edges;
return rook_attack_masks;
[[nodiscard]] consteval array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> generate_bishop_attack_masks() {
array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> bishop_attack_masks{};
for (Square sq = a1; sq < NSQUARES; sq++) {
Bitboard edges = board_edge(NORTH) | board_edge(SOUTH) | board_edge(EAST) | board_edge(WEST);
bishop_attack_masks[sq] = empty_board_bishop_attacks(sq) & ~edges;
return bishop_attack_masks;
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> rook_attack_masks = generate_rook_attack_masks();
constexpr array<Bitboard, NSQUARES> bishop_attack_masks = generate_bishop_attack_masks();
[[nodiscard]] consteval Bitboard generate_slow_sliding_attacks(Square sq, Direction direction, Bitboard occupancy) {
Bitboard attacks{};
Bitboard blockers = board_edge(direction);
Bitboard square_bb = square_to_bitboard(sq);
if ((blockers & square_bb) != 0) return attacks;
blockers |= occupancy;
do {
square_bb = shift(direction, square_bb);
attacks |= square_bb;
} while ((blockers & square_bb) == 0);
return attacks;
[[nodiscard]] consteval Bitboard generate_slow_rook_attacks(Square sq, Bitboard occupancy) {
return generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, NORTH, occupancy) |
generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, SOUTH, occupancy) |
generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, EAST, occupancy) |
generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, WEST, occupancy);
[[nodiscard]] consteval Bitboard generate_slow_bishop_attacks(Square sq, Bitboard occupancy) {
return generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, NORTH_EAST, occupancy) |
generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, NORTH_WEST, occupancy) |
generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, SOUTH_EAST, occupancy) |
generate_slow_sliding_attacks(sq, SOUTH_WEST, occupancy);
[[nodiscard]] consteval array<array<Bitboard, ROOK_TABLE_SIZE>, NSQUARES> generate_rook_attack_table() {
array<array<Bitboard, ROOK_TABLE_SIZE>, NSQUARES> rook_attack_table{};
Bitboard subset{}, index{};
for (Square sq = a1; sq < NSQUARES; sq++) {
subset = 0;
do {
index = subset;
index = index * ROOK_MAGICS[sq];
index = index >> ROOK_SHIFTS[sq];
rook_attack_table[sq][index] = generate_slow_rook_attacks(sq, subset);
subset = (subset - rook_attack_masks[sq]) & rook_attack_masks[sq];
} while (subset);
return rook_attack_table;
[[nodiscard]] consteval array<array<Bitboard, BISHOP_TABLE_SIZE>, NSQUARES> generate_bishop_attack_table() {
array<array<Bitboard, BISHOP_TABLE_SIZE>, NSQUARES> bishop_attack_table{};
Bitboard subset{}, index{};
for (Square sq = a1; sq < NSQUARES; sq++) {
subset = 0;
do {
index = subset;
index = index * BISHOP_MAGICS[sq];
index = index >> BISHOP_SHIFTS[sq];
bishop_attack_table[sq][index] = generate_slow_bishop_attacks(sq, subset);
subset = (subset - bishop_attack_masks[sq]) & bishop_attack_masks[sq];
} while (subset);
return bishop_attack_table;
constexpr array<array<Bitboard, ROOK_TABLE_SIZE>, NSQUARES> rook_attack_table = generate_rook_attack_table();
constexpr Bitboard get_rook_attacks(Square square, Bitboard occ) {
usize index = ((occ & rook_attack_masks[square]) * ROOK_MAGICS[square]) >> ROOK_SHIFTS[square];
return rook_attack_table[square][index];
constexpr array<array<Bitboard, BISHOP_TABLE_SIZE>, NSQUARES> bishop_attack_table = generate_bishop_attack_table();
constexpr Bitboard get_bishop_attacks(Square square, Bitboard occ) {
usize index = ((occ & bishop_attack_masks[square]) * BISHOP_MAGICS[square]) >> BISHOP_SHIFTS[square];
return bishop_attack_table[square][index];
consteval array<array<Bitboard, NSQUARES>, NSQUARES> generate_squares_in_between() {
array<array<Bitboard, NSQUARES>, NSQUARES> squares_in_between{};
for (Square sq1 = a1; sq1 < NSQUARES; sq1++) {
for (Square sq2 = a1; sq2 < NSQUARES; sq2++) {
Bitboard sqs = square_to_bitboard(sq1) | square_to_bitboard(sq2);
if (file_of(sq1) == file_of(sq2) || rank_of(sq1) == rank_of(sq2))
squares_in_between[sq1][sq2] = generate_slow_rook_attacks(sq1, sqs) & generate_slow_rook_attacks(sq2, sqs);
else if (diagonal_of(sq1) == diagonal_of(sq2) || anti_diagonal_of(sq1) == anti_diagonal_of(sq2))
squares_in_between[sq1][sq2] = generate_slow_bishop_attacks(sq1, sqs) & generate_slow_bishop_attacks(sq2, sqs);
return squares_in_between;
constexpr array<array<Bitboard, NSQUARES>, NSQUARES> squares_in_between = generate_squares_in_between();
consteval array<array<Bitboard, NSQUARES>, NSQUARES> generate_square_line() {
array<array<Bitboard, NSQUARES>, NSQUARES> square_line{};
for (Square sq1 = a1; sq1 < NSQUARES; sq1++) {
for (Square sq2 = a1; sq2 < NSQUARES; sq2++) {
if (file_of(sq1) == file_of(sq2) || rank_of(sq1) == rank_of(sq2))
square_line[sq1][sq2] = generate_slow_rook_attacks(sq1, 0) & generate_slow_rook_attacks(sq2, 0);
else if (diagonal_of(sq1) == diagonal_of(sq2) || anti_diagonal_of(sq1) == anti_diagonal_of(sq2))
square_line[sq1][sq2] = generate_slow_bishop_attacks(sq1, 0) & generate_slow_bishop_attacks(sq2, 0);
return square_line;
constexpr array<array<Bitboard, NSQUARES>, NSQUARES> square_line = generate_square_line();
} // anon namespace
template<PieceType piece_type, Color color = WHITE>
constexpr Bitboard attacks(Square sq, Bitboard occupancy = 0) {
if constexpr (piece_type == PAWN) {
if constexpr (color == WHITE) return WHITE_PAWN_ATTACKS[sq];
else if constexpr (piece_type == KNIGHT) return KNIGHT_ATTACKS[sq];
else if constexpr (piece_type == BISHOP) return get_bishop_attacks(sq, occupancy);
else if constexpr (piece_type == ROOK) return get_rook_attacks(sq, occupancy);
else if constexpr (piece_type == QUEEN) return get_bishop_attacks(sq, occupancy) | get_rook_attacks(sq, occupancy);
else if constexpr (piece_type == KING) return KING_ATTACKS[sq];
return 0;
inline Bitboard attacks(PieceType piece_type, Square sq, Bitboard occupancy) {
if (piece_type == PAWN) return 0;
else if (piece_type == KNIGHT) return KNIGHT_ATTACKS[sq];
else if (piece_type == BISHOP) return get_bishop_attacks(sq, occupancy);
else if (piece_type == ROOK) return get_rook_attacks(sq, occupancy);
else if (piece_type == QUEEN) return get_bishop_attacks(sq, occupancy) | get_rook_attacks(sq, occupancy);
else if (piece_type == KING) return KING_ATTACKS[sq];
return 0;
inline constexpr Bitboard square_in_between(Square sq1, Square sq2) {
return squares_in_between[sq1][sq2];
inline constexpr Bitboard line_of(Square sq1, Square sq2) {
return square_line[sq1][sq2];
} // table namespace
/* ------------------------ DEFINE MOVE TYPE ------------------------ */
using MoveType = u8;
constexpr MoveType QUIET = 0b0000;
constexpr MoveType OO = 0b0001;
constexpr MoveType OOO = 0b0010;
constexpr MoveType DOUBLE_PUSH = 0b0011;
// Captures have the 4th bit set.
constexpr MoveType CAPTURE_TYPE = 0b1000;
constexpr MoveType ENPASSANT = 0b1001;
// Promotions have the 3rd bit set.
constexpr MoveType PROMOTION_TYPE = 0b0100;
constexpr MoveType PR_KNIGHT = 0b0100;
constexpr MoveType PR_BISHOP = 0b0101;
constexpr MoveType PR_ROOK = 0b0110;
constexpr MoveType PR_QUEEN = 0b0111;
class Move {
// Bits are arranged as follows
// | 4 bits for type | 6 bits for from | 6 bits for to
uint16_t move;
static constexpr u8 TO_SHIFT = 0;
static constexpr u8 FROM_SHIFT = 6;
static constexpr u8 TYPE_SHIFT = 12;
static constexpr u8 TO_BITMASK = 0b111111;
static constexpr u8 FROM_BITMASK = 0b111111;
static constexpr u8 TYPE_BITMASK = 0b1111;
static constexpr u8 CAPTURE_BITMASK = 0b1000;
static constexpr u8 PROMOTION_BITMASK = 0b0100;
consteval Move() : move(0) {}
constexpr explicit Move(uint16_t m) { move = m; }
constexpr Move(Square from, Square to) : move(0) {
move = (from << 6) | to;
constexpr Move(Square from, Square to, MoveType type) : move(0) {
move = (type << TYPE_SHIFT) | (from << FROM_SHIFT) | to << TO_SHIFT;
[[nodiscard]] inline Square to() const { return Square(move & TO_BITMASK); }
[[nodiscard]] inline Square from() const { return Square((move >> FROM_SHIFT) & FROM_BITMASK); }
[[nodiscard]] inline MoveType type() const { return (move >> TYPE_SHIFT) & TYPE_BITMASK; }
[[nodiscard]] inline bool is_capture() const { return (move >> TYPE_SHIFT) & CAPTURE_BITMASK; }
[[nodiscard]] inline bool is_promotion() const { return (move >> TYPE_SHIFT) & PROMOTION_BITMASK; }
[[nodiscard]] inline bool is_quiet() const { return !is_capture() && !is_promotion(); }
bool operator==(Move a) const { return move == a.move; }
bool operator!=(Move a) const { return move != a.move; }
constexpr Move EMPTY_MOVE = Move();
inline array<string , 16> MOVE_TYPE_UCI = {
"", "", "", "", "N", "B", "R", "Q",
"", "", "", "", "N", "B", "R", "Q"
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Move& m) {
os << SQ_TO_STRING[m.from()] << SQ_TO_STRING[] << MOVE_TYPE_UCI[m.type()];
return os;
/* ------------------------ DEFINE POSITION TYPE ------------------------ */
class Position;
class PositionState {
friend Position;
static constexpr Bitboard WHITE_OO_BANNED_MASK = 0x90;
static constexpr Bitboard WHITE_OOO_BANNED_MASK = 0x11;
static constexpr Bitboard BLACK_OO_BANNED_MASK = 0x9000000000000000;
static constexpr Bitboard BLACK_OOO_BANNED_MASK = 0x1100000000000000;
static constexpr Bitboard NO_CASTLING_MASK = 0x9100000000000091;
Bitboard from_to{};
Piece captured{};
Square ep_square = NO_SQUARE;
u16 fifty_move_rule{};
ZobristHash hash{};
PositionState() = default;
~PositionState() = default;
class Position {
Color side = WHITE;
array<Bitboard, NPIECES> pieces{};
array<Piece, NSQUARES> board{};
static constexpr i16 POSITION_STATE_SIZE = 1000;
Stack<PositionState, POSITION_STATE_SIZE> state_history{};
static constexpr bool ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE = true;
static constexpr bool DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE = false;
template<bool update_hash>
inline void place_piece(Piece piece, Square square);
template<bool update_hash>
inline void remove_piece(Square square);
template<bool update_hash>
inline void move_piece(Square from, Square to);
inline void reset();
[[nodiscard]] u8 castling_state(Bitboard from_to) const;
Position() = default;
explicit Position(const std::string& fen);
[[nodiscard]] inline u16 fifty_move_rule() const { return state_history.peek().fifty_move_rule; }
[[nodiscard]] inline Square ep_square() const { return state_history.peek().ep_square; }
[[nodiscard]] inline ZobristHash hash() const { return state_history.peek().hash; }
[[nodiscard]] inline Bitboard from_to() const { return state_history.peek().from_to; }
[[nodiscard]] inline Color turn() const { return side; }
enum Repetition : i32 {
[[nodiscard]] inline bool has_repetition(Repetition fold = TWO_FOLD);
template<Color color>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool king_and_oo_rook_not_moved() const {
if constexpr (color == WHITE) return !(from_to() & PositionState::WHITE_OO_BANNED_MASK);
return !(from_to() & PositionState::BLACK_OO_BANNED_MASK);
template<Color color>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool king_and_ooo_rook_not_moved() const {
if constexpr (color == WHITE) return !(from_to() & PositionState::WHITE_OOO_BANNED_MASK);
return !(from_to() & PositionState::BLACK_OOO_BANNED_MASK);
[[nodiscard]] inline Piece piece_at(Square square) const { return board[square]; }
template<Color color, PieceType piece_type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard occupancy() const { return pieces[make_piece<color, piece_type>()]; }
template<Piece piece>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard occupancy() const { return pieces[piece]; }
template<Color color>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard occupancy() const {
return pieces[make_piece<color, PAWN>()] |
pieces[make_piece<color, KNIGHT>()] |
pieces[make_piece<color, BISHOP>()] |
pieces[make_piece<color, ROOK>()] |
pieces[make_piece<color, QUEEN>()] |
pieces[make_piece<color, KING>()];
[[nodiscard]] inline Bitboard occupancy() {
return occupancy<WHITE>() | occupancy<BLACK>();
template<Color color>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard diagonal_sliders() const {
return occupancy<color, BISHOP>() | occupancy<color, QUEEN>();
template<Color color>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard orthogonal_sliders() const {
return occupancy<color, ROOK>() | occupancy<color, QUEEN>();
template<Color color>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard attackers_of(Square s, Bitboard occ) const {
return (tables::attacks<PAWN, ~color>(s) & pieces[make_piece<color, PAWN>()]) |
(tables::attacks<KNIGHT>(s, occ) & pieces[make_piece<color, KNIGHT>()]) |
(tables::attacks<BISHOP>(s, occ) & (pieces[make_piece<color, BISHOP>()] | pieces[make_piece<color, QUEEN>()])) |
(tables::attacks<ROOK>(s, occ) & (pieces[make_piece<color, ROOK>()] | pieces[make_piece<color, QUEEN>()]));
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Bitboard attackers_of(Square s, Bitboard occ) const {
return attackers_of<BLACK>(s, occ) | attackers_of<WHITE>(s, occ);
inline void set_fen(const std::string& fen);
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string fen() const;
inline friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Position& p);
template<Color color>
inline void play(Move move);
template<Color color>
inline void undo(Move move);
template<Color color>
inline void play_null();
template<Color color>
inline void undo_null();
inline Position::Position(const std::string& fen) {
inline void Position::reset() {
side = WHITE;
template<bool update_hash>
inline void Position::place_piece(Piece piece, Square square) {
pieces[piece] |= square_to_bitboard(square);
board[square] = piece;
if constexpr (update_hash) { ^= ZOBRIST_PIECE_SQUARE[piece][square];
template<bool update_hash>
inline void Position::remove_piece(Square square) {
if constexpr (update_hash) { ^= ZOBRIST_PIECE_SQUARE[piece_at(square)][square];
pieces[piece_at(square)] &= ~square_to_bitboard(square);
board[square] = NO_PIECE;
template<bool update_hash>
inline void Position::move_piece(Square from, Square to) {
Piece piece = piece_at(from);
place_piece<update_hash>(piece, to);
inline u8 Position::castling_state(Bitboard from_to) const {
i32 white_oo = !(from_to & PositionState::WHITE_OO_BANNED_MASK) << 3;
i32 white_ooo = !(from_to & PositionState::WHITE_OOO_BANNED_MASK) << 2;
i32 black_oo = !(from_to & PositionState::BLACK_OO_BANNED_MASK) << 1;
i32 black_ooo = !(from_to & PositionState::BLACK_OOO_BANNED_MASK);
return white_oo | white_ooo | black_oo | black_ooo;
inline std::string Position::fen() const {
std::ostringstream fen;
i32 empty;
for (i32 i = 56; i >= 0; i -= 8) {
empty = 0;
for (i32 j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
Piece p = board[i + j];
if (p == NO_PIECE) empty++;
else {
fen << (empty == 0 ? "" : std::to_string(empty)) << PIECE_MATCHER[p];
empty = 0;
if (empty != 0) fen << empty;
if (i > 0) fen << '/';
std::string castling_rights;
const Bitboard set_castling_state = castling_state(state_history.peek().from_to);
if ((set_castling_state >> 3) & 0b1) castling_rights += "K";
if ((set_castling_state >> 2) & 0b1) castling_rights += "Q";
if ((set_castling_state >> 1) & 0b1) castling_rights += "k";
if (set_castling_state & 0b1) castling_rights += "q";
if (set_castling_state == 0) castling_rights = "-";
fen << (side == WHITE ? " w " : " b ")
<< castling_rights
<< (ep_square() == NO_SQUARE ? " -" : " " + std::string(SQ_TO_STRING[ep_square()]))
<< " "
<< "0" << " "
<< "1";
return fen.str();
inline void Position::set_fen(const std::string& fen_string) {
// Push empty state to state history.
std::vector<std::string> fen_tokens = split(fen_string, " ");
if (fen_tokens.size() < 4) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Fen is missing fields. ");
const std::string position = fen_tokens[0];
const std::string player = fen_tokens[1];
const std::string castling = fen_tokens[2];
const std::string en_passant = fen_tokens[3];
const std::string half_move_clock = fen_tokens.size() > 4 ? fen_tokens[4] : "0";
const std::string full_move_counter = fen_tokens.size() > 4 ? fen_tokens[5] : "1";
side = player == "w" ? WHITE : BLACK; ^= ZOBRIST_COLOR[side];
Square square = a8;
for (char ch : position) {
if (isdigit(ch)) square += std::stoi(std::string(1, ch)) * EAST;
else if (ch == '/') square += SOUTH_SOUTH;
else place_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(piece_from_char(ch), square++);
} = PositionState::NO_CASTLING_MASK;
for (char c : castling) {
if (c == 'K') &= ~PositionState::WHITE_OO_BANNED_MASK;
else if (c == 'Q') &= ~PositionState::WHITE_OOO_BANNED_MASK;
else if (c == 'k') &= ~PositionState::BLACK_OO_BANNED_MASK;
else if (c == 'q') &= ~PositionState::BLACK_OOO_BANNED_MASK;
} ^= ZOBRIST_CASTLING_RIGHTS[castling_state(];
if (en_passant.size() > 1) {
auto s = create_square(File(en_passant[0] - 'a'), Rank(en_passant[1] - '1')); = s;
} else { = NO_SQUARE;
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Position& p) {
const std::string s = " +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n";
const std::string t = " A B C D E F G H\n";
os << t;
for (i32 i = 56; i >= 0; i -= 8) {
os << s << " " << i / 8 + 1 << " ";
for (i32 j = 0; j < 8; j++)
os << "| " << PIECE_MATCHER[p.board[i + j]] << " ";
os << "| " << i / 8 + 1 << "\n";
os << s;
os << t << "\n";
os << "FEN: " << p.fen() << "\n";
os << "Hash: 0x" << std::hex << p.hash() << std::dec << "\n";
return os;
inline bool Position::has_repetition(Repetition fold) {
int count = fold == THREE_FOLD ? 0 : 1;
const i32 hash_hist_size = static_cast<int>(state_history.size());
const u64 current_hash = hash();
for (i32 idx = hash_hist_size - 3;
idx >= 0 && idx >= hash_hist_size - fifty_move_rule();
idx -= 2) {
ZobristHash stack_hash = state_history[idx].hash;
if (stack_hash == current_hash) count += 1;
if (count >= 2) return true;
return false;
template<Color color>
inline void Position::play(Move move) {
PositionState next_state = {};
next_state.from_to = state_history.peek().from_to | square_to_bitboard(move.from()) | square_to_bitboard(;
next_state.captured = piece_at(;
next_state.hash = state_history.peek().hash;
next_state.fifty_move_rule = state_history.peek().fifty_move_rule + 1;
next_state.ep_square = NO_SQUARE;
if (move.is_capture() || type_of(piece_at(move.from())) == PAWN)
next_state.fifty_move_rule = 0;
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_COLOR[~color];
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_COLOR[color];
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_CASTLING_RIGHTS[castling_state(state_history.peek().from_to)];
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_CASTLING_RIGHTS[castling_state(next_state.from_to)];
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_EP_SQUARE[state_history.peek().ep_square];
if (move.type() & CAPTURE_TYPE && move.type() != ENPASSANT) remove_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(;
MoveType type = move.type();
switch (type) {
case DOUBLE_PUSH: = move.from() + relative_dir<color, NORTH>();
case OO:
if constexpr (color == WHITE) move_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(h1, f1);
else move_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(h8, f8);
case OOO:
if constexpr (color == WHITE) move_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(a1, d1);
else move_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(a8, d8);
remove_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>( + relative_dir<color, SOUTH>()); = make_piece<~color, PAWN>();
place_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(make_piece<color, KNIGHT>(),;
place_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(make_piece<color, BISHOP>(),;
case PR_ROOK:
place_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(make_piece<color, ROOK>(),;
case PR_QUEEN:
place_piece<ENABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(make_piece<color, QUEEN>(),;
default: break;
} ^= ZOBRIST_EP_SQUARE[state_history.peek().ep_square];
side = ~side;
template<Color color>
inline void Position::undo(Move move) {
PositionState old_state = state_history.pop();
move_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(, move.from());
MoveType type = move.type();
switch (type) {
case OO:
if constexpr (color == WHITE) move_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(f1, h1);
else move_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(f8, h8);
case OOO:
if constexpr (color == WHITE) move_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(d1, a1);
else move_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(d8, a8);
place_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(make_piece<~color, PAWN>(), + relative_dir<color, SOUTH>());
case PR_ROOK:
case PR_QUEEN:
place_piece<DISABLE_HASH_UPDATE>(make_piece<color, PAWN>(), move.from());
default: break;
side = ~side;
template<Color color>
inline void Position::play_null() {
PositionState next_state = {};
next_state.from_to = state_history.peek().from_to;
next_state.captured = NO_PIECE;
next_state.hash = state_history.peek().hash;
next_state.fifty_move_rule = state_history.peek().fifty_move_rule + 1;
next_state.ep_square = NO_SQUARE;
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_COLOR[~color];
next_state.hash ^= ZOBRIST_COLOR[color];
template<Color color>
inline void Position::undo_null() {
/* ------------------------ DEFINE MOVE GENERATION TYPE ------------------------ */
enum MoveGenerationType : i32 {
/* ------------------------ DEFINE CASTLING RIGHTS MASKS ------------------------ */
constexpr Bitboard WHITE_OO_BLOCKERS_MASK = 0x60;
constexpr Bitboard WHITE_OOO_DANGER_MASK = 0xC;
constexpr Bitboard WHITE_OOO_BLOCKERS_MASK = 0xE;
constexpr Bitboard BLACK_OO_BLOCKERS_MASK = 0x6000000000000000;
constexpr Bitboard BLACK_OOO_DANGER_MASK = 0xC00000000000000;
constexpr Bitboard BLACK_OOO_BLOCKERS_MASK = 0xE00000000000000;
template<Color C>
Bitboard oo_blockers_mask() {
if constexpr (C == WHITE) return WHITE_OO_BLOCKERS_MASK;
template<Color C>
Bitboard ooo_danger_mask() {
if constexpr (C == WHITE) return WHITE_OOO_DANGER_MASK;
template<Color C>
Bitboard ooo_blockers_mask() {
if constexpr (C == WHITE) return WHITE_OOO_BLOCKERS_MASK;
/* ------------------------ DEFINE MOVE GENERATOR ------------------------ */
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type = ALL>
class MoveList {
Stack<Move, 218> move_list{};
Position& board_;
struct SharedData {
Bitboard us_occupancy, them_occupancy, all;
Square them_king_square, us_king_square;
Bitboard us_king, them_king;
Bitboard us_ortho_sliders, us_diag_sliders;
Bitboard them_ortho_sliders, them_diag_sliders;
explicit SharedData(Position& board) {
us_occupancy = board.occupancy<color>();
them_occupancy = board.occupancy<~color>();
all = us_occupancy | them_occupancy;
us_king = board.occupancy<color, KING>();
them_king = board.occupancy<~color, KING>();
us_king_square = lsb(us_king);
them_king_square = lsb(them_king);
us_diag_sliders = board.diagonal_sliders<color>();
them_diag_sliders = board.diagonal_sliders<~color>();
us_ortho_sliders = board.orthogonal_sliders<color>();
them_ortho_sliders = board.orthogonal_sliders<~color>();
template<MoveType move_type>
void push(Square from, Bitboard to) {
while (to) {
Square to_square = pop_lsb(to);
if constexpr (move_type & PROMOTION_TYPE) {
constexpr MoveType is_capture = move_type & CAPTURE_TYPE;
move_list.push(Move(from, to_square, PR_KNIGHT | is_capture));
move_list.push(Move(from, to_square, PR_BISHOP | is_capture));
move_list.push(Move(from, to_square, PR_ROOK | is_capture));
move_list.push(Move(from, to_square, PR_QUEEN | is_capture));
} else {
move_list.push(Move(from, to_square, move_type));
template<MoveType move_type>
void push_single(Square from, Square to) {
if constexpr (move_type & PROMOTION_TYPE) {
constexpr MoveType is_capture = move_type & CAPTURE_TYPE;
move_list.push(Move(from, to, PR_KNIGHT | is_capture));
move_list.push(Move(from, to, PR_BISHOP | is_capture));
move_list.push(Move(from, to, PR_ROOK | is_capture));
move_list.push(Move(from, to, PR_QUEEN | is_capture));
} else {
move_list.push(Move(from, to, move_type));
constexpr Bitboard generate_danger(const SharedData& data);
constexpr std::pair<Bitboard, Bitboard> generate_checkers_and_pinned(const SharedData& data);
constexpr void push_check_evasions(const SharedData& data, Bitboard danger);
constexpr bool push_pawn_knight_check_captures(const SharedData& data, Bitboard checker, Bitboard pinned);
constexpr void push_en_passant(const SharedData& data, Bitboard pinned);
constexpr void push_castle(const SharedData& data, Bitboard danger);
constexpr void push_pinned(const SharedData& data, Bitboard pinned, Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask);
constexpr void push_non_pinned_pieces(const SharedData& data, Bitboard pinned, Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask);
constexpr void push_non_pinned_pawns(const SharedData& data, Bitboard pinned, Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask);
constexpr void push_promotions(Bitboard pinned, Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask);
explicit MoveList(Position& board);
[[nodiscard]] inline auto begin() const { return move_list.begin(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto end() const { return move_list.end(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto size() const { return move_list.size(); }
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void
MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_promotions(Bitboard pinned, Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask) {
Bitboard promotion_candidates = board_.occupancy<color, PAWN>() & ~pinned & MASK_RANK[relative_rank<color>(RANK7)];
if (!promotion_candidates) return;
Bitboard west_promo_capture = shift_relative<color, NORTH_WEST>(promotion_candidates) & capture_mask;
Bitboard east_promo_capture = shift_relative<color, NORTH_EAST>(promotion_candidates) & capture_mask;
while (west_promo_capture) {
Square s = pop_lsb(west_promo_capture);
push_single<PROMOTION_TYPE | CAPTURE_TYPE>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH_WEST>(), s);
while (east_promo_capture) {
Square s = pop_lsb(east_promo_capture);
push_single<PROMOTION_TYPE | CAPTURE_TYPE>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH_EAST>(), s);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == CAPTURES) return;
Bitboard quiet_promos = shift_relative<color, NORTH>(promotion_candidates) & quiet_mask;
while (quiet_promos) {
Square s = pop_lsb(quiet_promos);
push_single<PROMOTION_TYPE>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH>(), s);
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_check_evasions(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard danger) {
Bitboard evasions = tables::attacks<KING>(data.us_king_square, data.all) & ~(data.us_occupancy | danger);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == ALL) push<QUIET>(data.us_king_square, evasions & ~data.them_occupancy);
push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(data.us_king_square, evasions & data.them_occupancy);
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr std::pair<Bitboard, Bitboard>
MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::generate_checkers_and_pinned(const MoveList::SharedData &data) {
Bitboard checkers{}, pinned{};
checkers = (tables::attacks<KNIGHT>(data.us_king_square, data.all) & board_.occupancy<~color, KNIGHT>()) |
(tables::attacks<PAWN, color>(data.us_king_square) & board_.occupancy<~color, PAWN>());
Bitboard candidates = (tables::attacks<ROOK>(data.us_king_square, data.them_occupancy) & data.them_ortho_sliders) |
(tables::attacks<BISHOP>(data.us_king_square, data.them_occupancy) & data.them_diag_sliders);
while (candidates) {
Square candidate_square = pop_lsb(candidates);
Bitboard potentially_pinned = tables::square_in_between(data.us_king_square, candidate_square) & data.us_occupancy;
if (potentially_pinned == 0) checkers ^= square_to_bitboard(candidate_square);
else if (pop_count(potentially_pinned) == 1) pinned ^= potentially_pinned;
return {checkers, pinned};
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr Bitboard MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::generate_danger(const MoveList::SharedData& data) {
Bitboard danger = board_.occupancy<~color, PAWN>();
danger = shift_relative<~color, NORTH_WEST>(danger) | shift_relative<~color, NORTH_EAST>(danger);
danger |= tables::attacks<KING>(data.them_king_square, data.all);
Bitboard them_knights = board_.occupancy<~color, KNIGHT>();
while (them_knights) {
danger |= tables::attacks<KNIGHT>(pop_lsb(them_knights), data.all);
Bitboard them_diag_sliders_ = data.them_diag_sliders;
while (them_diag_sliders_) {
danger |= tables::attacks<BISHOP>(pop_lsb(them_diag_sliders_), data.all ^ data.us_king);
Bitboard them_ortho_sliders_ = data.them_ortho_sliders;
while (them_ortho_sliders_) {
danger |= tables::attacks<ROOK>(pop_lsb(them_ortho_sliders_), data.all ^ data.us_king);
return danger;
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_pinned(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard pinned,
Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask) {
Bitboard pinned_pieces = pinned & ~board_.occupancy<color, KNIGHT>() & ~board_.occupancy<color, PAWN>();
Bitboard pinned_pawns = pinned & board_.occupancy<color, PAWN>();
while (pinned_pieces) {
const Square s = pop_lsb(pinned_pieces);
Bitboard pinned_to = tables::attacks(type_of(board_.piece_at(s)), s, data.all) & tables::line_of(data.us_king_square, s);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == ALL) push<QUIET>(s, pinned_to & quiet_mask);
push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, pinned_to & capture_mask);
while (pinned_pawns) {
const Square s = pop_lsb(pinned_pawns);
const Bitboard line_of_s_king = tables::line_of(data.us_king_square, s);
if (rank_of(s) == relative_rank<color>(RANK7)) {
Bitboard pinned_pawn_to = tables::attacks<PAWN, color>(s) & capture_mask & line_of_s_king;
push<PROMOTION_TYPE | CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, pinned_pawn_to);
Bitboard pinned_pawn_to = tables::attacks<PAWN, color>(s) & data.them_occupancy & line_of_s_king;
push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, pinned_pawn_to);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == CAPTURES) continue;
pinned_pawn_to = shift_relative<color, NORTH>(square_to_bitboard(s)) & ~data.all & line_of_s_king;
Bitboard double_push_to = pinned_pawn_to & MASK_RANK[relative_rank<color>(RANK3)];
Bitboard pinned_pawn_double_push = shift_relative<color, NORTH>(double_push_to) & ~data.all & line_of_s_king;
push<QUIET>(s, pinned_pawn_to);
push<DOUBLE_PUSH>(s, pinned_pawn_double_push);
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_castle(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard danger) {
if constexpr (move_gen_type == CAPTURES) return;
Bitboard oo_path_in_danger = (data.all | danger) & oo_blockers_mask<color>();
if (board_.king_and_oo_rook_not_moved<color>() && !oo_path_in_danger) {
if constexpr (color == WHITE) push_single<OO>(e1, g1);
else push_single<OO>(e8, g8);
Bitboard ooo_path_in_danger = (data.all | (danger & ooo_danger_mask<color>())) & ooo_blockers_mask<color>();
if (board_.king_and_ooo_rook_not_moved<color>() && !ooo_path_in_danger) {
if constexpr (color == WHITE) push_single<OOO>(e1, c1);
else push_single<OOO>(e8, c8);
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_en_passant(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard pinned) {
if (board_.ep_square() == NO_SQUARE) return;
const Bitboard ep_attackers = tables::attacks<PAWN, ~color>(board_.ep_square()) & board_.occupancy<color, PAWN>();
Bitboard unpinned_ep_attackers = ep_attackers & ~pinned;
while (unpinned_ep_attackers) {
const Square s = pop_lsb(unpinned_ep_attackers);
const Bitboard ep_captured_pawn = shift_relative<color, SOUTH>(square_to_bitboard(board_.ep_square()));
const Bitboard masked_all = data.all ^ square_to_bitboard(s) ^ ep_captured_pawn;
const Bitboard attacking_ortho_sliders = tables::attacks<ROOK>(data.us_king_square, masked_all);
const Bitboard pseudo_pinned_attackers = attacking_ortho_sliders & MASK_RANK[rank_of(data.us_king_square)] & data.them_ortho_sliders;
if (pseudo_pinned_attackers != 0) continue;
push_single<ENPASSANT>(s, board_.ep_square());
const Bitboard diagonal_pinned_ep_attackers = ep_attackers & pinned & tables::line_of(board_.ep_square(), data.us_king_square);
if (diagonal_pinned_ep_attackers) {
push_single<ENPASSANT>(lsb(diagonal_pinned_ep_attackers), board_.ep_square());
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr bool MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_pawn_knight_check_captures(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard checker, Bitboard pinned) {
Square checker_square = lsb(checker);
Bitboard ep_checker_captures, attacking_checker;
Square epsq = board_.ep_square();
// For pawn and knight checks we must capture or evade, we cannot block them.
switch (board_.piece_at(checker_square)) {
case make_piece<~color, PAWN>():
// The checker was a double pushed pawn
if (checker == shift_relative<color, SOUTH>(square_to_bitboard(epsq))) {
// We can ep capture the double pushed pawn as it is not pinned.
ep_checker_captures = tables::attacks<PAWN, ~color>(epsq) & board_.occupancy<color, PAWN>() & ~pinned;
while (ep_checker_captures) {
push<ENPASSANT>(pop_lsb(ep_checker_captures), square_to_bitboard(epsq));
case make_piece<~color, KNIGHT>():
// Checker was a pawn or knight, we must capture (evasions assumed to be handled already)
attacking_checker = board_.attackers_of<color>(checker_square, data.all) & ~pinned;
while (attacking_checker) {
Square s = pop_lsb(attacking_checker);
// If they promoted to a knight, and we can capture and promote, do that.
if (type_of(board_.piece_at(s)) == PAWN && rank_of(s) == relative_rank<color>(RANK7)) {
push<PROMOTION_TYPE | CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, checker);
else push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, checker);
return true;
default: return false;
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_non_pinned_pieces(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard pinned,
Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask) {
Bitboard un_pinned_knights = board_.occupancy<color, KNIGHT>() & ~pinned;
while (un_pinned_knights) {
Square s = pop_lsb(un_pinned_knights);
Bitboard knight_attacks = tables::attacks<KNIGHT>(s, data.all);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == ALL) push<QUIET>(s, knight_attacks & quiet_mask);
push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, knight_attacks & capture_mask);
Bitboard non_pinned_diag = data.us_diag_sliders & ~pinned;
while (non_pinned_diag) {
Square s = pop_lsb(non_pinned_diag);
Bitboard non_pinned_diag_attacks = tables::attacks<BISHOP>(s, data.all);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == ALL) push<QUIET>(s, non_pinned_diag_attacks & quiet_mask);
push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, non_pinned_diag_attacks & capture_mask);
Bitboard non_pinned_ortho = data.us_ortho_sliders & ~pinned;
while (non_pinned_ortho) {
Square s = pop_lsb(non_pinned_ortho);
Bitboard non_pinned_ortho_attacks = tables::attacks<ROOK>(s, data.all);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == ALL) push<QUIET>(s, non_pinned_ortho_attacks & quiet_mask);
push<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s, non_pinned_ortho_attacks & capture_mask);
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
constexpr void MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::push_non_pinned_pawns(const MoveList::SharedData &data, Bitboard pinned,
Bitboard quiet_mask, Bitboard capture_mask) {
Bitboard non_pinned_pawns = board_.occupancy<color, PAWN>() & ~pinned & ~MASK_RANK[relative_rank<color>(RANK7)];
Bitboard left_pawn_captures = shift_relative<color, NORTH_WEST>(non_pinned_pawns) & capture_mask;
Bitboard right_pawn_captures = shift_relative<color, NORTH_EAST>(non_pinned_pawns) & capture_mask;
while (left_pawn_captures) {
Square s = pop_lsb(left_pawn_captures);
push_single<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH_WEST>(), s);
while (right_pawn_captures) {
Square s = pop_lsb(right_pawn_captures);
push_single<CAPTURE_TYPE>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH_EAST>(), s);
if constexpr (move_gen_type == CAPTURES) return;
Bitboard single_pawn_pushes = shift_relative<color, NORTH>(non_pinned_pawns) & ~data.all;
Bitboard double_pawn_pushes = single_pawn_pushes & MASK_RANK[relative_rank<color>(RANK3)];
double_pawn_pushes = shift_relative<color, NORTH>(double_pawn_pushes) & quiet_mask;
single_pawn_pushes &= quiet_mask;
while (single_pawn_pushes) {
Square s = pop_lsb(single_pawn_pushes);
push_single<QUIET>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH>(), s);
while (double_pawn_pushes) {
Square s = pop_lsb(double_pawn_pushes);
push_single<DOUBLE_PUSH>(s - relative_dir<color, NORTH_NORTH>(), s);
template<Color color, MoveGenerationType move_gen_type>
MoveList<color, move_gen_type>::MoveList(Position &board) : board_{board} {
const SharedData data(board_);
Bitboard danger = generate_danger(data);
push_check_evasions(data, danger);
Bitboard checkers{}, pinned{};
std::tie(checkers, pinned) = generate_checkers_and_pinned(data);
Bitboard capture_mask, quiet_mask;
switch (pop_count(checkers)) {
case 2: return;
case 1:
if (push_pawn_knight_check_captures(data, checkers, pinned)) return;
capture_mask = checkers;
quiet_mask = tables::square_in_between(data.us_king_square, lsb(checkers));
capture_mask = data.them_occupancy;
quiet_mask = ~data.all;
push_en_passant(data, pinned);
push_castle(data, danger);
push_pinned(data, pinned, quiet_mask, capture_mask);
push_non_pinned_pieces(data, pinned, quiet_mask, capture_mask);
push_non_pinned_pawns(data, pinned, quiet_mask, capture_mask);
push_promotions(pinned, quiet_mask, capture_mask);
} // Namespace MidnightMoveGen
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