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RTrace aretrace

  • Fairchildren, all of them
  • Svenborgia
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Frameworks like React require that when you change the contents of an array or object you change its reference. Or push another way that you don't change arrays but instead create new arrays with updated values (i.e. immutability).

There are older array methods that are incompatible with immutability because they alter the array in place and don't change the array reference. These are mutable (or destructive) methods.

Shown below are replacements for the array destructive methods (e.g. push, pop, splice, sort, etc.) that will create new array references with the updated data.

Solutions are provided using the spread operator and also the newer "change array by copy" methods (toSpliced, toSorted, toReversed and with).

Setting Value At Index

ityonemo /
Last active March 16, 2025 20:00
Zig in 30 minutes

A half-hour to learn Zig

This is inspired by


the command zig run my_code.zig will compile and immediately run your Zig program. Each of these cells contains a zig program that you can try to run (some of them contain compile-time errors that you can comment out to play with)

Everything I Know About UI Routing


  1. Location - The location of the application. Usually just a URL, but the location can contain multiple pieces of information that can be used by an app
    1. pathname - The "file/directory" portion of the URL, like invoices/123
    2. search - The stuff after ? in a URL like /assignments?showGrades=1.
    3. query - A parsed version of search, usually an object but not a standard browser feature.
    4. hash - The # portion of the URL. This is not available to servers in request.url so its client only. By default it means which part of the page the user should be scrolled to, but developers use it for various things.
    5. state - Object associated with a location. Think of it like a hidden URL query. It's state you want to keep with a specific location, but you don't want it to be visible in the URL.
rmela / SQL query results as nodejs read stream
Last active March 24, 2025 13:12
SQLite query results as nodejs readable stream
* Return SQLite3 query results as a Nodejs stream, sensitive to backpressure.
* Assumes a foo.db file with a lot of rows - I used 1000 with a number & a string
const stream = require('stream');
const sqlite = require('sqlite3');
class DBStream extends stream.Readable {
Last active March 26, 2025 15:12
Git Crash Course for Beginners

Git Crash Course for Beginners


A good understanding of Git is an incredibly valuable tool for anyone working amongst a group on a single project. At first, learning how to use Git will appear quite complicated and difficult to grasp, but it is actually quite simple and easy to understand.

Git is a version control system that allows multiple developers to contribute to a project simultaneously. It is a command-line application with a set of commands to manipulate commits and branches (explained below). This tutorial will help you get started, and in no time you will be a Git Ninja!


chitchcock /
Created October 12, 2011 15:53
Stevey's Google Platforms Rant

Stevey's Google Platforms Rant

I was at Amazon for about six and a half years, and now I've been at Google for that long. One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies -- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon does everything wrong, and Google does everything right. Sure, it's a sweeping generalization, but a surprisingly accurate one. It's pretty crazy. There are probably a hundred or even two hundred different ways you can compare the two companies, and Google is superior in all but three of them, if I recall correctly. I actually did a spreadsheet at one point but Legal wouldn't let me show it to anyone, even though recruiting loved it.

I mean, just to give you a very brief taste: Amazon's recruiting process is fundamentally flawed by having teams hire for themselves, so their hiring bar is incredibly inconsistent across teams, despite various efforts they've made to level it out. And their operations are a mess; they don't real