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Last active October 1, 2024 09:16
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Move docker volume to new vm . (Shutdown the stack / container first )
# Function to check if the required commands are available
function check_dependencies() {
local dependencies=("docker" "scp" "ssh" "tar")
for cmd in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
if ! command -v $cmd &> /dev/null; then
echo "$cmd is required but not installed. Please install it and try again."
exit 1
# Function to display available Docker volumes and let user pick one using 'select'
function select_docker_volume() {
echo "Available Docker volumes:"
volumes=($(docker volume ls --format '{{.Name}}'))
if [ ${#volumes[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No Docker volumes found."
exit 1
select volume_name in "${volumes[@]}"; do
if [[ -n "$volume_name" ]]; then
echo "You selected: $volume_name"
echo "Invalid selection. Please try again."
# Function to create a tarball of the volume
function backup_volume() {
echo "Backing up the volume..."
docker run --rm -v "$volume_name:/volume" -v "$(pwd):/backup" busybox tar czf "/backup/${volume_name}.tar.gz" -C /volume .
echo "Backup complete: $(pwd)/${volume_name}.tar.gz"
# Function to transfer the tarball to the destination VM
function transfer_backup() {
read -p "Enter the destination VM (user@hostname): " destination_vm
read -p "Enter the destination path on the VM: " destination_path
echo "Transferring the backup to $destination_vm..."
scp "${volume_name}.tar.gz" "${destination_vm}:${destination_path}"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Transfer failed."
exit 1
echo "Transfer complete."
# Function to restore the volume on the destination VM
function restore_volume_on_destination() {
read -p "Do you want to restore the volume on the destination VM now? (y/n): " restore_confirm
if [[ "$restore_confirm" == "y" || "$restore_confirm" == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Restoring the volume on the destination VM..."
ssh "$destination_vm" << EOF
docker volume create "$volume_name"
docker run --rm -v "$volume_name:/volume" -v "$destination_path:/backup" busybox tar xzf "/backup/${volume_name}.tar.gz" -C /volume
echo "Volume restored on the destination VM."
echo "Backup transferred. You can manually restore it later."
# Main script
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arevindh commented Oct 1, 2024

How to Use the Script:

Save the script to a file called


Make the script executable by running:

chmod +x

Run the script:


What the Script Does:

  1. Checks Dependencies: The script checks if required commands like docker, scp, ssh, and tar are available on your system.
  2. Volume Selection: It lists the available Docker volumes and allows you to pick one.
  3. Backup: It creates a compressed backup (tar.gz) of the selected Docker volume.
  4. Transfer: The script transfers the backup file to the destination VM using scp.
  5. Restoration: You can optionally restore the volume on the destination VM immediately after transfer using SSH.

Example of Volume Selection:

When you run the script, the terminal will show the list of available Docker volumes, and you can pick one by entering its corresponding number:

Available Docker volumes:
1) volume1
2) volume2
3) volume3
Select the number of the volume to move: 2
You selected: volume2

This script provides an easy-to-use, interactive way of selecting Docker volumes via the terminal and automating the migration of the Docker volume between VMs.


You might need to make volume external: true since the volume is created outside of docker compose on new server.

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