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Created November 12, 2011 00:51
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Encode into Base64
function btoa(
a, //String to encode
b, //Array of Base64 characters
c,d,e,f,g,x //Placeholder
for(d=a.length, //Set d to the input's length
e="charCodeAt", //Shortcut for String.charCodeAt
f=-[,2,1][d%3], //Get how many equal signs need to be added to the end
x=0; //Initiate iteration variable
x<d; //Continue loop until x exceeds the length of the input
g=a[e](x++)<<16|a[e](x++)<<8|a[e](x++), //Create a binary buffer of the three characters at x, while incrementing x by 3
c=[c]+b[g>>18&63]+b[g>>12&63]+b[g>>6&63]+b[g&63]; //Push the 4 characters described by that buffer to the returned buffer
return f?c.slice(0,f)+(~f?"==":"="):c;
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