Over the last four decades, AURA has driven a science model where astronomers and astrophysicists from any University or Institution, through rigorous peer-review, can access forefront facilities without having to be “black-belt” experts in the complex machinery of modern ground or space based telescopes. AURA’s most successful model of this broad engagement has been the Hubble Space Telescope, which, when measured by the metric of number of refereed papers/year integrated over the lifetime of the Observatory, has become the most productive science facility in history. Today, AURA confronts a new challenge: they are building a number of new facilities, which are specifically designed to generate huge data sets, most notably the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). LSST will continuously survey the entire Southern sky every three nights, generating over 15 trillion bytes of raw data per night. The over-arching science goals driving this facility are well known: The Nature of Dark