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Adam Argyle argyleink

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import { computed } from "@preact/signals-core";
import { css } from "lit";
import { html } from "@lit-labs/preact-signals";
import { WithShadowRoot } from "./element-utils.js";
class Counter extends WithShadowRoot(HTMLElement) {
count = this.attr("count", "0");
countInt = computed(() => parseInt(this.count.value));
private increment() {
bramus /
Created July 20, 2023 20:44
CSS Scrollbars

An issue we’ve heard from authors is that they want to know what scrollbars are doing and respond to that.

There’s a bunch of issues that might go hand in hand to actually solve this:

  1. [^1] Expose an env() variable that allows you to get the scrollbar-size. This is a fixed value, independent of whether a scrollbar is shown or not – it just gives you back the size
  2. [^2] A way to query which type of scrollbars are being used on the page.
  3. A container state query to be able to know if something is overflowing or not

If you combine these three, authors can do things like:

/* */
enScroll=!1,enFdl=!1,extCurrent=void 0,filename=void 0,targetText=void 0,splitOrigin=void 0;const lStor=localStorage,sStor=sessionStorage,doc=document,docEl=document.documentElement,docBody=document.body,docLoc=document.location,w=window,s=screen,nav=navigator||{},extensions=["pdf","xls","xlsx","doc","docx","txt","rtf","csv","exe","key","pps","ppt","pptx","7z","pkg","rar","gz","zip","avi","mov","mp4","mpe","mpeg","wmv","mid","midi","mp3","wav","wma"];function a(e,t,n,o){const j="G-XXXXXXXXXX",r=()=>Math.floor(Math.random()*1e9)+1,c=()=>Math.floor(,F=()=>(sStor._p||(sStor._p=r()),sStor._p),E=()=>r()+"."+c(),_=()=>(lStor.cid_v4||(lStor.cid_v4=E()),lStor.cid_v4),m=lStor.getItem("cid_v4"),v=()=>m?void 0:enScroll==!0?void 0:"1",p=()=>(sStor.sid||(sStor.sid=c()),sStor.sid),O=()=>{if(!sStor._ss)return sStor._ss="1",sStor._ss;if(sStor.getItem("_ss")=="1")return void 0},a="1",g=()=>{if(sStor.sct)if(enScroll==!0)return sStor.sct;else x=+sStor.getItem("sct")+ +a,sSto
rodydavis / color-utils.js
Created August 5, 2021 04:32
Github Copilot Color Utils 🔥
// Convert an RGB color to HSL
function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max == min) {
h = s = 0;
Myndex /
Last active March 2, 2025 12:52
A discussion that continues the Lab/Luv Gist. This one on working spaces and whitepoints.

Will Work For Color

Color Manglement and Working Spaces.

A continuation of the Lab/Luv Gist

Let's not forget the many other color appearance models and methods. CAM02-UCS, RLAB, LLAB, IPT, CAM16 which is Luo's work in progress, etc. Many choices beyond the 44 year old Lab. The fact that Lab is one of the PCS used in ICC profiles is notwithstanding. If you look through profiles, you'll see that Lab is typically used as a PCS in profiles for CMYK and printing, while RGB space and monitor profiles use XYZ for the PCS.

Among other things, XYZ is computationally simpler than Lab. XYZ is infinite/unbounded••, you can transit through it without much penalty assuming the same source and destination illuminant (D65), here the fact the PCS is "D50" is essentially irrelevant: we are never really "in" D50, just passing through. Gamut mapping, soft clipping, etc. are usually not a huge concern going from a D65 RGB to another D65 RGB especiall

scottjehl / whichones.js
Created August 21, 2020 15:40
which elements are wider than the viewport?
var list = [];
document.querySelectorAll("body *")
if(elem.getBoundingClientRect().width > document.body.getBoundingClientRect().width){
list.push(elem.outerHTML.split('>')[0] + '>');
confirm( "these elements are wider than the viewport:\n\n " + list.join("\n") )

Cascade Layers, a Proposal

A syntax proposal for Cascade Layers #4470. This does not include full discussion of the Cascade Layer purpose and use-cases, which can be found in the various linked issues, but attempts to answer many of the outstanding questions about how we might implement a layering feature.


  • Elika Etemad
  • Florian Rivoal
  • Miriam Suzanne
  • Tab Atkins Jr.
tomhodgins / css-input.css
Last active September 5, 2019 16:51
Code from “How to Design & Support Your Own Custom CSS Features”, watch on YouTube →
@--variation 1 {
body { background: lime; }
h1 { font-size: 10pt; }
@--variation 2 {
body { background: orange; }
h1 { font-size: 99pt; }
samthor / css-modules-plugin.mjs
Last active August 2, 2022 14:01
CSS Modules plugin for Rollup
import fs from 'fs';
// as per
export default function cssModules() {
return {
name: 'css-modules',
async load(id) {
if (!id.endsWith('.css')) {
una /
Last active March 11, 2020 13:15
CSS Color Functions

CSS Color Functions

Web developers and design systems developers often use functions to design components. With the increasing usage of design systems that support multiple platforms, and increased capability of Dark Mode in UI, this becomes even more useful to not need to manually set color, and to instead have a single source from which layouts are calculated. Currently Sass, calc() on HSL values, or PostCSS is used to do this.


  • Components with color variations based on calculations from a parent. (i.e. Button with outline that uses the primary button color to adjust the size)
  • Theming - Palletes based on a color or set of colors for themes. Especially when a single base system is used with multiple themes
  • Uniformity among transformations between components with different primary colors
