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Last active January 27, 2018 19:54
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  • Save arieljannai/33e0fd86d0b338bbc6db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Duplicates the given file or folder. Accept the regular copy command parameters as well
@echo off
rem if you want, you can change the cp command to the regular windows copy or xcopy or whatever copy command you like
for %%a in (%*) do set last=%%a
set source_file=%last%
set /a count=2
set all_params=%*
if exist "%source_file% - Copy" (
call :set_first_available_name "%source_file% - Copy (%count%)"
) else (
cp %all_params% "%source_file% - Copy"
goto :eof
IF EXIST "%source_file% - Copy (%count%)" (
set /a count+=1
call :set_first_available_name "%source_file% - Copy (%count%)"
) ELSE (
call :do_copy
goto :eof
cp %all_params% "%source_file% - Copy (%count%)"
goto :eof
exit /b
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